xiaoxiao2021-03-06  38

System.Resources.ResourceManager resources = new system.resources.resourceManager (Typeof (frmlawdocsub);

"ORA-01401] Insert value for column OOA / N" "ORA-00001: Violation of unique constraints (mrcd.pk_tdcp_propertyid / n" "ORA-02290: Violation of check constraints (mrcd.ck_cp_propertyid) / N"

"ORA-01401: Insert value for column / N"

"ORA-01401: Insert value for column / N"

"ORA-02290: Violation of check constraints (mrcd.ck_it_idtypeid / n"

"ORA-02291: Violation of full constraints (mrcd.fk_tdvehicleffactory_country) - Did not find parent keywords / N" -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Dominant-level system Golden Shield Network Data Synchronization Program Parameter Setting - Save Path Parameters Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Public Security Management Information System Data Synchronization Procedure of the Municipal System Golden Shield Network Data Synchronization Procedure, Need to specify a path to save the received data file:

Motor Vehicle Repair Envisor Management Information System The normal operation of the Municipal System Golden Shield Network Data Synchronization program requires connection to the ORE database to get synchronization data, to make the program to connect the database normally, you must configure the following parameters, most cases should be used by default Parameters: To ensure the normal operation of the municipal system of the motor vehicle repair industry, the function of the parameter setup program of the Golden Shield Network data synchronization program is very important. It is recommended to set the necessary password protection to ensure the correct parameters:

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

Commandtype.storedProcedure; /// cmd.Parameters.add ("inopruser", oracletype.varchar, 10); // cmd.parameters.add ("inoperate", oracletype.varchar, 40); // cmd.Parameters. Add ("inoprdate", oracletype.datetime); // cmd.parameters.add ("inResult", ORACLETYPE.VARCHAR, 80); // cmd.Parameters.add ("outisright", ORACLETYPE.NUMBER); /// / Cmd.parameters ["inopruser"]. Value = "xyx"; // cmd.parameters ["inoprdate"]. Value = datetime.now; // cmd.parameters ["inoperate"]. Value = "Configuring basic parameters "; // cmd.Parameters [" inResult "]. Value = msg; // cmd.Parameters [" outisright "]. Direction = parameterDirection.output; // cmd.connection = conn; // cmd.executenonQuery (); // iflag = int32.parse (cmd.Parameters ["Outisright"]. Value.tostring ()); // cmd.parameters.clear (); // cmd.dispose (); ///} // conn.dispose (); // conn.close (); // IF (iflag == 0) // Return true; // else // Return false; //} // # endRegion //} // catch (System.excep tion) // {// return false; //} // end catch //} // end void // #endregion private void XMLModifyCorpInfo (string CorpCode, string CorpName, string CorpAddr, string PhoneNum, string Fax, string PostCode, string PracticeDate, string EconSort, string FicPersonID, string FicPerName, string Squire, string OrderDepPhone, string WorkRange, string EnrolCapital, string Area, string OrderDept, string SpeTrRecID, string SpeTrRecDep, string SpeTrRecDepName, string TrLicenseID, string TrLicenseDep, string BusiCharterID, string BCOrgan String TaxRecid, String Revenue, String Report

(Punid, Corpcode, Pundate, PunPermid, Permdept, Permper, Executor, Punreason, Punsort, PUNEXTENT, BEPUNER, ISREAD; to ensure the normal operation of the motor vehicle repair industry security management information system municipal system, receiving the enterprise-end report data program The function of the parameter setup program is very important. It is recommended to set the necessary password protection to ensure the correct parameters: Motor vehicle repair industry public security management information system municipal system Receive Enterprise Report Data Procedure Using Database User Verify whether enterprise-end connection is legal, To make the program to connect to the database normally, you must configure the following parameters: Visual Studio

Regular expression See Wildcard | Interactive Search | Using Results List Search | Graduated Search Activity Document Regular Expression is a simple and flexible representation of the lookup and replacement text mode. The regular expression used in Visual Studio is a supercoming of the expressions used in Visual C 6.0.

In "Find", "Find" in the file "or" Replace in the File "dialog box, you can use the following regular expressions to improve and extend the search.

Note that you must select the "Use" check box in the "Find" check box in "Find", "Find" and "Replant in the file" dialog box before using any of the following expressions. You can match the characters or numbers in the search string using the following expressions:

Expression syntax illustrates anything. Match any of the characters other than the chart. Up to 0 or more * matches 0 or more search items in front expressions. Up to one or more match at least one search term in front expressions. At least 0 or more @ matches the 0 or more search items of the previous expression, match the as few characters as possible. At least one or more # matches one or more search items of the previous expression, matching as few characters as possible. Repeat N times ^ n matches N search terms in front expressions. For example, [0-9] ^ 4 matches the sequence of any 4 digits. The character set [] matches any character in []. To specify the range of characters, list the starting characters and end characters separated by the shortline (-), as shown in [A-Z]. The character set in the character set is matched to any characters in the character set after ^. The first position is positioned to the lead. The line of the line will be positioned to the end of the line. The word first "only matches when the word begins at this location in the text. The word "only matches when the word is ended in this location in the text. Packet () will group sub-expression. Or | Match the expression before or after the OR symbol (|). ). Most commonly used in groups. For example, (Sponge | MUD) BATH matches "Sponge Bath" and "Mud Bath". Essentials / matching characters after backslash (/). This allows you to find characters used in regular expressions representations, such as {and ^. For example, / ^ Search ^ characters. Tagged expression {} marked the text that the expression in the brackets. Nth tagged text / n In "Find" or "Replace" expression, indicates the text that matches the Nth tagged expression, where N is a number from 1 to 9. In the "Replace" expression, / 0 is inserted into the entire matching text. Right align field / (w, n) In the "Replace" expression, align the nth tagged expression in the field at least W characters wide. Left align fields / (- w, n) In the Replacement "expression, align at least W characters wide in the field in the" Replace "expression. It is forbidden to match ~ (x) When X appears to match this position in the expression. For example, REAL ~ (ITY) matches "Real" in "realty" and "real" without matching "Real" in "Reality". Alphanumeric characters: a match expressions ([A-ZA-ZA0-9]). Alphabetic characters: C matched expressions ([A-ZA-Z]). Decimal number: d Match expression ([0-9]). Hexadecimal number: h matches expression ([0-9A-FA-F] ). Identifier: i matching expression ([A-ZA-Z _ $] [A-ZA-Z0-9 _ $] *). Rational number: n Match expressions (([0-9] . [0-9] *) | ([0-9] *. [0-9] ) | ([0-9] )). Quatrical string: Q Match expressions ("[^"] * ") | ('[^'] * ')) alphabet string: W Match expressions ([A-ZA-Z] ) decimal integer : z matching expression ([0-9] ). Essentials / E Unicode U 001b. Bell / G Unicode U 0007. Q. 退 符 / h unicode U 0008.Netine / n matching and platform-independent Removal. In the "Replace" expression, insert a newline. Table Table / T Matching Table, Unicode U 0009. Unicode Characters / X #### or / U #### Match the Unicode value given The characters, where #### is a hexadecimal number. You can specify a character of the basic multi-language plane (ie, an agent item) with the Unicode code point of the value of the ISO 10646 code point or two supplies.

The following table lists the syntax that matches according to the standard Unicode character properties. The abbreviations of the two letters are the same as those listed in the Unicode character property database. These specify these as part of the character set. For example, expression [: ND: NL: NO] matches any type of number. Expression syntax Description uppercase letters: lu matches any uppercase letters. For example,: luhe matches "the" but does not match "the". Little-write letters: LL matches any lowercase letters. For example,: LLHE matches "the" but does not match "the". The word header case: LT matches characters combined with uppercase letters and lowercase letters, for example, NJ and DZ. Modifier letters: LM matches letters or punctuation, such as commas, cross-repetable auditors, and double apostropters, used to represent the modification of the previous letter. Other letters: LO matches other letters, such as gothic letters AHSA. Decimal number: ND matches the decimal number (such as 0-9) and their double-byte equivalent. Alphanumeric: NL matches alphanumeric, such as Rome numbers and idiometric numbers. Other numbers: no match other numbers, such as the old italic numbers. Start punctuation: PS match start punctuation, such as left brackets and left braces. End Tier Sign: PE matching end punctuation, such as the right brackets and right braces. Left quotes: PI matches left double quotes. Right quotation marks: Pf matching single quotes and right double quotes. Dash: PD Match Dragmark Number. Connection symbol: PC matches the underscore marker. Other punctuation: PO matching comma (,),?, ",!, @, #,%,, *, /, Colon (:), semicolon (;), ', and /. Blank separator: zs match Blank. Differential cleavage: ZL match Unicode character u 2028. Paragraph Division: ZP Match Unicode Character U 2029. No interval Navigation: MN Match No intervalted marking. Combination tag: ME matching closure Marks. Mathematical symbols: SM matching , =, ~, |, . Currency symbol: SC matching $ and other currency symbols. Modification symbol: SK matches the modified symbol, such as inhibition, inhibition symbol, and long sound symbols. Other symbols: SO matches other symbols, such as copyright symbols, paragraph tags, and degree symbols. Other controls: CC matches the end of the row. Other formats: CF format control characters, such as two-way control characters. Agent item: CS matching agent items Other private: CO matches any character of the private area. Other unassigned characters: CN matches characters that are not mapped to Unicode characters.

In addition to the standard Unicode character properties, you can specify the following additional properties. These properties can be specified as part of the character set.

Expression Syntax Description Alpha: AL matches any character. For example,: Alhe matches "THE", "" "," reached "and other words. Number: NU matches any number or number. Practice symbol: PU matches any punctuation, such as?, @, ', Etc. Blank: WH matches all types of spaces, including spaces for printing and condensing text. BIDI: BI matches characters written from right to left from right to the right to Arabic and Hebrew. Korean text: HA matches Korean and combined Korean letters. Pacific name: Hi matching flat false name. Fake name: KA matching film fake name character. Ideal text / Chinese characters / Japanese Chinese characters: ID matching expressions characters, such as Chinese characters and Japanese Chinese characters

See Wildcard | Interactive Search | Use Results List Search | Gradual Search Activity Document

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

if (@UnitID is Not null) Begin if (@DeptID is Not Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check T2, T_Unit T3 Where (t1.Checkid = t2.checkid) and (t3.Unitid = t2.Unitid) and t2.Unitid = @Unitid and t3.deptid = @Deptid and cast (control (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTIME, 120) AS dateTime)> = CAST (varchar (10), @ starttime, 120) AS datetime) and cast (convert (varchar (10), CorrectionTime, 120) as datetime) <= cast (convert (VARCHAR (10 ), @ Endtime, 120) as DateTime) order by DocumentID DESC; End; else if (@DocumentTypeID is Not Null and @DocumentNumber is Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID AS Docu mentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and (t3.UnitID = t2.UnitID) and t2.UnitID = @UnitID and t3.DeptID = @DeptID And T1.DocumentTypeId = @documenttypeid and cast (Convert (VARCHAR (10), CORRECTIONTIME, 120) AS dateTime> = CAST (varchar (10), @ StartTime, 120) as datetime) and cast (varchar) 10), CORRECTIONTIME, 120) AS dateTime) <= CAST (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by documentid desc; end; else @ @Documentnumber is not null and @ @ ocumentnumber is not null and @

DocumentTypeID is Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID ) And (t3.Unitid = t2.Unitid) and t2.Unitid = @unitid and t3.deptid = @Deptid and t1.documentnumber = @documentnumber and cast (convert (varcha (10), CorrectionTIME, 120) AS dateTime)> = CAST (Convert (VARCHAR (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS datetime) And Cast (varchar (10), CorrectionTime, 120) as datetime <= cast (var (VARCHAR (10), @ EndTime, 120 ) as DateTime) order by DocumentID DESC; End; else if (@DocumentTypeID is Not Null and @DocumentNumber is Not Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber , Docmemo, Correc tionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and (t3.UnitID = t2.UnitID) and t2.UnitID = @UnitID and t1.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID and t1.DocumentNumber = @ DocumentNumber and Cast (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS DateTime> = CAST (VARCHAR (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS datetime) And Cast (varcha (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120 AS dateTime) <= CAST (Convert (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by DocumentId DESC; END;

else Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and ( T3.Unitid = t2.Unitid) and t2.Unitid = @unitid and cast (convert (varchar (10), correctionTIME, 120) AS dateTime> = CAST (varchar (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS DateTime ) And cast (VARCHART (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS dateTime) <= CAST (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by documentid desc; end; end; end; End; else if (@DeptID is Not Null) Begin if (@DocumentTypeID is Not Null and @DocumentNumber is Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, Docmemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and (t3.UnitID = t2.UnitID) and t3.DeptID = @DeptID and t1.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID and Cast (Convert (Varchar ( 10), CORRECTIONTIME, 120) AS dateTime> = CAST (varchar (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS datetime) And Cast (var (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS dateTime <= CAST Convert (VARCHAR (10), @ EndTime, 120) as datetime) Order by Documentid Desc; End; Else IF (@Documentnumber is not null and @ @ @@

DocumentTypeID is Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID ) And (t3.Unitid = t2.Unitid) and t3.deptid = @deptid and t1.documentnumber = @documentnumber and cast (convert (var (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS dateTime)> = Cast (varchar (VARCHAR 10), @ StartTime, 120) AS dateTime) AND CAST (CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) as datetime) <= cast (convert (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by DocumentId DESC; End; else if (@DocumentTypeID is Not Null and @DocumentNumber is Not Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTi me from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and (t3.UnitID = t2.UnitID) and t3.DeptID = @DeptID and t1.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID and t1.DocumentNumber = @ DocumentNumber and Cast (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS DateTime> = CAST (VARCHAR (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS datetime) And Cast (varcha (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120 AS dateTime) <= CAST (Convert (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by DocumentId DESC; END;

else Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and ( T3.Unitid = t2.Unitid) and t3.deptid = @deptid and cast (convert (VARCHAR (10), CORRECTIONTIME, 120) AS dateTime> = CAST (varchar (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS DateTime ) And cast (VARCHART (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS dateTime) <= CAST (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by documentid desc; end; end; end; else if (@DocumentTypeID is Not Null and @DocumentNumber is Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit T3 Where (t1.checkid = t2.checkid) and (t3.Unitid = t2.Unitid) and t1.documenttypeid = @documenttypeid and cast (control (var)> = Cast (varchar) (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS dateTime) AND CAST (CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTIME, 120) AS dateTime) <= CAST (varchar (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order By DocumentID DESC; End; else if (@DocumentNumber is Not Null and @DocumentTypeID is Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID =

t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and (t3.UnitID = t2.UnitID) and t1.DocumentNumber = @DocumentNumber and Cast (Convert (VARCHAR (10), CORRECTIONTIME, 120) AS dateTime> = CAST (VARCHAR (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS datetime) And Cast (var (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS DATETIME ) <= Cast (Convert (Varchar (10), @ Endtime, 120) as DateTime) order by DocumentID DESC; End; else if (@DocumentTypeID is Not Null and @DocumentNumber is Not Null) Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) as DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document t1, T_Check t2, T_Unit t3 Where (t1.CheckID = t2.CheckID) and (t3.UnitID = t2.UnitID) and T1.DocumentTypeId = @documenttypeid and t1.documentnumber = @documentnumber And Cast (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTime, 120) AS dateTime> = CAST (VARCHAR (10), @ StartTime, 120) AS datetime) And Cast (vrchar (10), CorrectionTIME, 120) as DateTime) <= Cast (Convert (Varchar (10), @ Endtime, 120) as DateTime) order by DocumentID DESC; End; else Begin Select DocumentID, t3.UnitName, (Select DocName from TD_DocumentType where DocumentTypeID = t1.DocumentTypeID) As DocumentType, DocumentNumber, DocMemo, CorrectionTime from T_Document T1, T_Check T2, T_Unit T3 Where (t1.checkid = t2.checkid) and (t3.Unitid =

T2.Unitid) and cast (VARCHAR (10), CorrectionTIME, 120) AS dateTime)> = CAST (Convert (var (10), @ StartTime, 120) as datetime) and cast (varchar (10), CorrectionTIME, 120) AS dateTime) <= cast (var (10), @ endtime, 120) as datetime) Order by documentid desc; end; string path = validateuser.getsavePath (); if (! Directory.exists (Path) )) {Directory.created;} // end if string [] s = directory.getFilesystemTementries (PATH); INT i = S.LENGTH; I ; string sysdate = system.datetime.now.tostring (); String Sysname = "AA" " " - "," "). Replace (", ""). Replace (":", ") i.tostring () " - " DictName; string XMLName = path @ "/" SysName "xml."; XmlTextWriter xml = new XmlTextWriter (XMLName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); xml.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xml.WriteStartDocument (false) #Region Xml.WritStartElement ("jinduntbdata");

XML.WritStartElement (DictName);

XML.WritStartElement ("PRESYMBOL"); XML.WritString ("jxtbzd"); xml.writeEndelement ();

XML.WriteStartElement ("OPERSYM"); XML.WritString ("1"); xml.writeEndelement ();

IF (PrimaryValue! = "&&primaryValue! = NULL && DICTA! =" && DICTA! = NULL && DICTB! = "&& Dictb! = null && Dict! =" && Dict! = null) {xml.writestartElement (DictPrimary); Xml.writestring (PrimaryValue); XML.WriteEndelement (); XML.WritStartElement (Columa); XML.WritString (DICTA); XML.WriteEndelement ();

Xml.writeStartElement (Columb); XML.WritString (DICTB); XML.WriteEndelement ();

Xml.writeStartElement (Columc); XML.WritString (DICTC); XML.WriteEndelement ();} else {if (PrimaryValue! = "&&primaryValue! = Null && Dicta! =" && Dicta! = null && Dictb! = "&& DICTB! = NULL && DICTC ==" ") {XML.WritStartElement (DICTPRIMARY); XML.WritString (PrimaryValue); XML.WriteEndelement ();

Xml.writeStartElement (Columa); XML.WritString (DICTA); XML.WriteEndelement ();

Xml.writeStartElement (Columb); XML.WritString (DICTB); XML.WriteEndelement ();} // end if else {ix (primaryValue! = "&&primaryValue! = null && dicta! =" && dicta! = null && Dictb == "&& Dictc ==" ") {XML.WritStartElement (DICTPRIMARY); XML.WritString (PrimaryValue); Xml.writeEndelement ();

Xml.writeStartElement (Columa); XML.WritString (DICTA); XML.WriteEndelement ();} // end if else {return;} // end else} // end else if} // end if Xml.writeEndelement );

xml.WriteEndElement (); #endregion xml.Flush (); xml.Close ();} // end void "Execute requires the Command object to have a Transaction object when the Connection object assigned to the Command is in a pending local transaction "The Transaction Property of the Command Has NOT BEEN INITIALIZED."


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