Author: tansf After installing the GCC, your system has the function of compiling C / C and other source code. My installation process is noted: To copy the package used in the installation process to the relevant directory 1. Enter the command rpm -i GCC-3.2.3-34.i386.rpmerror: failed dependencies: CPP = 3.2.3-34 is needed by GCC-3.2.3-34 glibc-weve> = 2.2.90-12 is needed by GCC-3.2.3 -34 libgcc> = 3.2.3-34 is needed by GCC-3.2.3-34 Suggested Resolutions: glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.3.i386.rpm
2. Enter the command RPM -I GCC-3.2.3-34.i386.2-95.20.i386.RPM libgcc-3.2.3-34.i386. rpm CPP-3.2.3-34. i386.rpmerror: Failed dependencies: glibc-headers is needed by glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.20 glibc-headers = 2.3.2 is needed by glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.20 Suggested resolutions: glibc-headers-2.3. 2-95.3.i386.rpm
3. Enter the command rpm -i GCC-3.2.3-34.i386.2-95.20.i386.2-95.20.i386.2.386.2.3-34.I386.RPM CPP-3.2.3-34. I386.RPM glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.20.i386.rpmeror: failed dependencies: kernel-headers is needed by glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.20 kernel-headers> = 2.2.1 is needed by glibc-headers- 2.3.2-95.20 Suggested Resolutions: glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.34.i386.rpm [root @ remote_server eyesompack] #
4. Enter the following before you can successfully install RPM -UVH GCC-3.2.3-34.i386.2-95.20.i386.rpm libgcc-3.2.3-34.i386.rpm CPP-3.2.3 -34.i386.rpm glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.20.i386.2-95.20.i386.2-8.34.i386.rpm
5. Enter the command GCC after installation, then return to GCC: No Input Files