The lesson of Struts developed blood

zhaozj2021-02-12  176

1. Need to pay attention to case in the JSP page

For example:

If you write

Then this idiot JSP will not find Edit.css files

2. Code conversion

All Chinese needs conversion, join

Try {article_key_words = new string (article_key_words.getbytes ("ISO8859-1"), "GB2312");} catch (unsupportedencodingexception ex) {}

Of course, you can also use Filter (a class that is executed before the Serlet and Response can be defined in Web.xml), and replace the request's Encoding to GB2312.



Outp.output (DOC, New FileoutPutStream ("../ power / exampleb.xml")));


Return ActionMapping.FindForward ("Success");

// Success is "/exampleb.xml"

There will be an error! Because the action's Perform method is multithreaded, for this thread being executed, the output file still needs time, before this page is not output, this page cannot be reached.

4. Definition in Struts-Config.xml

Be sure to pay attention to the correctness of the format, such as

Such an error. This error made me a headache for a few days (I used JBuilder8 compiled), and finally found.

5. Strue. . . .

6. Struts is limited to workflow. If the definition of workflow is high, it is recommended to give up Struts. Of course, the author is studying the combination of Struts and workflow.

Hey, in order to graduate, you have to write a point the paper. (: There is a suggestion.


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