360 degree: is a general electrical company employee to obtain written and / or verbal feedback from the same level, group member or customer, a process by Which Ge Employees Obtain Written and / Or Verbal Feedback from A Sample of Peers, Team Members and customers
Black Belt: It is a leader of a process improvement project. He is trained and obtained the certification of Six Sigma method and tools, and is responsible for the successful implementation of the plan. A Process Improvement Project Leader Who Is Trained And Certified In SIX Sigma Methodology and Tools and Who Is Responsible for Successful Project Execution
BMC: A leadership course called "Business Management Course". A Leadership Course Entitled Business Management Course
Boundarylessness: is a culture of universal electrical companies that encourage team spirit, cooperation and sharing of best methods between various functional departments and various business. A Ge Value That Encourages Teamwork, Cooperation and Sharing of Best Practices Across Functional Areas and Among Ge Business
BST: Borderless Sales Team Boundaryless Sales Team
CAM: Corporate Area Manager
CAP: Change Acceleration Process - is a process for assisting a general-purpose electrical company for assisting achieving changes, which is part of General Electric Corporation Management Tools. Change Acceleration Process - Ge Process Designed to Assist In Change Implement; Part of The GE Tool Kit
CBSI: Customer Business Services - is a third-party service provider of General Electric. Provide payroll and other commercial services, mainly for financial services. Client Business Services, Inc. - a Third Party Services Provider to Ge. Performs Payroll and Other Business Services, Mainly Financial
CEC: Company Execution - is the employee conference hosted by the Chair, involving all managers of all business in general electrical companies. Corporate Executive Council - a stff Meeting Held by The Chairman Involving The Leaders of All The GE Business
COS: Business opportunity system - is a bus system in General Electric, can be viewed in the internal network of General Electric. Career Opportunity System - a GE Company-Wide Job Posting System Available on The GE Intranet
COSMOS: Protocol Service Model System - is a pricing, range and cost model of long-term service protocol. Contractual Services Modeling System - a Pricing, Scope, Costing Model For Long Term Service Agreements
Cost Center Cost Center: It is an alphabetic order encoding that defines business ingredients, internal door division and cost type. An Alphaumeric Code That Identifies The Business Component, Department Withnin A Component and Type of Expense
Crotonville: It is a company leadership and training sector located in Ossining, New York. GE CORPORATE LOCATED IN OSSININING, N.Y.CSR: Company employee assessment or customer service representative. Corporate Staff Review Or Customer Service Rep
CTQ: Quality Elements - is defined by the customer to be very important for the product / service or process. Critical to Quality - Characteristics of a product / service or process, defined by the customer as vital to the
Defect: Any result of waste, rework or failing to meet customer requirements. Any Outcome That Can Result In Waste, Rework, or Failing to Meet a Customer Requirement
DFSS: In the new process development, the Six Sigma Fa is designed or used in Six Sigma. Design for SIGMA, or Using Six Sigma Methodology in The Development of a New Process
DFT: Demand Flow Technology. DEMAND FLOW TECHNOLE
Dial Comm: The company has a private telephone network that is only used for business calls. Company-OWNED Private Telephone Network for Business Calls Only
DMAIC: Define method analysis improvement control - is a method of improving existing processes to achieve six Sigma levels. Define Measure Analycent Followed to Improve Upon An Existing Process To Reach The Level of Six Sigma
DPMO: Six Sigma Faults, refers to the defect rate in each million opportunities. There is a number of defects in each million opportunities. SIX Sigma Terminology for DEFECTS Per Million Opportunities. Measurement of The Number of Defects That Would Exist Given ONE MILLION OPPORTUNIS
EAP: Employee Assistance Program Employee Assistance Program
EDC: Executive Development Course - Three Three Execute Management Courses in General Electric companies are the third and for the last course. Executive Development Course - The Third and Last of Ge's Three Executive Management Courses
EDI: Electronic Data Exchange - is a business file transfer between computers, such as electronic billing or universal electrical companies and orders between customers or suppliers. Electronic Data Interchange - Computer to Computer Transfer of Business Documents, E.G.
EEDP: Edison Engineering Development Plan - Training and Development Plan for accelerating the development of new design projects in General Electric. EDISON ENGINEERING Development Program - Training and Development Program Designed to Accelerate The Development of Ge's New Design Engineers
Elfun: The leading organization of General Electric Company managed by local manager, responsible for organizing spokespersons and providing local community support. A Ge Leadership Organization Run by local events and this provides local community supportems: Your universal electrical company's internal resume, performance and business plan file. Your Internal GE Resume, Performance and Career Planning Document
EUC: End User Calculation - is a company ingredients, providing end-user calculation support by assembling table and email, network and file / print services. End User Computing - a Corporate Component That Provides End User Computing Supput Through The Help Desk and Provision of E-mail, Web and File / Print Services
Exempt / Exempt Employees Exemption / Enjoy exemption: It is its position from the employee of the Federal Justice Standards Act. Employees whose positions area exempt from the Federal Fair Labor Standards ACT
Fairfield: General Electric Corporation Headquarters located in Fairfield, Connectica. GE CORPORATE Headquarters Location: fairfield, conn.
Fiscal Calendar Financial Calendar: The financial year includes 52 weeks, divided into four all-in-one 13 weeks, including 3 financial months each quarter. At present, the first month of the quarter is five weeks, and the other two months are around. The fiscal year is composed of 52 weeks, divided into four equal quarters of 13 weeks with each quarter consisting of three fiscal months. At present, the first month of each quarter has five weeks, the remaining two have four weeks each.
FMP: Financial Management Plan - is a training program for careers for financial professionals. Financial Management Program - a Training Program for Finance Professionals Early in Their Career
FSA: Flexible spending bills - is a mechanism to pay for unpaid medical insurance or pay associated daily overhead with tax forehead. Flexible Spending Account - a Mechanism Through Which To Pay Id Dail Care Expenses with preted DOLLARS WITH PRETAX DOLLARS
GEBIC: General Electric Corporation Business Information Center - is an answer customer or user to inquire about General Electric's industrial products, services and technical issues, GE Business Information Center - The Corporate Organization That Will Answer Questions About Ge's Industrial Products, Services and Technical Matters Phoneed in by Customers and Uses
GEMB: General Electric Corporation Medical Welfare - One of Universal Electrical Corporation Medical Insurance Options, all employees in all regions. GE Medical Benefits - One of the GEAalth Care Options; Available To Employees in All LocationSgreen Belt Green Belt: It is a function similar to black zigma role, but the length of training and plan is shorter. SIX Sigma Role Similar in Function To Black Belt, Butleleth of Training and Project Scope Are Reduced
HCP: Promotions Health Treatment - is one of the medical options for General Electric, for employees in most areas. Health Care Preferred - One of the gehaalth Care Options; Available To Employees in Most Locations
HRLP: Human Resources Leadership Plan - is a training program provided to human resources professionals. Human Resource Leadership Program - a Training Program for Human Resource Professionals
I-9 Table: Employees must fill in to indicate that new employees have shown their identity prove and new employees have received employment, qualification and test form EMPLOYMENT, Eligibility and Verification Formonstrate A. New Hire Has Presented Proof of Identity and That The New Hire Is Legally Permitted to Work in The United States
IMLP: Information Management Leadership Plan - is a training program for the premature career of information management professionals. Information Management Leadership Program - a Training Program for Information Management Professionals Early in their carat
Le: The elements of the leaders are part of the Krotonville leadership syllabus. Leadership Essentials a Course Offering Which IS Part of Crotonville's Leadership Curriculum
LSDC: Leadership Skill Developing Course Leadership Skills Development Course
LTDI: Long-term loss capacity insurance LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE
LTSA: Long Term Service Agreement LONG TERM Service Agreement
M & A: Purchase Mergers and Acquisitions
MAIC: Measurement, Analysis, Improvement, Control. Process the steps for completing the Six Sigma Fa. Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control. Process Steps for Completion A SIGMA Project
MDC: Management Development Course - The first part of three consecutive development courses in General Electric Company. Management Development Course - The First in a Series of Three Executive Developments in Ge
MGPP: Multi-Generation Product Plan Multi-Generation Product Plan
MSDC: Manage Skill Development Course Managerial Skills Development Course
NMDC: New Manager Development Course New Manager Development Courseenonexempt / Nonexempt Employee does not enjoy the exemption / do not enjoy the exemption of employees: its position is subject to employees under the Jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Labor. Note: Verify its applicability with your personnel manager. Employees Whose Positions Are Covered by The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Note: Check with your HR Manager for Applicability
NPI: New Product Introduction New Product Introduction
OMBUDSPERSON: is an employee of contact with employee and company. It is a way to influence the misconduct of reports that affect your position when you have your superiors. An Employee That ACTS AS A LIAISON BETWEEN Employees and Ge. A Vehicle To Report Improney Atis for Your Manager Would Possibly Compromise Your Position
OMLP: Operational Management Leadership Plan - is a training and development plan for speeding up new operations and procurement engineers in general electrical companies. Operations Management Leadership Program - Training and Development Program Designed to Accelerate The Development of Ge's New Operations and Sourcing Engineers
P & E: Factory and Equipment Plant and Equipment
Productivity Productivity: It is a method of measuring the relationship between input and output. Measurement of Relative Improvement in Output from Resource INPUT
QMI: Quick production information, is also a general language in the regular group or summarizing the current project situation. Quick Market Intelligence; Also, The Common Term for Regular Group Or Staff Meetings That Provide Current Project Status
RFP / RFI / RFQ: It is a proposal / information / quotation requirement for suppliers or vendors. Request for Proposal / Information / Quote from A Supplier or Vendor
ROI: Return - is the relationship between net income and mean investment. Can be calculated before tax before tax or tax. It is the most commonly used financial performance measurement method. Return on Investment - The Relationship of Net INCOME TO AVERAGE INVESTMENT. May Be Calculated Before or After Taxes. One of the Most Common Business Financial Measurements
ROS: Sales Rotary - is the relationship between net income and sales. It is also a general financial measurement method. Return on Sales - Relationship of Net INCOME TO SALES. Also A Common Financial Measurement
S & SP: Savings and Safety Programs - is a conservation plan provided by General Electric, providing long-term and tax savings. Savings and security Program - a Savings Program Offered by GE That Provides An Opportunity for Long-Term Savings and Tax Savings
S1 / S2: It is a long-term financial planning and prediction. S1 is a three-year financial plan and S2 is a financial plan for the next year. Problems and changes, employees' reunification and performance and continuous planning process. An Annual Process To Review Organization Issues and Changes, Employee Promotability and Performance, and Succession Planning
Six Sigma Six Sigma: It is a quality standard for the process of reacting a process. Sigma Measurement has no error (error or defect is the ability to process the processing ability of the customer's dissatisfaction). Sigma is better. Six Sigma is equal to 3.4 defects (DPMO) in every millions of opportunities. At the same time, this is also a way to complete the quality plan. A quality standard that indicates how well a process is performing. The sigma measures the capability of the process to perform error free work, where an error, or defect, is anything that causes customer dissatisfaction. The higher the sigma the better. Six Sigma equals 3.4 Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO). Also, The Methodology Utilized to Complete a Quality Project.
Spirit & The Letter Spirit and Text: It is a brochure describing the professional ethics policy of Universal Electric Company. Each employee needs to sign it here and confirmed once a year. A Booklet Describing Ge Integrity Policies Which Every GE Employee Is Required To Sign and Reacknowledge Annually
STD: Short-term loss of ability. Short-Term Disability
T & L: Travel and life expenses for business purposes. TRAVEL AND LIVING Expenses INCURRED For Business Purposes
TEPC: The Travel Expensive Center in Phoenix, Arizona, dealing with T & L expenditure table. THE Travel Expense Processing Center in Phoenix, Ariz. That Processes T & l Expedse Forms
TLP: Technical Leadership Plan - Usually applicable to newly entry engineering graduates. Technical Leadership Program - Typically For Entry Level Engineering Graduates
TQM: Overall Quality Management Total Quality Management
TQP: The overall quality process - is a formal certification of gold, silver, and copper levels. Total Quality Process - a Quality Program That Includes Formal Certification of Branches Into Bronze, Silver Or Gold Levels
TSLP: Technical Sales Leadership - is a training and development plan for universal electrical companies new technology sales staff. Technical Sales Leadership Program - Training and Development Program For Ge's New Technical Sales ProfessionalSturnover: Measure a financial year payment and / or inventory asset cycle cycle. This term is also used to describe the proportion of employee issued from a certain business area within a particular year. .................................. ..
Work-Outtm: General Electric Corporation's processing, making employees identify issues and opportunities for improvement and opportunities and develop their business through local or urban conferences. GE Process Empowering Employees To Identify Issues and Opportunities To Improve And Grow Their Businesses Through Local OR Town Meeting Formats
YTD: The annual accumulation - is a financial tag, such as YTD as of July. Used to describe from January to current performance. Year-to-Date - Financial Benchmark, E.g., July Ytd. Used to describe results for the portion of the year since january