1. Domain Name and File Name: Select a domain name and file name that contains your key keyword. Your domain name should be convenient to spell and memorize. Your keyword is in many cases, it is your file name. If your key The word google ranking, the best way to go in your domain name, the best way is Google.com greater than xxgoogle.com is greater than how Google.xxx.com is greater than xxx.com/google, and the filename is best Google.htm For personal interest, a web page, google ranking, http://www.earth365.com/google/google.htm
2. Key words phrase a. Using a keyword that is easy to search, not necessarily a hot keyword. You can check one in Google, see how many pages in the query beta, you know this The effect of keywords. B. Add similar keyword phrases with keywords in text. For example: Google ranking, you can add some Google left rankings, Google rank optimization .c. Play keywords in Title (this is very important
3. Key words density: For network optimization, keyword density is very important. Key words density refers to your ratio of your "keyword" in your text. You can analyze your competition The opponent uses the density of keywords. A high keyword density will be considered cheats by the search engine, and is included in the blacklist and the name. Generally, it is considered to be around 4%. Your keyword is in the web page, the better, the better, the better, As for you have your keywords in every paragraph, depending on your page text. (There is a different website, add some keywords before code, this method is not used by search engines of).
4. Bad tip: bad skills will be included in the blacklist by the search engine. Many skills will be considered to be a disadvantage, such as: CloAking, invisible text, small text, exactly the same page, door Page, refresh labels (this happens in the page rankings for the search engine, then jump, time to set too short), link factory, only use keyword filled with annotation, high-density keyword, lens page, mirror Shooting site. Note that the author tag also uses keywords, or it may be considered to be a disadvantage, and all images in the web page do alt. When you use these skills, it is possible to in a short time Get high rankings, but soon, your site will be punished.
5. Title and Description Tags: Title is the most important part of optimizing keywords, each page should have 2-3 different main keywords, these keywords are best in the page, the better, general advice Title does not exceed 75 characters. Below is a short Description description: content = "Description Phrase", your description should have at least 2-3 your keywords, your first sentence should also have your keyword In each page, "Titlte", "Description", "keyword" instructions should be different. You can use a keyword, you can also use keyword phrases as the title of improving keyword. Description best The main keywords are sentenced, such as Earth Village: http://www.earth365.com I wrote this:
7. Author and Robots Tags: Author Tag should not be your keyword, but your company name, this helps your company ranks in the first position. Robots tab Mainly Description What page You want to search for search engine, which does not want to be retrieved, if you want to be retrieved, you can use the Robots tag, or use:
8. Quality content. The website of a good content is crucial. He can attract people to visit and tell others to visit and bring a lot of reverse links to you. You The content must first have your keywords.
9. The quantity of the content: The content is of course the best. Something, content and quality are the foundation of the site survival.
10. Dynamically changed: If there is a page with dynamic, you can use Script, you can use several paragraphs to write several Script. In the HTM page, use Script to make some changes.
11. Avoid using dynamic domain names: Your page will have problems with PHP, ASP, or CF? Some search engines are retrieved. Use static pages as much as possible. Avoid using PHP, ASP or CF pages "?", Dynamics The webpage is very practical, but they have a database driver, confident that your navigation and website map chain to Earth365.com instead of Earth365.com?vn=0
12. Frame: Many search engines can't retrieve links in the framework, it is best not to use the frame. If you must use it, it is recommended to use alternating methods to enable the search engine to retrieve your page.
13. Site Map: A best navigation is actually your website map. A good website navigation structure is a link in all pages in your station pointing to the most important page in your site. For example, your home. At the same time, if you The website is very large, the website map should have no more than 100 links per page, divided into multiple pages.
14. Website Topic: When a search engine retrieves a website, he retrieves the subject of this website and ordinary title, determines the main topic of the website. If your website has a specific theme, you will be only a few sites. Titles and content refer to this keyword to better rankings. Use similar keywords to use in each different page, search engines will detect your website theme, so you will have a bigger advantage For example, my website http://www.earth365.com Theme is "Earth", in many pages, I have used the global keywords, such as "Earth Village", "Earth Environmental Protection", "Earth Miracle", etc. Wait, this improves the advantages of the website theme "Earth". 15. Website Design: Missing, our website is to do it to the user, instead of doing the search engine. If your site has a bad color color Or do not organize it, it is not convenient to read, then all your optimization work is only wasting time. Determine your website design convenient to use, make sure users can quickly find what he wants to find in your website.
16. Separate content and CSS style: Place all your formats in the CSS style, search engine will more incline this format, this way can also reduce your web file size, more text content, there will be a lot benefit.