Use this command to join a new specified key value, from the given example file, the basic method of use is as follows:
Command - Computer Name - Root Keame - [Sub Key Name - Type - Data] The following is a more detailed, specific representation:
Reg add [// machine /] keyname [/ v value] [/ ve] [/ t type] [/ s separator] [/ d data] [/ f]
Parameter and instructions:
Computer name, here about computer name, other commands will also be used, please note. Specify the remote computer name with Machine, if omitted, the default value is to use the current local computer, and cannot use the drive name to specify the remote computer name. The double reverse slash symbol in front of the computer name cannot be omitted. Such as: // MyDiac is a correct example.
Keyname: key name, here about the interpretation of the key name, other commands will also be used, please note.
Format: [rootkey /] Key
Rootkey is the root key
Root keys can use the following form:
Root key name
Abnormal form
Note: The HKLM and HKCU key values apply only to remote computers.
Key: subkey
The full name of the subkey under the selected root key
/ v Valuename
Add the name of the new key value to the specified registry, if there is a space, the character string should use quotation marks.
/ VE
Added empty key value name
/ t type
Specifies the type of digital or string used, these types are the same as Win9x, which is no longer detailed here.
/ s separator
Specifies the dividing character of the data string used by the registry, for example, when using the REG_MULTI_SZ type. By default, "/ O" is divided into characters.
/ f
Allows overwriting existing registry
/ d data
To the specified key in the registry to specify the data to the key value
Compare the registry of the current (local computer) with another registry or another registry on another remote computer. Output comparison results to a file.
Reg Compare [// machine /] keyname1 [// machine /] Keyname2 [/ v Valuename] | / VE] [/ s] [OUTPUT]
Parameter and instructions:
The specified computer name. Meaning is the same as above
Keyname1, Keyname2:
The key name, meaning and format of the registry is the same as above
/ V Valuename:
The name of the key value of the comparison, if there is a space, the character string should use quotation marks
/ VE, / VE
Compare the default (key name) key value
/ S, / s:
Compare all sub-keys
OUTPUT output
The switch parameter control output result in the following form:
/ OA, / OA: Outputs all parts of all parts and the same part
/ OD, / OD: Only different parts; / OS, / OS: only output the same part
/ ON, / ON has no output
Returns the meaning of the code:
0: Successfully carried out, the result of the comparison is the same
1: The comparison process failed; 2- successfully carried out comparison, the result of comparison is different from the same 3.REG COPY
Copy the registry or remote computer to a new location (or on your computer).
Reg Copy [// Machine /] SourceKey [// Machine /] DestinationKey [/ s] [/ f]
Parameter and instructions:
The specified computer name. Meaning is the same as above
SourceKey and DestinationKey:
"Source" button and "destination" key: The key name, meaning and format of the registry is the same as above
/ s:
Copy all sub-keys and key values
/ f
Forced copy
A example: REG COPY HKLM / SOFTWARE / Myco / MyApp HKLM / Software / Myco / SavemyApp
Here, MyApp and SavemyApp are the subkey names in different registration tables, under the key name myco. The execution result is to copy myApp to SavemyApp.
As an example: REG COPY // Safari / HKLM / Software / Myco // Zodiac / HKLM / Software / Myco
The Zodiac and Safari here are the computer name, Myco is the key name in the registry of the two machines. The execution result is the key value of the Safari machine is copied zodiac. It is: 1. Both machines are remote computers. 2. The copied is all the contents below the key instead of one.
Ceramic example: REG COPY / / ZODIAC / HKLM / Software / Myco HKLM / Software / Myco1
The role is similar to the above, but Zodiac is a remote computer, and HKLM is currently used locally.
4.Reg Delete
Delete a registry, registry key value or subkey value.
Reg Delete [// Machine /] Keyname [/ V Valuename | / VE | / VA] [/ F]
Parameter and instructions:
Machine: The specified computer name. Meaning is the same as above
Keyname: The key name, meaning and format of the registry is the same as above.
/ v Valuename:
Specifies the name of the key value of the deleted key, if there is a space, the character string should use quotation marks.
/ VA: Delete all key values under this key
/ ve: Delete the key name
/ f: Forced deletion
5.Reg Export
Export the registry to a file. Only apply to the local computer export.
REG EXPORT Keyname FileName [/ NT4]
Parameter and instructions:
Keyname: The key name, meaning and format of the registry is the same as above.
Filename: Export registry file name
/ NT4 exported in registry format of WindowsNT4.0
6.Reg Import
Import (backup) a registry file into your computer. Applies only to local computers.
Reg Import FileName
Parameter and instructions:
FileName: Prepare the imported registry file name
7.Reg Load
The specified key value is temporarily loaded from the backup registry, which is similar to importing a key value using the Registry Editor.
Reg loading [// machine /] Keyname FileName
Parameter and instructions:
The Machine computer name, the parameter meanings are the same as above. Keyname: Temporary loaded key name, but the meaning and format is the same as above
Key: The specified key name is the collection of the root key or the following key value selected in the specified file. This temporary loaded key or its collection will be deleted next time, or use the reg unload command delete.
FileName: The specified file name.
8. REG Query
Show information about the related items, which means the items referred to may be the root key, subkey, or its key collection in the entire registry.
REG Query [// machine /] keyname [/ v valueename | / ve] [/ s]
Parameter and instructions:
Machine computer name, meaning as above
Keyname key names and formats are the same as above
KEY's subkey name under the root key
/ v Valuename: Specify the name of the key value to display, if there is a space, the character string should use quotation marks
/ VE: Displays the value of the key name.
/ s Displays all sub-keys below the specified key name
9. REG RESTORE Restore Registry
Reg restore [// Machine /] Keyname FileName
Parameter and instructions:
Machine computer name, meaning as above
Keyname key name, meaning and format is the same as above
File name, this file must be built with the reg save command
10.Reg Save
Save the registry, this operation is to export the entire registry to a file in a similar registry editor. Of course, you can also export a collection of a key or the subkey below.
Reg Save [// Machine /] Keyname FileName
Machine: Computer name, meaning is the same as above
Keyname key name, meaning and format is the same as above
The specified export file name, if the path is not specified, the file is saved by default in the current directory of the current computer; if it is a remote computer, the export file is saved in the% systemroot% / system32 folder when the path is not specified.
Note: HKLM / Security sub-keys cannot be saved. Because it is protected by system.
11.REG Unload
Remove the part of the load that removes the partial key or the following subkey collection that is originally loaded with the red load command.
Reg unload [// machine /] keyname
Parameter and instructions:
Machine computer name, meaning as above
Keyname key name, meaning as above