Install a JSP running environment under Windows 2000

zhaozj2021-02-12  150

Software used:

1, APACHE_1_3_12_WIN32.EXE

2, JDK-1_2_2_008-win.exe



The above software can be downloaded on and website.

Ok, let's take a look at how to install the JSP's operating environment under Windows 2000 by installing these software.

1, install apache:

First run the apache_1_3_12_win32.exe file to start the installer. In the installation process, I install Apache into the C: / Program Files / Apache / directory.

After the installation is complete, open the httpd.conf file to make some modifications, run the Install Apache as a service program in the Apache program group, and install the Apache into a service of Windows 2000.

Finally, run the service console in the management tool, find Apache, run it, OK, Apache installation, now you can enter http: // localhost / in the browser, you should be displayed in C: / Program Fiels / Apache / HTDOCS / under the list of files, if it is displayed, indicating that your Apache has successfully installed.

2, install JDK:

The purpose of installing JDK is mainly to install a Java's running environment on your machine. Of course, if you installed JRE, but you can write and run the Java program, why not do it?

Ok, let's see how to install JDK, run JDK-1_2_2_008-win.exe to start installing. Follow the installer step by step, where the JDK is installed under C: / JDK1.2.2, and JRE is installed in C: / Program Files / JavaSoft / JRE /.

Add path information, click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variable, find the path variable in the system variable, edit it, add C: /jak1.2.2/bin at its end, through the semicolon and front Existing path information is separated. Click OK, Apply.

Ok, now open a DOS window, run the java command to see if the Java command is used to help: :). If there is, you will show that your JDK has been installed successfully.

3, install Tomcat:

All right! Other work is done, there is no Tomcat that is not installed, let us continue:

Unzip the file to the C: / directory, modify the name of the folder to Tomcat.

Open the system variable dialog again, click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables, find the PATH variable in the system variable and add a C: / Tomcat / bin path information at the end. Also add two variables:

Tomcat_Home = "C: / Tomcat"

Java_home = "c: /jdk1.2.2"

Ok, now you should say that your Tomcat is already installed, open the DOS window, run the startup script command in the C: / Tomcat / bin / down, the system will automatically pop up a DOS window, the title of the window writes java.exe Information, then you can open your browser input: http: // localhost: 8080 /, Enter, haha, Tomcat appeared in front of you. Tomcat is successful. The above installation process, if everything goes well, you have already matched the JSP's running environment, but now tomcat is running in a stand-alone mode. Let's take a look, how to embed Tomcat to apache execution :)

When Tomcat runs, there is a file called tomcat-apache.conf in the C: / Tomcat / conf / directory. In order to let Tomcat embed an Apache, you need to contain this file into apache's httpd.conf file, simple The method is to add a line of INCLUDE C: / Tomcat/conf/tomcat-apache.conf at the end of httpd.conf.

Then extract to C: / Program Files / Apache / Modules / Under, restart the Apache server, then enter http: // localhost / example / jsp / Enter in your browser to see what effect? Haha, some JSP page examples comes with Tomcat are displayed in the browser, select a look, JSP can really run on your machine: :)

All right! Tap, now you can learn the syntax of JSP and test the JSP program you wrote on your machine.


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