This article configuration environment:
JBuilder X
JDK 1.4.2
Mysql 4.0.11 Driver: mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar (
Hibernate 2.1
Unzip Hibernate
Open JB, New Engineering, named: Hibernate
Join Hibernate needs to drive with MySQL
Steps: File-> New Project-> Name Enter hibernate, Directory Select the path you want to store this project -> Next
-> Required libraries-> add-> new-> name Enter the hibernate package name / r
-> Add-> Select your Hibernate to decompress the directory, select all JAR packages in this directory with all JAR packages in the lib directory, and add your mysql driver package.
Then press OK, NEXT.
Create a new class, named, the code is as follows:
Package hibernate;
Public class hello_bean
Private string name; // Here Name and Address and ID name can be set, there will be no effect. But the GET and SET methods cannot be. Because it is to correspond to the database and the configuration file.
Private string id;
Public Hello_Bean () {
Public Hello_Bean (String Name, String Address) {// Constructor, I believe you will understand after reading this chapter.
Public String getName () {// This method name must be the same as the corresponding name in the Hello_Bean.hbm.xml file, will be detailed below
Return Name;
Public void setname (String name) {
Public string getaddress () {
Return Address;
Public void setaddress (String address) {
Public string getId () {// must
Return ID;
Public void setid (String ID) {// must
Complete this step by compilation / R
Copy the in the SRC folder in the directory after Hibernate to copy the Classes directory of the file to your project directory.
(For example, in the hibernate / classs / directory),
Open file, find
## HypersonicsQL
Hibernate.dialev Net.sf.hibernate.dialect.hsqldiaLect
Hibernate.Connection.driver_class org.hsqldb.jdbcdriver
Hibernate.Connection.username SA
Hibernate.Connection.url JDBC: HSQLDB: HSQL: // localhost
Change to
## HypersonicsQL
# hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.hsqldiaforct
# hibernate.connection.driver_class org.hsqldb.jdbcdriver
# Hibernate.Connection.username SA
# hibernate.connection.password
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: HSQLDB: HSQL: // localhost
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: HSQLDB: TEST
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: HSQLDB :.
Found again
## mysql
# hibernate.dialev Net.sf.hibernate.dialect.mysqldiact
# hibernate.connection.driver_class
# hibernate.connection.driver_class com.mysql.jdbc.driver
# hibernate.Connection.URL JDBC: MySQL: /// TEST
# hibernate.connection.username root
# hibernate.connection.password
Change to
## mysql
Hibernate.Dialev Net.sf.hibernate.dialect.mysqldiaLect
Hibernate.Connection.URL JDBC: MySQL: // localhost: 3306 / test
Hibernate.Connection.username root
Please change to your own URL
Create yourself Test database
Create an empty file after completion, save in the same folder in your project class file (such as hibernate / classes / hibernate / directory), the file name is: hello_bean.hbm.xml
The content is as follows:
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
"- // Hibernate / Hibernate mapping DTD 2.0 // en"
Slightly explanation,
TABLE specifies the name of the database table you want to create, free to modify, no impact.
Add a field name and address, note that the type attribute type here is string, if the type here is different from the type set in is not the same.
Save after modification.
Finally, in JB, create a class, name is, I will explain step by step, the code is as follows:
Package hibernate;
Import Net.sf.hibiBernate.cfg.configuration;
Import Net.sf.hibActory;
Import net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.schemaExport;
Import net.sf.hibernate.Session;
/ **
* @Author
* QQ:
* /
Public class hello {
Public hello () {
Public static void main (string [] args) throws exception {
Configuration cfg = new configuration (). Addclass (hello_bean.class); // initialized with hello_bean.class class
SessionFactory sessions = cfg.buildsessionFactory (); // Get a sessionFactory object / RSession session = sessions.opensession (); // to get a session in the OpenSession method for sessionFactory (); //
New SchemaExport (CFG) .create (True, True); // This sentence means a creation table, after the first run, it is created after the table will add this line. If you don't comment out later, you will delete the previously created table and re-build one.
Hello_bean my_hibelnate = new hello_bean (); // Get a Hello_Bean object / R
my_Hibernate.setName ("my_name"); // Set the name value of the Hello_Bean object is my_name, which is actually the value of the string my_name as the database field name. The database field name is GetName in the Hello_Bean class, the setName method is corresponding of. Form a mapping relationship.
my_hibernate.setaddress ("my_address"); // (my_hibernate); // This sentence is important, write my_hibernate objects into the database (Name in my_hibernate object, we have just set a value, will write the Name, Address value into the database)
Session.flush ();
session.close ();
Finally, you can run.
If you are unclear, you can download the example of this article to see it, run.
After downloading, you can use JB to open hibernate.jpx. Add Hibernate and MySQL driver before using it, and if you don't know, look at the beginning of this chapter.
Common error:
Caused by: org.dom4j.documentexception: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 SEQUENCE. NESTED Exception: Invalid Byte 2 of 2-Byte UTF-8 Sequence.
If this line is wrong, your XML configuration file has an irregular character, check it.
Net.sf.hibernate.mappingexception: Error Reading Resource: Hibernate / Hello_Bean.hbm.xml
If this line is wrong, your Hibernate's XML configuration file is wrong / R
Net.sf.hibernate.mappingexception: resource: hibernate / hello_bean.hbm.xml not found
If you appear this line error Description Hibernate's XML configuration file is not found, you should put the XML file in the same directory with your class file, this article is placed in the hibernate / class / hibernate / directory, which is hello_bean. Class class files together.
Net.sf.hibernate.propertyNOTFOUNDEXCEPTION: COULD NOT FIND A SETER for Property Name In Class Hibernate.Hello_Bean
If this line error occurs, the value of the field name Name set in your XML file is inconsistent with the getxxx or setxxx method in the class.
Net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: JDBC Driver Class Not Found:
If you have this line error, your MySQL driver does not add JB Current or not in ClassPath.
(Name: This article comes from a netizen on the Internet, after the revision of myself)