Http:// The following code is used for the String to the UnicDe code under the GSM Modem AT command. CString ExchangeMsg (CString MSG) {CSTRING RETSTR; CHAR AA [500] = ""; int LEN = msg.getlength (); bstr x = msg. Allocsystring (); long Num = * ((long *) x-1) For (int i = 0; i
} Else {membcpy (txt, aa, len1);} if (Num <= 0x0f) {Sprintf (BB, "0% X", NUM);} else {sprintf (BB, "% x", Num);} Retstr.format ("% s% s", bb, txt); retstr.makeupper (); int msglth = RetStr.getLength (); Return RetStr;} OPC Technology Forum OPC Server, customer program technology discussion