After Mysql is installed
Change the root password
Set Password
'root' @ 'localhost' = password ('123');
Or directly change the contents of the Password field in the mysql.user table
2. Create a database and table
There are many types of tables, if it is ordinary mean default type Myisam
This is a memory table if it is a temporary mesh type.
If there is a complex operation, such as foreign keys, transactions use InnoDB types
About foreign bonds, first, the table must be InnoDB, and the foreign key field must be an index.
Plus Drop Table if EXISTS TAB_NAME when you create a table;
3. Export data
There are two ways:
(1). Export to Excel:
Select * from kj into outfile 'd: //1.xls';
(2). Export is SQL:
> mysqldump dbname tabname> backupname.sql;
4. Import data:
Corresponding to the corresponding:
Load Data Infile 'D: //1.xls' Into Table TBName