1. Determine the correct option using the preposition or adverbs in the verb group
Shanghai Lao is thinking that the proposition staff wants to examine whether candidates have mastered the usage of a verb group, sometimes a verb appears in four options when designing four options, just the neutral or adverbs behind it. When doing this type, Shanghai Lao is thinking that if we know a word group, according to your judgment, I don't hesitate to choose what you think is the right option. Shanghai Lao is recommending if you don't know or take it, we can derive it according to the context and the preposition or adverbs behind the verb.
1) Having Decided to Rent A Flat, We__contacting all the accountmodation agent agencies in the city. (CET4 in January 1998)
The answer to this question is a). Before I say "I have decided to rent a house, we contact the intermediary business ..." Here you need to fill in "start". For 4 words after the verbs, only About has the meaning of "be About", so A is the correct answer. Incounting, in the SET ABOUT structure, About is a preposition, so it will use the verb's -ing if it follows the verb.
2) When He Realized The Police Had Spotted Him, The Man_The EXIT AS Quickly As Possible. (CET4 in January 1991)
A) MADE OFF B) MADE for C) Made out d) MADE UP
The answer to this question is B). The space to be filled here is the meaning of "going", here only "for" is "to ... direction" on the same horizontal line. Note that there is an exit in the sentence, indicating that the man is in a building, so it is impossible to use Out the EXIT (note context), and OUT is an adverb, and the contacts are needed when the name is required, so the correct option is B) instead of c).
2. Use the verb determination options in the verb group
Some of the four options in the four options are the same, and the verb is different. At this time, according to the teaching experience of Shanghai Laozheng School, we can use the difference in verbs to determine the correct option, as in the following example:
If You_The Bottle and Cigarettes, You "Ll Be Much Healthier. (CET6 in January 1997)
A) Take Off b) KEEP OFF C) Get Off D) SET OFF
This question answers are b). KEEP and OFF are "with ... Keep the distance, stay away from ...", according to the sentence "If you don't drink wine (here Bottle refers to wine), smoke, you will be healthier, the correct option is B ).
3. Interpretation reference synonym
Due to the semantic association between the sentence, a part of the sentence sometimes constitutes an explanation relationship, and the Shanghai Lao is recommended to determine the option according to the section already shown. 1) The Medicine IS on Sale Everywhere. You can get it at__chemist "s. (Cet4 in June 1997)
A) Each b) Some C) Certain D) Any
The correct option is d). The eveningwhere in the previous sentence determines the space in the second sentence filled (At) Any (Chemist "s).
2) The Manager Spoke Highly of Such__as loyalty, courage and trutfulness shown by his Employees. (CET4 in January 1998)
A) Virtues b) Features C) Properties D) Characteristics
The correct option is a). The noun behind the AS in this sentence is Loyalty (loyalty), truthfulness, and truthfulness is the explanation of noun at the space. The three names in this sentence are summarized by the "virtue", so the answer to this question is A).
4. Curable reference type synonym
This refers to a "result" in a sentence or in two sentences or through "because", or through "fruit". This is the use of grammatical relationships to determine options, as follows.
1) Some Old People Don "T Like Pop Songs Because The CAN" T__So Much Noise. (CET4 in January 1997)
A) resistb) sustainc) undergo
The correct option is C). This sentence is from DON "TLIKE ..., the CAN" T Tolerate is launched, indicating that "cannot tolerate".
2) As a result of caleless Washing, The Jacket__to a child "s size. (CET4 in January 1998)
A) compressedb) shRankc) Droppedd) Decreased
The correct option is b). The correct options "acRless Wash" introduces the correct option B) ShRank, meaning "shrink". Note that only b in the four options indicates that "clothes shrink" means: a) a) tight, compression; c) decreased; d) decrease.
3) Since The Matter Was ExtremeLy__, We dealt with it immediately. (January 1998 CET4) a) Toughb) TENSEC) Urgentd) Instant
The correct option is C). The adverbs "immediately" in the second half can introduce "urgent" in the first half sentence.
5. Transition or antisense and contrast reference type
This type of question is that the option is determined by turning the words or antonyms, or comparative words, and some are words in the sentence to determine the turns in the option.
1) Even though he was guilty, The__judge did not send him to prison. (CET6 in January 1997)
A) Mercifulb) impartialc) conspcientiousd) conspicuous
The correct option is a). The guilty and the main sentence in the controversial clause indicates that the judge is a "kind" person. So a) is correct. The other three means: b) hiest, fair; c) has a conscience; D) is remarkable.
2) __ Their Differences, The Couple Were Developing An Obvious and Genuine Affection for Each Other. (CET4 in January 1998)
A) But for allc) Above alld) Except for
The correct option is b). The their differences in the sentence, obvious and genuine affection determines that the turns in the option can only be for all, meaning "despite".
3) THESE Good Sare__for export, though a few of the home be sold on the home market. (June 1998 CET4)
A) essentiallyb) Completelyc) Necessarilyd) RemarkAbly
The correct option is a). Thought by turning words Though and comparative words Export and Home Market Determine the options A), meaning "basics". The other three do not meet the sentence.
4) Mr. Morgan Can Be Very Sad __, though in public He is extremely cheerful. (CET4 in January 1997)
A) by himselfb) in personc) in privated) AS Individual
The correct option is C). Thought and contrast in public ... Cheerful, by the latter half sentence, to determine Sad in private, means "private".
6. Antibony comparison reference synonym
Here, it refers to the use of a word or phrase in the sentence, coupled with the difference between the four synonym options to determine the correct option. 1) Competition, They Believe, __ The National Character Than Corrupt IT. (CET6 in January 1997)
A) Enforcesb) Confirmsc) IntensiFiesd) StrengThens
The correct option is d) Than determines the Corrupt (corruption, destruction) here is relative, so the blank should be filled in D), indicating "strengthening".
2) I think she hurt my feelings__Rather Than by Accident As She Claimed. (CET6 in January 1997)
A) Virtuallyb) Delibelelyc) @ appropriately
The correct option is b). By Accident is relative to the space by Rather Than. By Accident means "accidentally, inadvertently", it should be Delibelely, "deliberately".
3) AS An Excellent Shooter, Peter Practied Aiming At Both__targets and moving targets. (June 1997 CET6)
A) StandingB) stilld) Stable
The correct option is b). According to the clause, we know what the shooter can be shot, "Both ... and" indicates that Moving is relative to the space. Moving means "moving", with this relative to stationary, indicating "fixed, non-moving" means.
7. Language environment reference type
1) The President Made A__Speech At The Opening Ceremony of The Sports Meeting, Which Encouraged The Sportsmen Greatly. (CET4 in January 1997)
The correct option is a). "Encourage" indicates that the principal's speech is positive, affirmative. Only a) Vigorous is a commendatory word, meaning: powerful, other three things that are not in context from the words color.
2) HOWEVER, AT TIMES THIS BALANCE IN Nature IS __, Resulting In Anumber of Possibly Unforsen Effects. (June 1998 CET4)
A) Troubledb) Disturbedc) Confused) Puzzled correct option is b). Balance in Nature was destroyed from the result in nature from the second half of the sentence. Disturb meets Jeemp.
8. Determine the correct selection according to the meaning of the word
The same word will always appear in the same semantic field. The same phenomenon in the examination questions is mainly the same as the verbs and nouns, adjectives and nouns, nouns and nouns.
1) The Government is trying to go something to__better Undering Between The Two Countries. (CET4 in June 1997)
A) Raise b) promote C) Heighten D) Increase
The correct option is b). The contents of the better and space belong to the reproduction of verbs and nouns. There is only b) Promote to match the better understanding, indicating "promoting".
2) John Dewey Believed That Education Should Be a Preparation for Life, That a Person Learns by Doing, And That Teaching Must__the Curiosity and Creativity of Children. (June 1998 CET4)
The correct option is b). There is only b) STIMULATE to match 4 options, indicating "incentive, excitation".
3) Remember That Customers Don "T__about prices in That City. (CET4 in January 1991)
A) debate b) dispute d) Bargain
The correct option is d). Bargain in Customers, prices, and options in this sentence can appear in the same semantic field. Bargain About phrase means: Just ... bargain.