Quoted from: http://www.cnblogs.com/icesNaker/archive/2004/07/31/29017. The positive biode two-way sorting of theaspx DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26817. SHTM DataGrid Delete Confirmation and Item Color Alternating http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26768.SHTM DataGrid FAQ (3) - Select, confirm, delete multi-line checkbox list in DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26613.shtm Using DataGrid Dynamic Bind DROPDOWNLIST http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26590.shtm DataGrid deletes in paging status Record questions http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26589.SHTM how to use the DataGrid control http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/26/26459.SHTM DataGrid Web control depth adventures (3) Part1 http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26249.SHTM DataGrid Web Control Depth Adventures (3) Part2 http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26250. SHTM DataGrid Web Control Deep Adventures (3) Part 3 http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26403.shtm DataGrid Page "Non-control Edition" http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/ 26 / 26002.SHTM DataGrid page issues (front and rear hopping) "control version" http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/26/26001.shtm DataGrid Web Control Deep Adventures (2) Part1 http: // dev .9cbs.net / develop / article / 25 / 25948.SHTM DataGrid Web Control Depth Adventures (1) http: // dev. 9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25816.shtm DataGrid Web Control Depth Adventures (2) Part2 http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/25/25949.SHTM How to generate scroll bars in DataGrid without Scroll head http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25538.SHTM uses the DataGrid data paging control on the .NET frame http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25474 .SHTM binds all the same formats in a directory to different DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25469.SHTM DataGrid Connect Access's fast paging method (5) - - Implement fast paging http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25294.SHTM DataGrid Connect ACCESS fast paging method (4) - Dynamically generate SQL statement http://dev.9cbs.net/develop /Article/25/25293.SHTM DataGrid Connect ACCESS fast page method (3) - SQL statement (descending) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25291.shtm DataGrid Connect Access Fast Piece (2) - Selection of SQL statements (
Supreme order) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25290.SHTM DataGrid Connect Access's fast paging method (1) - Demand and status http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/ 25 / 25288.SHTM Displays an applicable method of the DataGrid serial number http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/25/25113.SHTM FAQ DataGrid error (Other) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/ Article / 24 / 24460. SHTM XP style can be dragged, can be sorted, an example of DataGrid, which can change the width http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/24/24441.SHTM uses Radio to implement DataGrid single Select http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/24/24295.shtm Heavy painting series: DataGridColumnStyle test code http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/24/24191.shtm Timed OLEDBDataAdapter Decided to the DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/24/24148.shtm in WinForm Removes ASP: DataGrid Using UseState Method (2) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article / 23/23671.SHTM Removes ASP: DataGrid's useless viewState method (1) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/23/23670.SHTM DataGrid is not available to update problems http: // dev .9cbs.net / wevelop / article / 23 / 23376.SHTM Import DBF, XLS, XML, MDB files into C # DataGrid method http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/23/23036.shtm dynamic creation DataGrid template column http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/2222942.SHTM DataTable Data records http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/22/22710.SHTM (ASP.NET)
Use dynamic properties and DataView to implement DataGrid two-way sort http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/22/22513.SHTM How to synchronize two identical DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article / 22/22438.SHTM ASP.NET DataGrid performance test http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/22/22405.SHTM allows ASP.NET's DataGrid to be sorted, selectable, can be paged http: // Dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/22/22297.shtm DataGrid Traditional paging mode http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/21/21997.SHTM creates a DataGrid control in the postcode http: // dev .9cbs.net / develop / article / 21 / 21934.SHTM implements a DataGrid custom paging in the DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/21/21933.SHTM ASP.NET similar to Windows Explorer Features http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/21/21875.SHTM uses the DataGrid control in the Pocket PC application http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/21/21844.SHTM creation DataGrid (2) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/21/21594.SHTM creates DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/21/21/21/ 21593. SHTM DataGrid and Checkbox mixed using http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/21/21585.SHTM uses the session record DataGrid template column http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Develop/ Article / 21 / 21294. SHTM DataGrid template column TEXTBOX focus corresponding keyboard event http: //dev.9cbs. Net / develop / article / 21 / 21290.shtm Add to determine the deleted function to DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/20892.SHTM How to add automatic growth column http: // dev to DataGrid. 9cbs.net/develop/Article/20/20887.shtm How to use RadiobuttonList to implement the number of DataGrid columns http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/20789.shtm brocade DataGrid! Http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/20770.SHTM ASP.NET Webmatrix DataGrid Using Template Columns to Type Pattern Http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/20576 .SHTM format DataGrid output http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/20307.SHTM How to implement the Checkbox in which CHECKBOX in Datalist (DataGrid) is clicked in DataList (DataGrid) Choose or all http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/20290.shtm plus horizontal portrait to DataGrid (implemented in DataTable, DataBest)
Http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/20221.SHTM Based on ADO AdoDC Control DataGrid Control (complete original program) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/ Article / 19 / 19600.SHTM How to achieve custom and automatic page-page printing DataGrid displayed http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/19/19353.SHTM merge DataGrid in the same cell http: / /dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/19/19122.SHTM creates a fixed header, the table body scrolls the DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/18/18972.SHTM creates a cross-multiple column, DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/18/18971.shtm adds a total field in DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18856. SHTM adds confirmation deleted dialog in DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18838.shtm to add auto number to DataGrid Http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18 /18783. SHTM format DataGrid example [Convert 0, 1 value in the data into actual text] http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/18/18782.shtm Henry Hand -Web Form DataGrid's custom paging http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18760.shtm creates a fully editable DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18744.shtm DataGrid control Universal printing http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18711.shtm To DataGrid Add checkbox control http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Articl E / 18 / 18615.SHTM VB.NET About DataGrid Color Custom Http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18512.shtm Quickly adds a new row http: //dev.9cbs in DataGrid. Net / wevelop / article / 18 / 18487.shtm Henry Instruction - DataGrid event response (2) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/18/18315.SHTM DataGrid skills:
Code Control Posted in the color http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/17/17852.shtm Implement DataGrid print preview and printing http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/17 /17851.shtm Binding a DataGrid to an ADO Recordset http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/17/17850.shtm Creating DataGrid Templated Columns Dynamically - Part II http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/ Article / 17 / 17846.shtm Creating DataGrid Templated Column Dynamical - Part I http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/17/17845.SHTM DataTable, DataView and DataGrid Some Easy Confused Concepts HTTP: // dev .9cbs.net / west / article / 17 / 17840.SHTM dynamic management ASP.NET DATAGRID data list http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/17/17599.shtm Henry Inscription -DataGrid keyboard event response ( 2) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/17/17424.shtm Henry Instruction - from the Title of DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/17/17053.shtm Use nested DataGrid to realize the display http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/16/16960.SHTM DataGrid Nested use REPEATER http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article / 16/16834.shtm Henry Instruction - DataGrid Keyboard Event Response (1) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/16/16572.SHTM establishes a solid bidirectional sort for DataGrid control (ASP.N ET) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/16/16563.SHTM ASP.NET note (DataSet, DataGrid) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/16/16528.SHTM Add A drop-down box to DataGrid http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/16/16434.shtm Dataset exported CSV format (ASP.NET, C #) http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/16 /16311.shtm Henry: DataGrid event response http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/16/16273.shtm Henry Instruction: Winform DataGrid structure analysis (3) use code http://DEV.9CBS.NET /develop/Article/16/16088.shtm Henry: Winform DataGrid structure analysis (3) class code http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/article/16/16087.shtm Henry: Winform DataGrid structure analysis (three Http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/16/16086.SHTM ADO in VB.NET (