OFBIZ2.0 Line Setup Manual

zhaozj2021-02-12  184

Ofbiz 2.0 Straw Application Introduction - Installation Configuration

OFBIZ2 Research - Software Engineering Group of Internet Software Technology Laboratory Software Institute of Social Sciences

Leihui@intec.iscas.ac.cn) [2003-4-28]

1 installation configuration of the operating environment

Off is one of the most famous open source projects on www.sourforge.org. We currently study OFBIZ2.0. For more information on OFBIZ, see: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz/.

1.1 Tomcat4.1.18 mysql4.0 Ant1.5.2 OFBIZ2.0 J2SE1.4.1

OFBIZ can run on a separate servlet engine (such as Tomcat4.0), you can run in a complete J2EE container (such as WebLogic, JBoss & Tomcat).

To a certain extent, a complete J2EEJ2EE application server is required because JNDI, EJB, JMS, JTA, CONNTECTION POOLING, and other services, resource running containers. If there is no such, the function of OFBIZ will be subject to some restriction.

OFBIZ is currently compatible with most J2EE application servers, and it is better to make better compatibility.

TOCAMT4.1.18 is the default web server of the OFBIZ2.0, but if you want to use an EJB, JTA, you need to configure an App server, such as JBoss or WebLogic or other J2EE application servers.

The combination of the following is:

Tomcat4.1.18 mysql4.0 Ant1.5.2 OFBIZ2.0 J2SE1.4.1

This simplified version has been configured according to the above environment and can be used directly.

1.1.1 JVM

Ofbiz 2.0 operation and maintenance requires support for J2SE 1.3.1 or J2SE 1.4.1 or later. We currently choose J2SE 1.4.1.

Download address: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/download.html.

J2SE 1.4.1 Introduction Website: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/index.html.

Installation path: d: /bin/gpl/j2se1.4.1.

1.1.2 Web Server

Tomcat4.1.18, the current OFBIZ is fully tested on Tomcat4.1.18.

Download address: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/index.html.

Installation path: d: /bin/gpl/ofbiz2.0/tomcat4.1.18

1.1.3 Ant

Ant is a powerful compilation, package, deployment, and configuration tool for Java programs.

The latest version is 1.5.2, download URL: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi.

Installation path: d: /bin/gpl/ant1.5.2.

1.1.4 mysql4.0

MySQL4.0 is the latest version of the mysqls database of the mysqls database for a faster, stronger, preliminary transaction management function, see www.mysql.com. Install directly after downloading,

Download URL: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/mysql-4.0.html

Installation path: d: /bin/gpl/mysql4.0.

1.1.5 OFBIZ2.0

Download OFBIZ2.0 Relationship, URL: http://www.cnsqabsw.net.cn: Education Training: Courseware Download. Differently extract OFBIZ-LIMIT.ZIP directly. Or: http://www.cnsqa.com/down.html -> "OFBIZ Line Source Procedure .rar"

Installation path: d: /bin/gpl/ofbiz2.0/ofbiz. Note Be sure to be in a directory with Tomcat4.1.18.

1.1.6 Environment Variable Configuration

1, java_home = d: /bin/gpl/j2se1.4.1.

2, Catalina_Home = D: /bin/gpl/ofbiz2.0/tomcat4.1.18

3, OFBIZ_HOME = D: /bin/gpl/ofbiz2.0/ofbiz

4, ant_home = d: /bin/gpl/ant1.5.2

5, classpath =% java_home% / lib / Tools.jar

6, PATH =% java_home% / bin;% ANT_HOME% / bin.

The above environment variables If there is, it is not necessary to repeat the definition, it can be used directly.

1.2 system operation

1.2.1 Compile, package, deploy

Enter the installation directory D: /bin/gpl/ofbiz2.0/ofbiz from the console to the installation directory:

1, ANT CLEAN. Clear the temporary file generated by all system compilation.

2, ANT INSTALL. Deploy the operating environment.

3, ANT [Enter]. You can deploy OFBI to Tomcat4.1.18.

4, Ant Deploy: Like the "Ant" effect alone, it is compiled, coupled, packaged, and deployed throughout the application.

1.2.2 Start OFBIZ

During the deployment, OFBIZ's startup file has been automatically deployed to the% catalina_home / bin directory, you can run the OFBIZ.BAT (Linux under Linux to OFBIZ.SH) to turn off the OFBIZ, the specific command is as follows:

Run OFBIZ: OFBIZ RUN. Front run

Run OFBIZ: OFBIZ START. Background process

Stop OFBIZ: OFBIZ STOP. And manual "Ctrl-C" effect · There are not many, just rude.

After starting, if there is nothing wrong, it means that the system has automatically created a MySQL-based OFBIZ database and can work normally.

1.2.3 initialization

1. First need to run http: // localhost: 8080 / WebTools / Control / Main or

1, http: // localhost: 8080 / WebTools / Control / Install to load the default data, only the default data is loaded into the system, the system can run normally.

2. After the data is loaded, the default system administrator account is: admin, OFBIZ (located in the underlying Data table SecurityData.xml).

3, the system installation configuration, maintenance management is implemented using powerful webtools tools, application address: http: // localhost: 8080 / WebTools / Control.

4, The Default Group name for all of the default entities in offbiz is "org.ofbiz.commonApp", load it with org.Ofbiz.commonApp when loading data is loaded.

1.2.4 System main function

1, system directory structure

Follow the above system architecture, OFBIZ2.0's application system catalog structure is shown below (Figure 1-4) shows: CommonApp: OFBIZ provides an OFBIZ kernel application, which is a lower layer than other applications, it provides Maintaining other applications of other applications, all other applications (including your own application developed) are built, released, and maintained on its basis, and the configuration of Web frameworks, entity engines, and service engines in the OFBIZ system. The file is also present in the directory.

Content: A OFBIZ-based application based primarily, mainly to provide "content" management and maintenance, so-called "content" is all data you published in the application in this application. Located in the 3rd floor in the design frame of OFBIZ.

Core: Ofbiz's kernel program directory provides a core code that supports web frameworks, entity engines, service engines, located on the 2nd floor in OFBIZ's design framework.

Some JAR files used by Lib: OFBIZ use to support the system's compilation, deployment, and running.

Partymgr: A OFBIZ core-based application provided by OFBIZ has been formed, provided to the application to manage its system account (users). Located in the 3rd floor in the design frame of OFBIZ.

Setup: OFBIZ provides configured, packaged, deployed applications, or resource files required in the case of various environmental combinations.

WebTools: OFBIZ provides a core application based on the OFBIZ kernel to assist Core and CommonApp completed the maintenance and management of kernel systems and application systems, such as system cache management, and implementation and maintenance of entities and services related to entity, service engines. , Loading, export, import, etc. of basic data.

1.2.5 Access

If the system is installed successfully, access its sample application: http: // localhost: 8080 / **, "**" is the sample application name, type: http: // localhost: 8080 / CommonApp.

If you access Partymgr, type: http: // localhost: 8080 / partmgr.

1.3 summary

The above is just the integration of OFBIZ2.0 under Tomcat, and if you want to put the OFBIZ under the J2EE application server, you also need to integrate JBoss3.0.6. Because OFBIZ is currently just using primary J2EE components and services, including Servlet 2.3, JSP1.2, and JTA implemented by JDBC XA Wrapper And Connection Pool. The container that serves the first two components has Tomcat4x, supporting the JTA service to install an application server (such as JBoss), currently use the JDBC API directly to access the database.

It is only necessary to meet most of the application requirements and work well. If the application is mainly referred to as a certain extent, it is necessary to provide support EJB, JMS, JNDI, JTA, etc. When the service mechanism, you can consider using the application server JBoss or WebLogic, which is created: Tomcat4.1.18 mysql4.0 ofbiz2.0 other tool components for free combination or WebLogic7x Oracle9i Ofbiz2.0 other tool components of non-Free combination.

This article is designed to throw bricks, which can make more web application developers from the intensity, which is the original intention of opening sources, and our responsibility and research concept. The Internet Software Technology Laboratory of Software Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences was established in 1998. It is the direct research and development department of the software. It has a system support software technology, digital technology, software engineering and software quality assurance technology, and Internet technology is the main research field. Scientific research and development team. The development team where the author starts tracking and using J2EE / XML technology from 2001, and implements the Beijing Software Industrial Base Public Technical Support System - Integrated Service Management Platform (www.bsw.net.cn) on the basis of OFBIZ1.0 ). It is started to establish a research team from February this year, track and research based on OFBIZ2.0.0-based WEB application development framework.

This simplified version has been tested. If you are interested, you can contact your or research team to request a simplified version of the source code.

Contact: leihui@intec.iscas.ac.cn. Lei Hui


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