1. When installing Apache
./configure --prefix = installation directory --enable-so
It is necessary to pay attention to not installing PHP.
2. Install PHP
(1) ./configure --prefix = installation directory --with-apxs2 = Apache2 installation directory --with-oci8 = oracle_home
(2) CP php.ini-dist PHP installation directory / php.ini
(3) Edit the httpd.conf file in the confed directory under the Apache directory
Increase analysis of PHP extensions
AddType Applicaton / X-httpd-php .php
3.Apache default parsing port and default access directory, default page name
Listen 80
DocumentRoot "Your Web Directory"
4. Add automatic startup
Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local file
/ Apache directory / bin / apachectl start
5. Install Tomcat
In the 2-binding installation package
Enter the installation directory first
Then run the file in the installation package
CD / usr / local
JDK file .bin
Note First give the JDK file. Bin grant permission
Add Java environment variable
Edit Tomcat Directory /bin/catalina.sh file Add in the second line
Java_Home = J2JDK directory
Start Tomcat
Stop Tomcal
Modify the default port
Edit Tomcal Directory / Conf / Server.xml file
turn up
Port = "8080" Maxthreads = "150" MinSparethreads = "25" Maxsparethreads = "75" Enablelookups = "false" REDIRECTPORT = "8443" Acceptcount = "100" Debug = "0" ConnectionTIMEOUT = "20000 " DisableUploadTimeout = "true" /> Modify 8080 to 80 Edit Web.xml under confusions init-param> init-param> servlet> Change the Listings parameter value to FALSE deployment web application (1) copy WAR File or Web Application folder to /App/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/webapps Under contents ¨ (2) Web Apply an application only Context contents Xml Piece file, and Put this file / App / Jakarta-Tomcat- 5.0.28 / conf / Catalina / Localhost Under contents. As follows: DisplayName = "Tomcat Documentation" DocBase = "Tomcat-DOCS" Path = "/ test"> Context>