Abnormal: .NET Data OLE DB Provider (System.Data.OleDB) Requires Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or higher. It is found that the currently installed version is 2.52.6019.0. Workaround: After installing the MDAC2.6 version, there is still such a mistake because of these three files in C: / WinNT / System32 / ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
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There are also some programs or processes in using them, and these three files are not updated during installation. In the Windows environment, it is disabled, so removes C: /Winnt/System32/odbc32.dll, oleDb32.dll, and msado15.dll files, then copy the MDAC2.6 version or above These three files are pasted back. I solved this in Win2003.