Hibernate App Summary As we all know, Hibernate is an open source code O / R mapping, which makes the JDBC's lightweight object package, allowing Java programmers to program their minds to operate various relational databases. Hibernate has been officially added to JBoss organizations, and its author has also become a member of the JBoss development organization. On August 24, 2004, Hibernate released the Hibernate 3.0 alpha version. Now it is in the test phase, I have not tried its performance and function, but when it launches official version, I will study and study in depth. People who have used Hibernate may say that Hibernate 2 has many shortcomings. If the stored procedure is not supported, the temporary table is not supported. In fact, Hibernate 2 does not support the memory process, but can be The method also implements the calling process. 1 connection conn = session.connect (); 2 .... 3 Call Procedure 4 .... 5 session.close (); Hibernate 3 provides good support to the temporary table when it is officially released. It adds a new feature, Dynamic Class, developers can only write mapping without creating a lasting class, binding the table mapping relationship to the lasting class you created, and supports the storage procedure Package. My point is that for any new technology, it has its shortcomings. The key is how we go to play its advantage, try to avoid its weak aspects. Therefore, I suggest that a new system should resolve the stored procedures and temporary tables in the design phase, not to mention that stored procedures and temporary tables are very disadvantageous for database transplants, they are too close to the system, but There are systems or functional points with special high requirements for performance, and what can be used without hibernate.