The security domain is a Tomcat built-in function, declares that Tomcat5 provides four classes that implement this interface in the Org.Apache.catalina.Realm interface. They represent four security domain types. Let me introduce its related configuration, and its application methods. Operating environment: Windows2000, Tomcat 5.0.28, JDK1.5, JDBC3.0, SQLServer2000, Test Directory:% Tomcat% / WebApps / Area directory.
1. Memory Domain: Class name, MemoryRealm; In the initialization phase, secure verification information is read from the XML file and put them in memory in the form of a set of objects. There are three ways to access the resource: Basic, Digest, Form. Using Basic Authentication is considered unsafe because it doesn't have a strong encryption method unless HTTPS or other password encryption code is used in the client and server side (for example, in a virtual private network).
Profile% Tomcat% / conf / catalina / localhost / area.xml is: XML Version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>