Machines with Windows XP systems are slower than other systems when viewing LAN shares, how is this? It turns out that in general, Windows XP will fully check all scheduled tasks on the other machine when connecting to other machines. This check will allow you to wait for 30 seconds or more. Fortunately, we can give this check function to the ban. Execute: "Start → Run → regedit" command, find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWS CURRENT VERSIONEXPLORROSOFTWINDOWS CURRENT VERSIONEXPLORROSFTECMOMPUTERNAMESPACE" in the registry. There is a {D627990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} button under this key (as shown), remove it, restart the machine, Win XP no longer checks the scheduled task, view the speed of sharing Obvious improvement.