The release engineering team is very happy to announce: FreeBSD 4.11-release is released! This will be the most one release of FreeBSD stability version development branches. Since FREEBSD-4.10 Release, in April 2004, we have been upgraded to its basic system software, handling security issues and repair bugs. FreeBSD 4.11 will become an Errata version, and some of the finely testing security vulnerability patches will continue to increase in its release. To learn a complete new performance list and the latest source branch message, visit our publishing instructions and errata: r/relnotes.html; http: // www.
Release declaration, version consideration. Download address (I386): 4.11-release-i386-disc1-gnome.iso (563MB); 4.11-release-i386-disc1-kde.iso (633MB); 4.11-Release-i386-disc2 .iso (310MB).