FAQ: How to build a hot spare disk in AIX 5.1? Environment AIX 5.1 How to build a hot spare disk in AIX 5.1? Solution can establish a Hot SPARE disk at the level of the operating system in AIX 5.1. If you need to establish a Hot SPARE disk in a volume group (VG), you must meet the following conditions: 1. Logical volume (LV) must mirror (mirror) in this volume group. 2. Any logical volume or file system cannot be available on the disk of the Hot SPARE. 3. The capacity of the HOT SPARE disk should be greater than or equal to the capacity of the maximum disk in this volume group. When the above conditions are met, the following steps can be used (here, the volume group is assumed to be named TestVG, the disk is hdisk6): 1. # Exptendvg Testvg HDisk6 Add HDisk6 to the volume group TestVG. 2. # chpv -hy hdisk6 Mark HDisk6 as a Hot SPARE disk. 3. #CHVG-Hy -sy Testvg Mark the testVG as a volume group using the Hot SPARE disk, and automatically performs the replacement of the disk and synchronizes when the disk failure occurs. Upgrade the Firmware Environment Platform with FePROM_UPDATE: RS / 6000 Question Upgrade Firmware Solution in AIX 4.3, Command FEPROT WRITE INTE: 1734-009 Cannot Write In Feprom Get this prompt, indicating that Firmware is broken, the system will not start. This problem may appear on the SMP system (also including SP high nodes) at 604E. Before upgrading FIRMWARE, you should check if APAR IX84560 has been installed in the system. You can get this patch package from below: http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/rs6k/fixes.htmlchrp Systems system launch process LED E1DC error prompt environment platform: RS / 6000 version: AIX 4.3 Question Chrp Systems System Launched The LED E1DC error message of the process is acknowledged the RS / 6000 machine that starts the CHRP structure than the AIX installed disk or diagnostic disc installed than the AIX version installed on the hard disk. It is often encountered by the E1DC LED error prompt. Determine if a machine is a CHRP structure. Available as follows: lslpp -l devices.chrp.base.rte If the defices.chrp.base.rte file exists, it is a ChRP structure; if this file exists, this problem will not happen. To prevent this problem Pickups: APAR IX79693. It is included in the AIX 4.3.2 and 4.3.2 Diagnostics CD (P / N 08L1427 or 08L1430). If this problem occurs, the only way is to remove the battery after the system is powered down, and then replaced 10-15 minutes. When the ordinary user executes the su command: Authentication Denied. Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Issues When the normal user executes su command su to root or other ordinary users, an error is generated: Authentication Denied.
Solution Use the command ls -l / usr / bin / su check the permissions of the Su file, the correct permissions should be: -r-sr-xr-x root security ... If the permissions are incorrect, use the following command to modify: # CD / USR / BIN # chmod 4555 SU How to make non-root users have permission to execute SAR command Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Problem How to make non-root users have permission to execute SAR command solutions can pass SMIT -> Security & Users - -> Users -> Change / Show Characteristics of a User Modify the user's properties, add the "ADM" group to the user's Primary Group. Use errpt command to generate 0315-171 Error Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Problems When using the command Errpt -a View system error report, error: 0315-171: No error log file / var / adm / ras / errlog solution This error is due to the resulting / var / adm / ras / errlog file being destroyed, you can use the following steps to delete existing files, so that the system automatically generates a new / var / am / ras / errlog file : 1. / Usr / limited rrrlog3. / Usr / derrdemon how to record FTP log? Environment RS6000 & PSeriesaix 4.3 and AIX 5L problem How to record FTP log? Solution By default The system does not log (log) using the FTP connection and transfer file. This will cause security hazards for the system, especially when the user uses an anonymous FTP mode. To avoid this, you can use the following steps to record the FTP log: 1. Modify the /etc/syslog.conf file, and join a line: daemon.info filename where FileName is the name of the log file, it will track FTP Activity, including anonymity and other user ID. FileName file must be created before doing the next step. 2. Run the "refresh -s syslogd" command to refresh the syslogd background program. 3. Modify the /etc/inetd.conf file, modify the following data line: ftp stream tcp6 noait root / usr / sbin / ftpd ftpd -l4. Run the "refresh -s inetd" command refreshes the inetd background program.
Find files or commands Corresponding file set Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Question Find Files or Commands Packages Answer 1. Confirm that the file set is installed in the system: bos.content_list2. Lookup file or command File set, use commands: # / usr / sbin / which_fileset
View Boot Log Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Problem How to View the LOG? Solution to the Upon Last Log? Solution # alog -o -t boot Converts the content of the man command into a normal text file environment: AIX platform: Software version: 4.3 Questions How to convert the content viewed by the man command into normal text files for printing or further viewing? Answer You can use the following command to convert the content of the LS command to text files to text files Man.txt: # man ls | col -b> man.txtinetd.conf file recovery Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Question inetd.conf file recovery solution Sometimes for some reason, / etc / inetd. CONF file is damaged. TCP / IP aspects will be brought to the machine: If FTP can be restored in the following steps. Conf file. # vi /etc/inetd.conf # stopsrc -s inetd #mv /etc/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf.old#cd /usr/lpp/bos.net/inst_root/etc#cp inetd.conf / etc /inetd.conf#startsrc -s inetd how to disconnect a login user? Environmental Products: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: 4.3 Questions If you want to disconnect a login user, how to do a solution You can use the command fuser -k
# SAR -B 1 3AIX 6F1 3 4 00023A0F4C00 06/19/0218: 16: 30 Bread / s LREAD / S% RCache BWRIT / S LWRIT / S% WCache Pread / S PWRIT / S 18:16:31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 where Bread / S and BWRIT / S have shown blocks Number of baked equipment I / O operations. Pread / S and PWRIT / S show the number of Character Raw Device I / O operations AIX 4.3.3 / 5L problem on AIX 4.3.3 / 5L problem installed on AIX 1 installed RPM Format Package Solution 1. Install RedHat Package Manager - rpm.rte2 from Linux Application Toolbox CD. Install the RPM Format Software #rpm -ivh fileset_name3. Check the Follow Sentence Result # rpm -q fileset_name Gated Process Introduction and Application Content We know that in the AIX operating system, the Gated process The protocols such as RIP, RIPNG, EGP, BGP, OSPF can be supported, and even support SNMP protocols. Generally speaking, the Gated process cannot be used simultaneously with the routed process, otherwise it will result in unforeseen errors. 1. How to start and stop the working mode of the Gated2.gated process 1) Configuration /etc/gated.conf support RIP protocol 2) Configuration /etc/gated.conf support OSPF protocol Text We know that in the AIX operating system, the Gated process can support RIP, RIPNG, EGP, BGP, OSPF and other protocols, even support SNMP protocols. Generally speaking, the Gated process cannot be used simultaneously with the routed process, otherwise it will result in unforeseen errors. 1. How to start and stop the GatedGated process is a subsystem of the System Resource Control System (SRC) in AIX, so we can start and stop with the following command: startsrc -s Gated - Stop STOPSRC -S GATED - Stop Top 2. Gated Process Mode When Gated starts, the GATED process will automatically find the /etc/gated.conf file, start the appropriate service according to the configuration of /etc/gated.conf. Therefore, it is critical to properly configure /etc/gated.conf files to start and work properly for the GATED process. The following is the most frequently used RIP protocol and OSPF protocol, which is the most frequently used RIP protocol and OSPF protocol to introduce: TOP 1) Configuring /etc/gated.conf supports RIP protocol # this gained.conf file The update of the RIP information notifies all network interfaces of the system. At the same time, when the Gated process is not started or the routing information is not updated, the static routing information in the routing table is retained. # /etc/gated.conftraceOptions "/tmp/gated.trace" all; redirect yes; rip yes {interface all ripin ripout;}; static {default gw retain;}; TOP 2) Configuration / etc / gated. Conf supports the OSPF protocol # This GATed.conf file enables the GATED process to use the OSPF protocol in the ENT0 port.
And receive updated routing information from (router port). If you want to listen to multiple router ports, put the addresses of these ports in the eLigible item. ########################## TraceOptions "/var/tmp/gated.log" all; routerid 1rip NO; ripng no; hello no; ospf yes {traceoptions state detail packets; area {interface ent0 nonbroadcast cost 1 {pollinterval 10; routers { eligible;}; retransmitinterval 5; hellointerval 10; priority 50; routerdeadinterval 40;} ;};}; export proto ospfase {proPort protection; how to reject certain users's FTP access? Environmental products: AIX platform: RS software version: AIX V4 problem For security reasons, you need to reject a certain Some users' ftp access? Solution, edit / etc / ftpusers, add users who need to reject, per user, for example: #MORE / etc / ftpusersql When trying FTP login, the system error: Name (localhost: root): QL530 USER QL How many processes have been access Denied.login Faled? Environmental Products: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: AIX V4 Problem Users Need to see if a user has launched too many processes, affecting system performance solution, please use #ps -ef | grep username | WC -L Note: This is used The function of the number of WC -L statistics is an estimate of the number of user processes, not very accurate value. But it is fully available for reference. How to find too large files when cleaning / TMP file system? Environment: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: AIX V4 Problem / TMP File System is full, how to find which files are too large, and release space. Solution Please use for Example, which files are greater than 5M bytes. # CD / TMP # Find. -Size 10000 -exec ls -l {} /; Note: When you delete these excessive files, please confirm that it is useless to limit a user Access to a specific PTY. Environmental Products: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: AIX V4 Problem Users want to limit access to certain ports.
Answer User You can edit / etc / security / user. For example: test: admin = falseadmgroups = systemttys =! / Dev / pts / 0, all result is that the user Test can be logged in in all ports other than PTS / 0, when Test is PTS / 0 When logging in, the system is wrong You are not allowed to access the system via this terminal.ibm PSeries and RS / 6000 which model can be installed SUSE Linux? Environmental Platform: RS Issues IBM PSeries and RS / 6000 Which models can be installed SUSE Linux? From June 4, 2002, RS6 / 6000 B50, 150 and F50 can install SUSE Linux for PowerPC Version 6.4 (support 32-bit kernel); current PSERIES and RS / 6000 except p680, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Version 7 (supports 64-bit kernel). More information View: http://www.suse.com/us/products/suse_business/sles/sles_iseries_pseries/index.html How to switch between graphic login and command line login mode? Environmental Products: AIX Platform: RS Software Version: AIX V4 Problem Users need to switch in two login methods of CDE. Solution # / usr / dt / bin / dtconfig -e activation graphic login mode # / usr / dt / bin / dtconfig -d activation command line login method How to handle MountD and NFSD Nomask to start the environment S / 390 or ZSERIES; OS / 390 Issue Network File System (NFS) is UNIX's universal network protocol, allowing files or printers to share over the network. In the AIX operating system, there are 5 processes for NFS, namely BIOD, NFSD, RPC.Mountd, RPC.Statd, and RPC.Lockd. This article will be briefly introduced to how to handle NFSD and MountD's normal startup. This is often encountered because in actual work. 1. MountD and NFSD processes 2. MountD processes are not started 3. NFSD processes are not launched 1. The MountD and NFSD processes describe the MountD process is a remote procedure call (RPC), which is to install the client (MOUNT) ) The application of the file system makes a response. The MountD process can be used by the remote client by looking for / etc / xtab files. In addition, through the mountd process, users can know which file systems currently have been assembled by remote file system and to know the list of remote clients. The NFSD process is running on the server and is responsible for processing the operation of the remote client to the local file system. Each NFSD process simultaneously processes only one client's operational application, so multiple NFSD processes may be started on an NFS server. 2. The MountD process does not start if the MountD process is not started, we need to check the following: 1) 99% of the likelihood is that the Loopback's name is incorrect. In other words, it is necessary to ensure that the IP address corresponding to the loopback is; at the same time, the names corresponding to are loopback, not LocalHost. We can check with the "Host" and "Host Loopback" commands.
The following output is correct: #Host IS, Aliases: localhost # host loopbackloopback is, aliases: localhost The following output results are erroneous: #host COM IS, Aliase: localhost.cn.ibm.com # host loopbackloopback.cn.ibm.com is, aliase: localhost.cn.ibm.com If the result of the host command is wrong, you need Check the / etc / hosts file and the order of the name resolution - usually add Hosts = local, bind in the /etc/netsvc.conf file. 2) Use the command lslpp -l bos.adt.lib to check if the file set exists, otherwise you need to install it. 3) Install the latest bos.rte.tty, bos.rte.streams and bos.net.nfs.client file sets. Run rpcinfo -p => Should return to the list of registration processes for Portmap. If the list of processes do not return, you need to start or restart the portmap process. If the process list returns, run the rpcinfo -u localhost mountd command, if there is an error, run /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd, get possible error reasons from the returned error message. 3. The NFSD process does not start if the NFSD process is not started, we need to check the following: 1) First confirm that the NFS output list exists, otherwise the NFSD will not start. You can check with the exportfs command. If the exportfs command does not have the result back or return incorrect, you need to check the / etc / exports file. 2) Run scls order to ensure timod and tirdwr exist - # scls bufcal fi ptc sc sna_v5ro tcp6 tr udp6 echo ldterm pts sf snasxm timod ttyp unixdg en lft0 ptyp sixp spx tioc udp unixst et nuls sad slog tcp tirdwr otherwise need to check / etc /pse.conf file and cancel the comments to them. 3) Check the name resolution, see the first item that "MountD process is not started". 4) Make sure the following output value is not greater than the value of "no SB_max" (especially in the SP system). # no -audp_sendspaceudp_recvspacetcp_sendspaceTcp_recvspace # nfso -anfs_soketsizenfs_tcp_socketsize has those files and data in the Migration Installation? Environmental products PSERIES, RS6000 issues have those files and data in the migration installation (Migration Installation)? Answer operating system Upgrade AIX versions using Migration Installation, for example: AIX 3.2, AIX 4.1, AIX 4.2, or AIX 4.3 to AIX 5L 5.1.
In addition to the / TMP directory will be overwritten, all file systems will be retained, including data, logical volume data, and system profiles of the root volume group. Migration Installation is a default installation method in the Migration Installation. How to prevent certain users from logging in, telnet, rlogin? Environment: AIX platform: RS Software Version: AIX V4 Questions For security reasons, you need to make some users can only log in in the console, not allowing remote use answers. Edit / etc / security / user Change User Properties Required Rlogin = False When attempts to log in, the system error: Remote logins are not allowed for this account If you want to transfer Linux applications to PSeries and RS / 6000, where is the reference Resource? Environmental Platform: PSeries, RS / 6000 Issues If you want to transfer Linux applications to PSeries and RS / 6000, where do you have a reference resource? Sign User If you want to port Linux applications to the PSeries and RS / 6000, you can use AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications with AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications in AIX 4.3 and AIX 5.1. The book number is a good explanation of the red book for SG24-6033-00. The specific URL is as follows: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg246033.html How to download the RS / 6000 Related Patch (FIX, PTF), Maintenance Package and Microcode Environment: PSeries, RS / 6000 Platform: How to download the RS / 6000 related patch (FIX, PTF), maintain package and microcode solution To download the RS / 6000 related patch (FIX, PTF), maintain package and microcode (Microcode) You can visit the following URLs first: http://www-900.ibm.com/s/support/r6download.shtml Preferred Download Use Guide in the Reference page, then click the appropriate connection to download. Does more than 2GB files on AIX 4.3? Environmental Platform: PSERIES, RS / 6000 Version: AIX 4.3 Question AIX 4.3 Supports more than 2GB files? Solution AIX 4.3 can support 64GB file size, which requires the Large File Enabled option when creating a file system (running CRFS). If this option is not selected, the maximum file size supported by AIX 4.3 is 2GB. AIX Wireless System Manager content Summary This article describes all methods that may resolve system space, you don't need to perform all of the following steps, select one of the most efficient or several methods. Note In today's 7x24 hours of continuously running business environments, the boundaries of work and life have become more and more blurred. Popularization calculations allow people to conduct business activities at any time, communicate with colleagues, and receive information ---- whether it is in the office or otherwhere. WSMA has brought mobile server management into a new world by using wireless devices. Using standard WAP phones, system administrators can log in to AIX systems by using AIX user authentication to monitor the system and perform some key business management functions. The server alarm function implemented by "push" technology is liberated from the console. It can also send a short message to the administrator's mobile phone to notify him that the predefined criteria have been triggered. Description Background Since the 1994 Sprint launched a personal communication system (PCS) --- Telecommunications service, the US wireless industry has almost all in North America and the consumer market.
Despite some lag in Western Europe and the Asia Pacific, the business income of wireless data communications is expected to grow faster than wireless voice communications. Moving Internet is a network of wireless interconnects that require standard wireless protocols and data represented. According to DataQuest, the most common wireless protocol is WAP. By 2002, WAP-based mobile phone sales will reach 250 million units. In fact, Gartner Group expects that by 2004, 95% of new mobile phones will be able to use WAP. Support for WAP is not limited to wireless phones. There are currently many WAP browsers available in the market, the most famous is those PDA-based PDAs. It is also a Linux-based wireless embedded device that is popular as a general standard WAP browser in some places. With the commitment to 3G high-speed carrier services, the speed will be increased to pass one million bit information per second, and it is conceivable that in the future, mobile users can connect to all mobile devices that need to be connected! There will be open standard security measures on the wireless network to ensure the completion of trusted, confidential end-to-end e-commerce. High-speed reliable mobile networks allow mobile users or IT people to use a wireless architecture to manage their applications and systems. AIX Wireless System Manager (WSMA]) is a wireless system service that allows security and confidential management of system resources (such as CPU, disks, devices, and applications). AIX Wireless System Manager - WSMA In today's 7x24 hour, work and life boundaries have become more and more blurred. Popularization calculations allow people to conduct business activities at any time, communicate with colleagues, and receive information ---- whether it is in the office or otherwhere. WSMA has brought mobile server management into a new world by using wireless devices. Using standard WAP phones, system administrators can log in to AIX systems by using AIX user authentication to monitor the system and perform some key business management functions. The server alarm function implemented by "push" technology is liberated from the console. It can also send a short message to the administrator's mobile phone to notify him that the predefined criteria have been triggered. Relationship with other types of system management, traditional enterprise management software (such as Tivoli's TME) is a resource from a console management enterprise. Monitoring, reporting and executing some of the actions of the managed resource are made by the operator in a central location. In an enterprise management system, both servers, networks, and clients (including wireless devices) are managed, classified, and view management tools. If a network problem occurs and alarms, the operator is going to play the wrong and solve the problem. WSMA just helps manage a server at a time. It assumes that the wireless network or device itself is wrong, still uses existing network and enterprise management tools. Authentication, confidentiality, authorized WSMA and IBM Everyplace Wireless Gateway provide the following security features: Different? How do users recognize and authenticate? Encrypt data authorization via Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol - Provide great flexibility between WTLS and HTTP server, depending on user rights, this secure bridge is decrypted and encrypted between WTLS and SSL channels. But this also shows a potential sensitive data exposure issue: the data sent to the data gateway itself has a security hidden danger! Because the data of the data is performed on the data gateway. It is an important consideration for the wireless network in protected locations when performing overall network security planning and configuration. WSMA Components WSMA provides management of servers and applications by using secure WAP devices. It uses a standard software component collection and wireless device: a WAP browser, which must be loaded into a wireless gateway WSMA device on a mobile phone or PDA, which is run as a standard HTTP server plugin The security of the connection layer on the managed server is by using the PPP protocol Remote Access Service (RAS) to access the company's intranet.
Refer to the following schematic to understand different protocols, security components, WAP phones, gateways, and managed servers in wireless networks. The wireless gateway wireless gateway is a necessary component for communication between WAP clients and WSMA. It monitors data and messages from the client and translate Wireless Session Protocol requests to HTTP requests, and then forward to the HTTP server. The response header is converted from HTTP to the WSP response header, and the content is converted from WML and / or WMLScript to binary XML (WBXML), and then forward to the WAP client. IBM Everyplace Wireless Gateway (EWG) is a strong, scalable WAP gateway that is configured in the enterprise network. The resources managed by WSMA are divided into the following three categories: View - list universal system information such as Vital Product Data, Error log; survey - to determine the problem by viewing a variety of system resource conditions; correction - through enable / stop system resources and applications Management systems and applications. Because of the limited screen size of the WAP phone, the user interface must be concise, concentrated. With this awareness, for different categories and action performed by WSMA: System information VPD / error: Display or clear system error log RAM / CPU / disk: CPU usage, list the total space of the disk and Free space, listing of total and idle page switched space issues Determine PING Host: Ping Host Process Management: Through Owners, All CPUs or Current CPU Management Process Device Management: List online or offline Devices Manage Tasks Send a WALL command to the user: Send standard or customized information to all logins; file / file system / page swap space: clear or extend file system, Mount / Unmount file system, view page swap space; process / Subsystem: List or kill processes, list / query / start / stop / refresh / track subsystems; boot / stop / refresh / tracking sub-server applications / printing: start / stop application; boot / stop / cancel printing Homework; restart / downtime: Restart / stop the system. The administrator knows the need to do specific actions by pre-defined notifications or seeing any abnormal conditions, and corrects the system by foreseeting a scenario (such as planning stop, etc.). The purpose of WSMA is not a replacement system management console, but a system and application that helps handle key when an error occurs. If necessary, complete error diagnosis and corrections can be executed on the server later. WSMA system works The following scenarios describe the order of WSMA: 1. What conditions for administrators need to notify, and enter mobile phone numbers or short message addresses in notification destination 2. A short message appears on the administrator's mobile phone Indicating that some conditions are worth noting. 3. Administrators use the WAP device and password to log in to the server, which is the same as the device that receives a short message. .4. Administrator will see the main menu, and he browses and executes an action related to correcting the incorrectly related to the short message. If this information is a notification of an action, if a job is completed, the administrator can check the status of this job. 5. Administrator quits, interrupts the session, and hang up the phone. The send notification of the server management gives the administrator's ability to respond real-time response. The connection is safe and is anytime, anywhere. This management is very dependering on the public carrier, and the standard security protocol that has been available today can guarantee safe transactions and operations, so the wireless device management server is not only possible, but also reality. How to change the default read and write attribute of uploading the FTP file? How does an environment AIX 4 problem change the default read and write attribute of uploading the FTP file? Solution In the AIX environment, the default read and write attribute of files transmitted from the Windows upload file to the AIX server is 640 (RW-R -----).
If you want to change the default read and write properties 644, you first use the VI editor to open the /etc/inetd.conf file, add "-u 033" at the end of the "ftp" defined, then refresh the inetd process: refresh -s inetd This changed the default attribute of the FTP file. What is the use of RMSS commands in AIX, platform, model, RS6000, PSeries software version, AIX V4 problem AIX's RMSS commands? How to use RMSS commands? Solution RMSS is the basis of existing physical memory size Upload the physical memory size of the server without unplugging or replacing the memory chip. By running the same application under different memory, you can determine the size of the memory required to apply during normal runtime. For example: #RMSS -C 2048: Analog 2GB memory #RMSS -P: Displays the size of the current analog memory #RMSS -R: Reset memory so that it is restored to the actual memory size in AIX 4.x how to clear the pending TTY (-) environment RS6000, AIX 4 .x problem How to clear the pending TTY solution in AIX 4.x For the convenience, the following example assumes that the pending TTY port is TTY0. 1. Determine the process that is currently hangs: PS-EF | GREP TTY0 This command assumes that the content is as follows: root 12345 1 0 AUG 29 0 / path / program_name process ID (PID) is "12345". Kill the process: kill -9 12345 Run the PS-EF | GREP TTY0 command again to view the process Whether it is killed. Don't use the "-9" option to kill the Slattach process because it may cause the AIX operating system to hang. Note: If the process is "getty", use the following command to kill the process: pdisable tty0 If the above command can't succeed in killing the process, TTY is still hang, you can use the second step. 2. Execute the following command: fuser -k / dev / tty0 This command will kill all processes running at this port and display its PID (process ID). If the above command can't succeed, Tty is still Suspend, you can use the third step. 3. On the keyboard of the pending terminal, type "Ctrl Q". If TTY is still hang, use the fourth step. 4. Depending on the device (connection) of the connection port. In some cases, the port can be released. Note: Some of the commands in front may not take effect and report the "equipment busy" error. This is because some processes are running on TTY. If the above steps still cannot release the hang of TTY, you can finalize this process by weight-up the IIX release kernel.
The logical name of the AIX expansion card and the corresponding relationship environment product, the PSeries, RS6000 software version, the AIX issue in IBM, the same type of extended card can plug in multiple blocks, but how AIX determines each card The slot of the slot can be used to determine their relationship with the following steps: 1. Check the logical name of the same type of card. For example, determine the name of the Ethernet card in the server: # lsdev -cc adapter | GREP ENENT0 AVAILABLE 1A-08 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) ENT1 Available 21-08 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) 2. By viewing the value of Device Specific. To determine the slot corresponding to it. Such as: # lscfg - VL ENT0 Device Location Description ENT0 1A-08 IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020) Serial Number ............. 22010344 fru number ......... ........ 091H0397 Part Number ............... 091H0397 NetWork Address ........... 000629dc698c displayable message ... ...... PCI Ethernet Adapter (23100020) Device Specific. (YL) ........ P1-i3 / E1 I3 Indicates that this network card is inserted on the third slot. # Lscfg -vl ent1 Device Location Description ENT1 10-80 IBM 10/100 Mbps Etherne T PCI Adapter (23100020) Network Address ........... 0004ACE4AF6D DisplayAble Message ......... PCI Ethernet Adapter (23100020) Device Specific. (YL) ..... ... P2 / E1 is a network card integrated on the motherboard. How to make mirrors to improve system high availability and performance environment RS6000 problem How to improve system high availability and performance answers Under normal circumstances, mirror It will improve the system's high availability, that is, when one of the disk is corrupted or the data area is unavailable, the system automatically uses its mirror disc or the mirror data area for normal business operations. Make a mirror in a database application based on the RS / 6000 system. There are three ways, the first way is to mirror the hard disk directly by doing the RAID10, you need to increase the corresponding adapter card support. You can make a mirror of naked devices or file systems. The second way is to make RAID1 through the AIX operating system, only It can make a mirroring file system. The third way is to make mirror through the database system.
It can be mirrored to naked devices or file systems. For these three ways, it is generally recommended that you will take the first two ways to achieve a relatively good system performance and high availability. This article mainly discusses the number of copies of the system owned when using RAID1 to do mirroring. Performance Impact. When doing RAID1 mirroring, you can make a mirror in a logical volume specified in the volume group, or a mirroring of the entire volume group. When you make a mirror, it is best to ask for three or three or Three pieces of hard drives to ensure high availability of data. If mirrored to the entire volume group, there is no limit on the number of hard disk in the volume group. In addition, the image is best located in different hard drives, when a piece of hard disk is damaged when it is damaged. It is still working to improve the high availability of the system. The following describes why the logical volume specified in the volume group is like a mirror, preferably the volume group has three or more hard drives. In the RS / 6000 system, there is at least one VGDA in the physical hard disk in the VG (volume group) (a volume group description area, which describes the physical and logical volumes on the hard disk). VGDA has the number of hard drives The following rules: A volume group has only one hard drive: the hard disk has two VGDAs. A volume group has two hard drives: the first hard disk has two VGDAs, the second hard disk has a VGDA. One volume group has three or three pieces The above hard drive: Each hard disk has a VGDA. In the AIX system, Quorum (the ratio of available VGDA in a volume group) must be above 51%, the volume group can be used. For only two hard drives, if If a hard disk is damaged, only 33% of VGDA is available. If the second hard disk is damaged, 66% of VGDA is available. For a volume group with three or more hard drives, if a hard disk is damaged, at least 66% VGDA is available. When mirroring the logical volume specified in the volume group, if only two hard drives in the volume group, when the first hard disk is corrupted, the VGDA is only 33%, which will cause the volume group to be unavailable, so Mirroring Loss to ensure high availability of the hard disk. If the volume group only has two hard drives, you can turn off Quorum, even if the first hard disk is damaged, the entire volume group is not available, at this time The second hard disk, but the data of the second hard disk will not be mirror. Thereby it is possible to bring the risk of data loss. The second hard disk is damaged when the volume group is not available to cause data loss. Therefore, the volume group When the logical volume specified in the mirror, it is best to require that the volume group has three or more hard drives to ensure high availability of data. Debug Mode boot AIX environment RS / 6000 AIX V5.1 Question Debug Mode boot AIX answer 1. System Requires a TTY Console2. #Bosbot -Ai / dev / ipldevice3. #SHUTDOWN-FR KDB Command Environment RS / 6000 AIX 5L Question Start sendmail solution AIX 5L in KDB replacing the Crash command of AIX V4, as system Debugger and Dump analysis tools How to make a network card in AIX, with multiple IP addresses? Environmental products, PSERIES, RS6000, software version, AIX4.3.3 Questions Due to the environmental requirements of the application, need to configure multiple IP addresses on a single network card, can I implement in AIX? Solution can. Use the command ifconfig. Its syntax is: ifconfig network_interface second_ip_address netmask your_netmask alias does not record this definition in ODM, so the definition will be lost after shutdown. If necessary, you can add this command to the startup file (/ ETC / RC. NET). If the second IP address is available # ifconfig EN0 Netmask Alias When the IP address is no longer needed, it can be removed from the system. # IFConfig EN0 Netmask 255.255. 255.0 Delete or delete from the /etc/rc.net file.
AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTune -p -p (2) environment AIX 4 Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTune -p -p (2)? Solution -P minperm If the number of file pages in physical memory is low (File Pages) This value, the page replacement algorithm will replace the file page and program page (Computational Pages), and the default value of MinPerm is about 20% of physical memory. -P Maxperm If the file page in physical memory is higher than this value, the page replacement algorithm will replace only file pages, and the default value of MaxPerm is about 80% of physical memory. If the number of file pages in physical memory is between these two values, the page replacement algorithm usually only replaces the file page, but when the replacement rate of the file page is higher than the program page, the page replacement algorithm will replace the file at the same time. Pages and program pages. AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTune -f -f (3)? Environment AIX 4 Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -F -F (3)? Solution -f minfree points out the lowest value of memory pages in Free List, this value The range from 8 to 204800. -F MaxFree When the idle memory in the system is less than MinFree, the system makes the page operation to increase the idle memory page. When the number of free memory pages is greater than or equal to MaxFree, the system changes the page operation to stop. The default value of MaxFree is minfree 8. The difference between MaxFree-minfree should be greater than equal to Maxpgahead. Note: A page size is 4K. Linux and PSeries / RS6000 Environmental Products, PSeries, RS6000 Software Versions, AIX, Linux Questions RS6000 / PSeries Server installed Linux? Applications How to transplant? Solution 1. RS6000 / PSeries' low-end servers (B80, 270, 170, 150) Install the Linux operating system. The system version used should be XX Linux on PSeries (provided by different Linux companies). The Linux application compiled by LINUX uses Linux core. 2. Mid-end server in PSeries is currently unable to install Linux However, you can install the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications for Power System, which provides a Linux API interface, which is used by Linux applications that use AIX core .3. Programs compiled in the XX Linux on PSeries environment, transplantation To the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications, you need to recompile and vice versa. AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTune -m (5)? Environment AIX 4 Question AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTUNE -M (5)? Solution -M Maxpin This value is pointed out The amount of physical memory that is capable of standing in the system in the system in memory is 80%, and at least 4m memory should be guaranteed to be used for kernel. AIX kernel parameter adjustment VMTune -r (4)? Environment AIX 4 Question AIX core parameter adjustment VMTUNE -R -R (4)? Solution -R MINPGAHEAD pointed out when to start the feature read function, this value should be 2 The multiple, the default is 2. -R maxpgahead points out the maximum number of pages read in advance, this value should be a multiple of 2, the default is 8, this value should be greater than the minpgabead, the maximum value is 512. The difference between MaxFree-minfree should be greater than equal to Maxpgahead.
How to determine a file system is the file system of Large File Enabled, the environment platform, the PSeries, RS6000, Software Version, AIX 4.3.3 Issues support Standard FileSytem in AIX 4.3.3, and LARGE File Enabled File System, how to determine one The file system is the LARGE FILED FILE SYSTEM or the STANDARD FileSytem? Solution can be viewed using the lsfs -q filesystem_name command. For example: #lsfs -q / homename nodename mount pt vfs size options auto accounting / dev / hd1 - / home jfs 131072 - Yes NO (LV Size: 131072, FS Size: 131072, Frag Size: 512, NBPI: 4096, Compress: No, Bf: False, Ag: 8) BF: FALSE is Standard FileSystemBF: True Representation is large file enabled file System. How to run Update_all? Environment AIX 4.3 Question How to Run Update_all in the command line How can I run update_all in the system upgrade, if you need to run it on the command line, you can use the LSLPP -L command Generate a list of installed file sets in a system, put this list into a text file, edit this file to have the following form: bos.rte.installbos.sysmgt.sysbr ...... Use the following command: Installp -AGXD / DEV / CD0 -E /TMP/INSTALL.LOG -F /
# lcfg -vl ssa0 device location description SSA0 11-08 IBM SSA 160 Serialraid Adapter (14109100) Part Number .................. 27h1204 fru number ........ ........ 34L5388 Serial Number ............... S1072088 EC Level ................... E28793 Manufacturer .............. IBM053 ROS level and ID ............ 8300 0000 loadable Microcode Level .... 05 Device Driver Level. ........ 00 Displayable Message ......... SSA-Adapter * Device Specific. (Z0) ........ SDRAM = 128 * Device Specific. (Z1) .. ... cache = 32 Device Specific. (Z2) ........ uid = 006094BF00003CDC Device Specific. (YL) ........ U0.1-P1-I1 / Q1 The card is configured with 128MB read caches and 32MB snapsuits. If you configure a snap-write cache, change the configuration of the SSA disk, make it a quick-write cache # Smitty Device SSA Disks SSA Logical Disks Change / show Characteristics of An SSA LOGICAL DISK HDISK? AVAILABLE 11-08-L SSA Logical Disk Drive Enable Fast -Write yes If 'enable fast-write' is NO, it is changed to YES.
Support XWINDOWS to install those file sets (FileSet)? Environment AIX 4.3 or AIX 5.1 Issues Support XWindows minimum to install those file sets (fileset)? Solution Support XWindows requires the following panel set: x11.apps. * X11.base. * X11.compat. * X11.fnt. * X11.motif. * Run CDE, you need to install X11.DT. * If you want to use CDE emulation, You need to install x11.fnt.fontserver how to change the IP address environment RS6000, how to change the IP address answer if you use Smit mktcpip to change the IP address, and the previous address is still retained, The correct approach is smit tcpip --- Further Configuration --- Network interface ---- Network interface selection ---- Change / Show Characteristics of a network interface interface Go to the SENDMAIL environment RS6000, AIX V4 problem Start sendmail answer If you use Startsrc -s sendmail starts, sendmail will not be started as the daemon, you must start with startsrc -s sendmail -a "-bd" how to display the Greenwich Time Environment RS6000, how to display Greenwich Time Solution Date -U can display how Greenwich time opens the lock account environment: AIX platform: RS Software Version: AIX V4 Question User Setting an account If you connect 3 error, you will lock your account, but I don't know how to open it. . Sign User Error Login Information Record in the / etc / security / lastlog file. Just change unsuccessful_login_count = 3 to unsuccessful_login_count = 0 to open the lock account. What are the IBM Informix database-level backups? Environment RS6000, IBM Informix IBM Informix Database Level Backup Which content is backed up? Solution On the IBM RS6000 series machine, system administrators generally do regularly to make backups of the operating system and backup of the database system. So what are you backed up when you do IBM Informix database-level backups? General IBM Informix database backups are divided into system backups and logical log backups. Some customers think that the system will back up the logical log file when making a system backup, which is incorrect. System Backup The data of the database system, including backup of the data of the root dbspace (rootdbs), data dbspace (DATADBS), does not back up the temporary dbspace (TEMPDBS), logical log, and unallocated roots DBSpace and data dbspace space. Logical log backup The logical log file of the system will be backed up. This shows that the system backup and logical log backup is completely different, and they cannot be replaced with each other. How to configure the IBM INFORMIX database temporary database space on the RS6000 Series machine? Environment RS6000, IBM Informix problem How to configure IBM Informix database Temporary Database Space on RS6000 Series? Solution When you install the IBM Informix database on the RS6000 Series, you will generally configure temporary database space to improve system performance.
So why to configure and how to configure these temporary database space? For example, if the following operation is performed in the IBM Informix database, a temporary file or temporary table is generated: 1. Establish an index or use the sorting method; 2. When using "Order By" or "Gruop By" statement; 3 . When you create a temporary table using the "Select ... INTO TEMP ..." statement; these temporary tables or files are best placed in the temporary database space to improve system performance. If the database system frequently performs the above operation, it is best to create three or more size the same temporary database space how to change the host IP address parsing order Environment: RS / 6000 Software: AIX problem How to change the host IP address parsing order Solution General host The resolution order of the IP address is DNS, NIS, and this HOST file. To change this order, you can build a /etc/netsvc.conf file, plus a line in this archive: hosts = local, bind, NIS This host IP address will start searching from the local archive (/ etc / hosts), followed by Go again, DNS Server, and finally NIS Server. You can also change the order by performing export nsorder = local, bind, NIS to change the environment variable nsorder to change the order, the error message is 3004-687 Environment RS6000, AIX 3.2 - 4.x problem cannot increase the user, error message is 3004-687 Solution Check: Is there errors in the / etc / passwd file. Lost "Nobody" user entry or its format has an error. The entry should be: NoBody:!: 4294967294 :: /: Login failure number of environments RS6000 Question Login Fail Time Excessive Solution Excessive Number of User Login Failure, Excessive Failure Significance, users will not continue to log in, need to modify the failure login parameters in / etc / security / lastlog (unsuccessful_login_count). See the corresponding relationship between the SSA logic disk and the physical disk RS6000 problem Look at the corresponding relationship between the SSA logic disk and the physical disk with SSAXLATE -L HDisk # or SSAXLATE -L PDISK # can see the corresponding relationship between the SSA logic disk and the physical disc Username Length Problem Environment RS6000 Problem User Name Length Question The User Name The length is eight, this limit cannot be changed how to determine how the application environment that causes the Core file, how to determine the application answer of the Core file, Core file is in the application The memory image recorded when crash, can be used by command lquerypv -h core 6b0 64, which application can be seen from the application of the Core file. Unlock Volume Group Environment RS000 Question Unlock Volume Group Answer When the volume group is locked, you can unlock the Environment Variable Environment in InitTab by command CHVG -U VG # to unlock the environmental variable solution referenced by the inittab INITTAB. There are many small files for hundreds of K, all file system inode is exhausted.
Programs initiated in inittab, only reference the environment variables in / etc / environment, do not quote variables in / etc / profile, so you need to reference these variables in user-defined scripts, you need to be on the script To add a reference to them to back up multiple file environments on a tape RS6000 problem Back up multiple file answers on a tape to use TCTL to roll backup, the examples are as follows: 1. DD if = / tmp1 of = / dev / RMT0.12. TCTL -F / DEV / RMT0 REWIND3. TCTL FSF 14. DD IF = / TMP2 of = / DEV / RMT0.15. TCTL -F / DEV / RMT0 REWIND6. TCTL FSF 27 ....... The recovery step is reversed. Summer Time-System Environment RS6000 Question Summer Time Solution Answer April to August each year, AIX will use the summer time to use the summer time. You can use the ECHO $ TZ to see the time zone to determine, and the time zone uses a summer time to use the DT end. If you don't want to use, you can change via Smit - System Environment - Change Show Date And Time --- Change Time Zone Using System Defined Values, select NO in the pop-ups, select NO, select the corresponding time zone to restart The machine can be used. Passwd file backup Environment RS6000 Question Passwd file backup answer If you misuse / etc / passwd file, you can use the / etc / opasswd file to recover, / etc 开 O-start file is the backup file of the corresponding file. How to limit a user uses FTP service Environment AIX issues in AIX, how to limit a user use FTP service? Solution Edit / etc / ftpusers file, add the username you want to use to this file so that this user uses FTP services. In the AIX system, how to get some remote Chinese character AIX issues in the AIX system, how to get some relatively remote Chinese characters? Solution In the Chinese Chinese character library of AIX, 6763 Chinese characters in ZH_CN, and 20902 Chinese characters in ZH_CN. If the user uses some remote Chinese characters, it is recommended that the user selects zh_cn when the Chinese environment is installed. Whether AIX supports RamDisk Environment RS6000, AIX Questions &