1 Log in to the Admin Account to find TomcatServer / service / host / Your web program / DataSource // -> Click here.
2 Select "CREATE New Data Source".
3 fill in the information
JDBC / NorthWind // -> Connection pool name
Data Source URL: JDBC: Microsoft: SQLServer: // 1433; DatabaseName = Northwind
// means connecting to the Northwind database DatabaseNamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamenamename of SQL Server2000,
// If it is an ODBC: JDBC: ODBC: Northwind (Northwind is the database name).
// Note that the symbol 1433 port is good after the semicolon.
JDBC Driver Class: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.sqlserverdriver
// Drive needs to download.
// If it is an ODBC: sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver.
User name: // Database User Name.
Password: // Database password.
Max. Active Connections: // Maximum activity connection, 0 is not limited.
Max. Idle connections: // Maximum Waiting Connection Number, 0 is not limited.
Max. Wait for connection: // Establish a connection timeout time MS, -1 is unlimited.
4 Save later must point commit change.
5 Don't restart, just refresh the page.
1) Get a connection method in the page:
Javax.naming.context ctx = new javax.naming.initialcontext ();
Javax.sql.datasource DS = (javax.sql.datasource) ctx.lookup ("Java: Comp / Env /
JDBC / NorthWind "); // Red word is the connection pool name, other fixed.
Java.sql.connection con = ds.getConnection ();
2) JNDI: Java Naming and Directory Interface, a technique that binds the name and object, the software manufactures the object, and a name, can be referenced by the name.
3) The SQL JDBC driver is also needed to put mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar, msbase.jar under Tomcat 5.0 / Common / LIB. You may also put the Tool.jar in the JDK in.