Ryan Tomayko released a KID0.5 version. Kid is an open source project based on XML-based Python template language. You can use the KID project to embed the Python language in XML, and use the powerful ability to use dynamic language. A obvious application will be in the web environment, just like PHP. Ryan Tomayko has posted Kid 0.5, ".. A simple Pythonic template language for XML based vocabularies It was spawned as a result of a kinky love triangle between XSLT, TAL, and PHP" The language is based on just six attributes: kid: for , Kid: IF, Kid: DEF, KID: Content, Kid: Omit, And Kid: Replace; Each of Which Contains a Python Expression. Since this Expression CAN Point To External defined functions, this is mostw what you need. in Addition there are attribute value templates similar to XSLT's, and python?> processing instructions can embed code directly in the XML document. I'm not sure I approve of the use of processing instructions in the language, but I'm not sure I do not either. not having to escape XML-significant symbols like