PageRank information
How does Goog ranked web pages?
Basic information
Automatic sorts of Google search results depends on more than 100 factors, including our PageRank (web ranking) algorithm. For more information, please review our Technical Overview page. In view of our business nature, and for the purpose of protecting search results integrity, the information about the ranking mechanism disclosed to the public is limited to this.
2. Why is the rankings of the web that are always changed?
We update an index for about a month. With the update of the web database, our index will continue to change: We will find some new websites, will also eliminate some websites, so the website ranking may change. The changes in other websites will naturally affect your rankings. You are trying to be with confidence, Google will never adjust the results as a ranking of a website. The Sort of Google Search results are automatically determined by several factors, including PageRank (web ranking) algorithm. For more information on this algorithm, please consult our Technical Overview page.
You may want to see if there is a change in the number of other sites linking to your URL link. This is the most important factor to determine which websites will be included in the index, because our roamor is using a hyperlink to grab the webpage and jump from a web page to another web page to find most web pages. To find a website link to your website, use the Google link: Tools.
3. My URL changes, how to keep my rankings unchanged?
Unfortunately, when you migrate to new websites, we cannot manually change the URLs you listed.
However, you can still take some steps to make sure your transition process is smooth. Google listed information depends to find you with links we can pass through other websites. To ensure your rankings, you should best notify your address change information to link to other websites of your website. To find a website with your link, there is a way to try a link search. Enter "Link: [Your Complete URL]" in the Google Search box. Although this method is used, you cannot guarantee that each page with you, but you can help you start redirect link to your website. (Note: We don't provide link query services for all sites in the index, so you may not be able to generate any results for your website.) After the new website is enabled, you may want to place a permanent weight on the original website. Orientation (using "301" code on the HTTP title), inform the visitor and search engine Your website is migrated.
Finally, if your website has not listed in the search results for some time, this does not mean that you have deleted from our index. Sometimes, during the transition, we cannot find the site on the website. Simply make sure that other websites are linked to you, we can find you when we can grab the next website.