Why is C ++ not allowed to debate the type of overloaded function by returning type

zhaozj2021-02-12  194

2004-07-05 13:25:31 Don't tease a question: 1. Why is C not allowed by returning type overload function? 2. Why not allow the template function by returning the type of time?

2004-07-05 14:47:55 The perfect returning type is a kind of thing that can be available ...

2004-07-05 16:41:23 Perfect waste people see what is the master?

2004-07-05 18:32:46 Don't tease how Operator Type ()? Isn't it called that function based on the return value?

2004-07-05 18:34:49 Perfect waste people void f (); int f (); f (); // Which one to go?

2004-07-05 18:35:18 Don't tease an increase in rules.

2004-07-05 18:35:27 no cold blade, ha!

2004-07-05 18:35:31 How do perfect waste people describe?

2004-07-05 18:35:53 Perfect Waste Type-Cast Operators Are Individual Functions, Not The Same One with Diff Return Type

2004-07-05 18:39:11 Don't tease void f (); int F (); there is only ambiguity, when ambiguous occurs, in accordance with C habits, a best matching rule is developed. When the rules are not in line, the syntax, call form: f () void; or f () int;

2004-07-05 18:39:37 Which function is a function of perfect wasteman manual confirmation? Do you have to overload it?

2004-07-05 18:39:44 Perfect waste people

2004-07-05 18:39:57 The best matching rules of the blade said that you have two choices ...

2004-07-05 18:39:58 Perfect waste people void f () and int f (); no overload rules can reach call Void f ();

2004-07-05 18:40:13 Don't tease that question is, you can don't specify if you can judge.

2004-07-05 18:40:32 No Front Blades, there is no way to discriminate.

2004-07-05 18:40:39 Perfect waste people for this convenience? I am not as good as I write void f_void (); and int f_int ();

2004-07-05 18:41:03 What should I do if you put it in the template?

2004-07-05 18:41:27 Perfect waste people pleased the big brother, try to simplify the problem, every programmer should

2004-07-05 18:41:43 Don't tease the invoking form for an extension? For example, F () void;

2004-07-05 18:41:57 Perfect waste people f () void; and f (); how to distinguish?

2004-07-05 18:42:06 Don't tease the specified return value is F ().

2004-07-05 18:42:15 Perfect Waste I directly f (); there will be an unrestricted error

2004-07-05 18:42:21 Don't tease.

2004-07-05 18:42:23 The syntax of the perfect waste people is better not to be overloaded

2004-07-05 18:42:43 Signal Blades This is the retrogression of history.

2004-07-05 18:42:52 Don't tease the problem is, add this, is there an image for your previous overload?

2004-07-05 18:43:11 Don't tease your previous code rules.

2004-07-05 18:43:57 Don't tease you, you can not pass the return value overload function - only the required person will use this feature.

2004-07-05 18:44:11 Don't tease why it's going back?

2004-07-05 18:44:25 Perfect Waste Struct Base {Virtual Void f ();}; struct d: public base {void f (); int F ();}; base * p = new D; P- > f (); ?? 2004-07-05 18:44:45 Signal blade compiler cannot determine which function should be called by return type. The linker is also.

2004-07-05 18:45:20 Don't tease first, you define a pair of overload functions in accordance with new rules, but I hope that according to the old way, of course it is not.

2004-07-05 18:45:49 Perfect Waste If there is no Struct D, my old rules are completely applicable

2004-07-05 18:45:51 Signal Blades What is the new call mode?

2004-07-05 18:45:52 Don't tease what I mean, add new rules, your old heavy-duty mode, or work as before.

2004-07-05 18:46:02 Perfect Waste Unless you specify, all Void f () must be changed to F () void; this call

2004-07-05 18:46:07 Don't tease P-> f () void; or

2004-07-05 18:46:12 Don't tease p-> f () int;

2004-07-05 18:46:26 Perfect Waste people struct s {void f (); // How to call?};

2004-07-05 18:46:30 No Frontal Blade, I am not as good as writing P-> f_int (). It's so complicated.

2004-07-05 18:46:41 Perfect waste people this overload is completely meaningless

2004-07-05 18:47:07 Don't tease, I will give you a meaningful example.

2004-07-05 18:48:20 Perfect waste people PLZ

2004-07-05 18:48:27 Don't tease Max (T1 & LHS, T2 & RHS) {// What type should you return?} Int i = max (2, 3.3); double d = max (2, 3.3);

2004-07-05 18:48:51 Don't tease this is the internal type, can be converted to each other, if is the type of customization?

2004-07-05 18:49:05 Don't tease what type should be returned?

2004-07-05 18:49:08 How can the perfect lane custom type can be compared?

2004-07-05 18:49:17 If the perfect waste can be able to translate

2004-07-05 18:49:27 Don't tease my custom type, I can't do it?

2004-07-05 18:49:39 Perfect wasteman you will try.

2004-07-05 18:51:17 Don't tease, for example, I define the DEC type and Money type. The return value needs to be converted, and the conversion may lose accuracy. If you don't need to convert, there is no such problem.

2004-07-05 18:52:41 Perfect waste people so you have Dec Max (Const Dec &, Const Money &); and Money Max (Const Dec &, Const Money &):?

2004-07-05 18:54:00 Perfect Waste 1, I suggest you look at the C 0x TypeOf2, no matter when, the overload decision is the compiler, there is no dynamic network, so according to the return value Ethereal.

2004-07-05 18:54:21 Don't tease. My Money type is a fixed point. When performing a mathematical operation, sometimes it needs to be converted into a DEC type to prevent the accuracy error of the intermediate arithmetic process. It is over, but also convert it back.

2004-07-05 18:54:30 Perfect Waste 2, no matter when, the overload decision is the compiler, there is no dynamic connection, so it is unrealistic according to the return value.

2004-07-05 18:55:03 Don't tease, I want to decide the compiler. 2004-07-05 18:55:07 Perfect Waste People, you are better to use Enum.

2004-07-05 18:55:13 Perfect Waste People Sorry, I said Union

2004-07-05 18:55:28 Don't teach Union and my question?

2004-07-05 18:55:56 Perfect Waste Typedef Union {DEC, MONEY} RT_T; RT_T Max (Const Money &, Const Dec);

2004-07-05 18:56:36 Don't tease, this is not good, this is really ruined.

2004-07-05 18:56:37 Perfect Waste For MONEY and DEC, using nullobject as the default value, can be used to check the value of RT_T

2004-07-05 18:56:50 The perfect waste, you don't have to make a decision, the return value does not exist.

2004-07-05 18:57:21 Perfect Wasteman Money M; Dec D; Infile >> M >> D; MAX (M, D); ??

2004-07-05 18:57:34 Who don't tease? First make it, don't you object to me to return different types of data?

2004-07-05 18:57:44 Perfect waste people oppose.

2004-07-05 18:57:56 Perfect waste people strongly oppose this metamorphosis with union

2004-07-05 18:58:02 Don't tease, that one is coming.

2004-07-05 18:58:10 Benbear strong opposition to the waste people

2004-07-05 18:58:21 Don't tease first, I don't return Union.

2004-07-05 18:58:21 Perfect Wasteman I have a good solution

2004-07-05 18:58:31 Perfect waste people don't want to listen?

2004-07-05 18:58:38 Don't tease, I want to return is Money or DEC

2004-07-05 18:58:56 Perfect waste people std :: pair as returning, haha.

2004-07-05 18:59:43 Benbear you tried Dec Max (Const Dec &, Const Money &); and Money Max (Const Dec &, Const Money &): Can you compile it?

2004-07-05 18:59:47 Don't tease it. How do you know what type of return value? Return two? Then how do you know that?

2004-07-05 19:00:06 Perfect waste people don't return a pointer to the return value as 0

2004-07-05 19:00:17 Perfect Waste This is why I use a pointer instead of reference?

2004-07-05 19:00:22 Perfect waste people have nullobject

2004-07-05 19:00:26 Don't tease, I know can't, so I don't satisfy the limit of C imposed.

2004-07-05 19:01:01 Don't tease more and more garbage design. [shake]

2004-07-05 19:01:12 Perfect waste people are better than getting more and more garbage [: D]

2004-07-05 19:01:28 Perfect waste people are poisonous you, happiness, everyone

2004-07-05 19:01:32 Don't tease how garbage, I can do new features, you can't do it.

2004-07-05 19:01:46 Perfect Waste So you tell me how to call BASD :: Virtual void f ();? ?

2004-07-05 19:02:22 Perfect Wasteman I really can do a void function (Base * p) {p-> func (); // is not p-> func () void;? } 2004-07-05 19:02:47 The perfect waste is there is no price.

2004-07-05 19:03:21 Don't tease, don't you use it, do you have to overload it by return? As long as you are overloaded by returning (this is current status), you don't have to know new features. However, you need to be reloaded by returning, you need new features.

2004-07-05 19:03:41 Perfect waste people, I don't have to use it! But I can't guarantee that the guys who are derived from my class are not!

2004-07-05 19:04:07 Perfect Waste as an interface base class, I must take everything possible to take into account

2004-07-05 19:04:35 Don't tease OK. So, first confirm a little: new features have existing code, don't need to be modified, do you agree?

2004-07-05 19:04:52 Perfect waste people disagree

2004-07-05 19:05:03 Don't tease you. Examples.

2004-07-05 19:05:45 Perfect Wasteman Struct Base {Virtual Void Fun ();

Void f (const base * p) {p-> fun (); // Do you want me to copy? }

2004-07-05 19:07:29 Don't be teasing very obvious, this is called void fun (). Existing rules can be resolved. If the derived class defines the same name, the type is different, that is, the same name coverage, not overload.

2004-07-05 19:08:11 Perfect Waste, a newbie wrote Struct Derive: Public Base {Virtual Void Fun (); Virtual Int Fun ();}; ?

2004-07-05 19:08:31 Don't tease this legal under existing rules?

2004-07-05 19:09:00 Perfect Waste My base class is the old rules, but this newbie is growing up, how is this new rule? The old code is no longer universal!

2004-07-05 19:09:48 Don't be teased, Newbie wrote new code! He didn't comply with the old rules and did not follow the new rules!

2004-07-05 19:10:09 Why didn't you abide by the new rules? Very beautiful RT-overload

2004-07-05 19:10:32 Don't tease what I think.

2004-07-05 19:11:57 Perfect Waste :) Waiting.

2004-07-05 19:14:17 Don't tease OK. You can only call void fun () here because of Virtual Void Fun (); Virtual Int Fun (); is two functions. The base does not know Virtual Int Fun () in Base; so your old code f (const base * p) has only one choice, that is, the original one.

2004-07-05 19:14:47 Don't tease, there is no problem here. [: D]

2004-07-05 19:15:05 Signal Blade [?]

2004-07-05 19:15:15 Perfect waste people huh, it makes sense.

2004-07-05 19:15:28 Perfect wasteman knife, cutting me!

2004-07-05 19:15:45 Signal Blade, you go to get a chopping board

2004-07-05 19:15:48 Don't tease, continue, I will follow.

2004-07-05 19:16:34 Perfect waste people, if struct base is placed under the new rules, I must write p-> fun () void;? 2004-07-05 19:18:12 Don't be teasing. You only need to write like this when you can't distinguish it. For example: long f (int); char f (char); do not need to be written into F (10) INT;

2004-07-05 19:19:10 Perfect Strus Struct Base {Virtual Void Fun ();}; struct derived: public base {virtual int fun ();}; Is it hidden?

2004-07-05 19:19:30 How is the perfect waste? How do you deal with existing mode?

2004-07-05 19:19:33 Don't tease, but there will be some problems, just no one is matching, but there are two simplicity of the same priority.

2004-07-05 19:19:50 Perfect Waste people have never had problems ... helpless

2004-07-05 19:20:03 Perfect Wasteman I wrote the BI_MAP last time, I almost give up overloaded.

2004-07-05 19:20:37 Don't tease 1. The existing mode cannot be distinguished only by the return value. 2. If your parameters are different, then these two functions are overwritten.

2004-07-05 19:21:23 The perfect waste is (void), what happens to cover, modify the interface, or? ?

2004-07-05 19:21:34 Don't tease over.

2004-07-05 19:21:44 Don't make trouble.

2004-07-05 19:21:50 The perfect waste is ...?

2004-07-05 19:21:52 Don't tease how are Void?

2004-07-05 19:22:11 Perfect waste people int F (void); and derived Void F (void); or opposite.

2004-07-05 19:22:21 Signal Blades You are discussing shrimp ...

2004-07-05 19:22:22 Don't tease this: cover

2004-07-05 19:22:42 Perfect Waste this thing I can't understand ... The knife or chicken is also hopeful :(

2004-07-05 19:22:52 Don't tease!

2004-07-05 19:23:01 The blade "EC" said "Never redefine the non-virtual function" ......

2004-07-05 19:23:17 Don't tease it.

2004-07-05 19:23:23 Perfect Wasteman Struct Base {Virtual Void Fun ();}; struct derived: public base {virtual int fun ();

2004-07-05 19:23:26 No Front Blade ...

2004-07-05 19:23:30 Perfect Wasteman Struct Base {Virtual Void Fun ();}; struct derived: public base {virtual int fun ();

2004-07-05 19:23:30 Don't tease, but the language should be considered.

2004-07-05 19:23:34 Perfect Waste people two function signatures, how can it be covered?

2004-07-05 19:24:00 Signal Blade Return value is not processed by the Name-Mangling mechanism.

2004-07-05 19:24:18 Perfect waste people should be general derived rewrites

2004-07-05 19:24:23 Don't be teased, the signature rule can't change? Moreover, the signature rules are simply related to compilation, and the connection system relationship is relatively large.

2004-07-05 19:24:38 Perfect Wasteman, I am now talking about traditional C ...

2004-07-05 19:24:45 Signal Blade, you submit your ideas to C Standard Commitee, maybe it is possible ... 2004-07-05 19:24:46 Perfect waste people don't know the past, you can't predict future

2004-07-05 19:26:06 Don't tease I seem to have seen it. Why can't I overload it by returning, but I really can't think of any clues.

2004-07-05 19:26:24 Perfect Waste Don't tease: These two functions are the same, it is impossible to cover ...

2004-07-05 19:26:49 The blade is impossible to be overloaded because the parameter list is the same.

2004-07-05 19:27:05 Perfect waste people are impossible, because it is in different class scpes

2004-07-05 19:27:14 Perfect wasteman can only be overwritten.

2004-07-05 19:27:32 Signal Blades Heavy Definition.

2004-07-05 19:27:33 Don't tease the function signature does not include return values? How do you parse my return value type in the DUMP?

2004-07-05 19:27:59 Perfect DUMP DLL also supports const char * to function mapping ......

2004-07-05 19:29:41 Don't be teasing, I ask you: int CPPUnit :: CompilerOutputter :: WrapColumn (void) Name-mangling how to know how to return the value is Int instead of void?

2004-07-05 19:29:52 Perfect waste people don't know.

2004-07-05 19:30:09 Perfect waste returning value and name mangling

2004-07-05 19:31:09 Don't tease int CPPUnit :: CompilerOutputter :: WrapColumn (void) is a function name I exported from DLL from DLL. This is a C function name:? Wrapcolumn @ compileroutputter @ cppunit @@ qbehxz Do you have any return value information?

2004-07-05 19:31:29 Perfect Wasteman I didn't see Int.

2004-07-05 19:31:44 Don't tease you, you don't know how to decode.

2004-07-05 19:32:11 Perfect waste people huh :) This is a rebuttal without perseverance

2004-07-05 19:32:11 Signal Blades Call C functions in C, to use Extern "C" in C code to ban overload ...

2004-07-05 19:33:05 Don't be teased, I just did the same name, but defends can? WrapColumn @ compileroutputter @ cppunit @@ QBEHXZ decoded into int CPPUnit :: CompilerOutputter :: WrapColumn ( Void) This can be read.

2004-07-05 19:33:26 No Front Blade is just a hacker ...

2004-07-05 19:33:36 Perfect waste people huh, this is the use of conclusions.

2004-07-05 19:33:58 Don't tease what is smart, C DLL is like this, you can use Depends to see.

2004-07-05 19:34:30 Signal Blades Don't use too much overload in the DLL, otherwise it will die very bad.

2004-07-05 19:34:34 Don't tease what I mean: name-mangling is just a practical means.

2004-07-05 19:34:48 Perfect Wasteman I don't have Depends. Try struct {int F ();} struct {void f ();

2004-07-05 19:35:07 Signal Blade But why didn't the compiler manufacturer come out? 2004-07-05 19:35:23 Don't tease you not using VC? Why didn't you depends?

2004-07-05 19:35:29 Perfect waste people don't know :(

2004-07-05 19:35:52 Don't tease DEPENDS.EXE? faint!

2004-07-05 19:36:11 Perfect waste people seem to have not installed VC-Tools ...

2004-07-05 19:36:13 How does the slap C compiled DLL how to call under Console?

2004-07-05 19:36:24 Perfect waste people loadlibrary

2004-07-05 19:36:30 Don't tease you.

2004-07-05 19:36:33 No Front Blade is another API ...

2004-07-05 19:36:40 Signal Blades [: 8]

2004-07-05 19:36:55 Don't tease C-compiled DLL does not need?

2004-07-05 19:37:07 Perfect Wasteman I am watching CreateremoteThread, but I am not teased by my brothers.

2004-07-05 19:37:28 Don't tease that hang?

2004-07-05 19:37:41 Perfect Waste people for his fucking benefits, commutation.

2004-07-05 19:38:01 Signal Blades Take the waste people of the grass ...



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