Have to save the PHP expert!!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

The small station forum is PHP. But recently, I don't know why one page error will appear! Example: line: 130 characters: 1 error: missing object code: 0URL: http://www.20030.net/bbs/ READ.PHP? TID = 21 & fpage = 1

I opened this file with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. It is easy to find 130th! But I don't know PHP at all. I opened the read.php code as follows: 1) {$ s_sql = $ j_sql = ';} else {! $ Page && $ page = 1; $ s_sql =', TM. *, P. Voteopts, P. P. Pollid, M.UID, M.username, M.Gender, M.OICQ, M.GroupID, M.MEMBERID, M.ICON AS Micon, M.OnlineTime, M.Hack, M. Honor, M. Signature, M.Regdate, M.Postnum, M.RVRC, M.Money, M.credit, M.Thisvisit, M.SignChange '; $ j_sql =' Left Join PW_TMSGSTM ON T.TID = TM. Tid Left Join PW_MEMBERS M on M.UID = T.authorid LEFT JOIN PW_POLLS P on P.Pollid = T.Pollid ';} $ read = $ db-> get_one ("SELECT T. * $ s_sql from pw_threads t $ j_sql where T.TID = '$ tid' "); if (! $) {showmsg ('Illegal_tid');}

$ FID = $ ['fid'];

$ forumInfo = $ db-> get_one ("SELECT * from Pw_forum WHERE FID = '$ FID'"); if (! $ forumInfo) {Require_once (r_p.'require / url_error.php ');} Wind_forumCheck ($ forumInfo) ;

$ subject = $ read ['Subject']; Require_Once ('./Header.php');

IF (! $ forumfo ['allowvisit'] && $ gp_allowread == 0) {showmsg ('read_group_right');}

IF ($ WINDID == $ Manager) {$ AdminCHECK = 1;} elseif ($ ForumFO ['Forumadmin'] && Strpos ($ ForumFO ['forumadmin'], ','. $ windid. ',')! == False) {$ admin; admincheck = 0;}! $ windid && $ admin = 0; $ winddb ['p_num'] && $ db_readperpage = $ winddb ['p_num']; $ count = $ = ['replies'] 1; IF ($ count% $ db_readperpage == 0) {$ Numofpage = $ count / $ db_readperpage;} else {$ Numofpage = floor ($ count / $ db_readperpage) 1;} if Page == 'E' || $ Page> $ Numofpage) {$ Page = $ Numofpage;

Update_ol (); $ readb = array (); if ($ r && $ page == 1) {$ forumInfo ['allowhtm'] == 1 && $ htmurl = 'htm_data /'. $ FID.' / '. Date ('ym', $ read ['posddate']). '/'. $ read ['Tid']. '. html'; if ($ forumInfo ['allowhtm'] == 1 &&! $ Toread && File_exists $ htmurl) {Header ("Location: $ htmurl); exit;} $ read ['pid'] = 'TPC'; $ readb [] = viewread ($ read, 0);}

$ fengye = Numofpage ($ count, $ page, $ numofpage, "read.php? tid = $ tid & fpage = $ fpage & toread = $ toread &"); // article number, page number, a number of pages, path $ Pollid = $ = = 'Pollid'];

IF ($ adminCheck &&! $ system ['ViewCheck'] && $ forumInfo ['f_check'] && $ WINDUID! = $ read ['Authorid'] && $ == 0) {ShowMsg (' Read_check ');}

IF ($ read ['Locked'] == 2 &&! $ admin ['viewclose']) {showmsg ('read_locked');}

IF ($ db_hithour) {$ db-> Update ("Update Pw_threads Set Hits = Hits 1 WHERE TID = '$ TID'); $ Read ['Hits'] ;} else {WriteOver (r_p." Data / bbscache / hits.txt ", $ TID." / t ", 'ab');} $ favortitle = str_replace (" & # 39 "," '", $ subject);

Include_once (r_p.'data / bbscache / forum_cache.php '); $ guidename = forumindex ($ forumInfo [' fup ']); unset ($ frour); $ guidename [$ subject] = "read.php? TID = $ TID "; $ msg_guide = headguide; $ db_bbsname = addslashes ($ db_bbsname); // Table

IF ($ page == 1 | $ numofpage == 1) {IF ($ Pollid && $ Read ['voteopts']) {required_once (r_p.'require / readvote.php'); $ TPC_DATE = GET_DATE ($ read) ['PostDate']); Vote ($ read ['voteopts']);}}

IF ($ read ['replies']> 0) {$ start_limit = ($ PAGE-1) * $ db_readperpage; if ($ page == 1) {$ readnum = $ db_readperpage-1;} else {$ readnum = $ DB_ReadperPage; $ start_limit- = 1;} $ query = $ db-> query ("SELECT P. *, M.UID, M.USERNAME, M.GENDER, M.OICQ, M.GROUPID, M.MEMBERID, M. Icon As Micon, M.Onlinetime, M.Hack, M. Honor, M.Signature, M.Regdate, M.Postnum, M.RVRC, M.Money, M.credit, M.Thisvisit, M.SignChange from PW_POSTS P Left Join PW_MEMBERS M on M.UID = P.authorid WHERE P.TID = '$ TID' Order by PostDate $ ASC LIMIT $ START_LIMIT, $ readnum "); $ start_limit ; while ($ read = $ db-> fetch_Array ($ query) {$ readdb [] = viewRead ($ read, $ start_limit); $ sart_limit ;} $ db-> free_result ($ query); unset ($ Sign, $ read);}

INCLUDE_ONCE (r_p.'data / bbscache / forumcache.php '); if ($ groupid! =' guest ') {if ($ db_signwindcode == 1) {$ Windcode ='
wind code open '; if ($ db_windpic ['pic'] == 1) {$ Windcode. = '
[IMG] - Open';} Else {$ Windcode. = '
[IMG] - Close';} IF ($ db_windpic ['Flash'] == 1) {$ Windcode. = '
[Flash] - Open';} else {$ Windcode. = '
[Flash] - Close';}} else {$ Windcode = '
Close '; $ HTMLPOST = ($ Forumfo [' ALLOWHIDE '] && $ GP_ALLOWHIDEN®' ': "Disabled"); $ HTMLHIDE = ($ forumInfo [' AllowEncode '] && $ GP_ALLOWENCODE?' ': "Disabled"); $ Htmlsell = ($ forumInfo ['allowsell'] && $ gp_allowsell? '': "disabled"); $ psot_sta = 'reply'; // Control The Faster Reply $ Titletop1 = 'RE:'. $ subject; $ fastpost = ' fastpost ';} else {$ fastpost =' ';} require_once (PrintEot (' read ')); footer (); function viewread ($ read, $ start_limit) {global $ SYSTEM, $ groupid, $ admincheck, $ attach_url, $ AttachPer, $ WINDUID, $ TABLECOLOR, $ TPC_AUTHOR, $ TPC_BUY, $ COUNT, $ TIMESTAMP, $ db_onlinetime, $ attachpath, $ gp_allowloadrvrc, $ readcolorone, $ readcolortwo, $ lpic, $ ltitle, $ imgpath, $ db_ipfrom, $ db_showonline, $ stylepath, $ db_windpost, $ db_windpic, $ db_signwindcode, $ fid, $ tid, $ pid, $ PIC_A; $ read ['lou'] = $ start_limit; $ start_limit == $ count-1 && $ read ['jupend'] = ' '; $ TPC_BUY =

$ read ['Buy']; IF ($ start_limit% 2 == 0) {$ read ['color'] = $ readcolorone;} else {$ read ['color'] = $ readcolortwo;} $ = l lt '] <2 && $ read [' content '] = str_replace ("/ n", "
", $ read [' content ']); if ($ read [' groupid ']! =') { $ read ['groupid'] == '- 1' && $ read ['Groupid'] = $ read ['memberid']; $ lpic [$ read ['groupid'] && $ read ['groupid'] = 8; $ read ['lpic'] = $ LPIC [$ read ['groupid']]; $ read ['level'] = $ ltitle [$ read ['groupid']; $ read ['regdate'] = get_date ($ read ['regdate'], "ymd"); $ read ['lastlogin'] = get_date ($ read ['thisvisit'], "YMD"); $ read ['Aurvrc'] = floor ($ READ ['RVRC'] / 10); $ read ['Author'] = $ read ['username']; $ TPC_AUTHOR = $ read ['Author']; / * i ($ read ['Hack'] == 1) {$ Read ['face'] = getWindXiu ($ read ['Author'], $ I, 140, 226);} else {* / $ read ['face'] = showfaceDesign ($ read ['Micon']) ; //}

$ db_ipfrom == 1? $ read ['ipfrom'] = 'from:'. $ read ['ipfrom']: $ read ['ipfrom'] = ';

IF ($ SYSTEM ['Viewip'] == 1 || ($ AdminCheck && $ SSTEM ['Viewip'] == 2)) {$ Read ['ip'] = IP: $ Read [userip] | }

$ read ['ontime'] = (int) ($ read ['OnlineTime'] / 3600);

Global $ SIGN; IF ($ Sign [$ read [t ']) {= f ($ read [' ifsign '] == 1 || $ read [' ifsign '] == 3) {IF ($ db_signwindcode && $ read ['Signchange'] == 2) $ read ['Signature'] = Convert ($ Read ['Signature'], $ DB_WINDPIC, 2); $ read ['Signature'] = STR_REPLACE ("/ n" , "
", $ read [} else {$ read ['signature'] = '';}} else {$ read ['signal'] = $ sIGN [$ r [Thor ']]; $ SIGN [$ read [' Author '] = $ read [' Signature '];} else {$ read [' Face '] = "
"; $ read [' lpic '] = '8'; $ read ['level'] = $ read ['Postnum'] = $ read ['Money'] = $ read ['regdate'] = $ read ['lastlogin'] = $ read ['AURVRC' ] = '*';} $ Read ['posddate'] = get_date ($ read ['postdate']); if ($ read ['ifmark']) {$ markdb = evtern ("/ t", $ f [ 'iFmark']); $ markinfo = ""; Foreach ($ markdb as $ key => $ value) {$ markinfo. = ''. $ value. ''; $ key IF ($ key% 3 == 0) $ markinfo. = ' ';} $ markinfo. = ''; $ read ['mark'] = $ markinfo;} else {$ Read ['mark'] = ';} f ($ read [' icon ']) {$ read [' icon '] = " ";} Else {$ i = '';} / * * control the attachs hide * / $ attachper = 1; if ($ read ['ifconvert'] == 2) {$ [[t]] =

Convert ($ read ['content'], $ db_windpost);} if ($ attachper) {$ downattach = $ downpic = '; if ($ read [' AID ']! =') {$ attachs = unserialize Stripslashes ($ read ['AID']); if (is_Array ($ attachs)) {if ($ window == $ read [AUTHORID '] || $ adminCheck || ($ GroupID! = 5 && $ SYSTEM [ 'delattach'])) {$ DFADMIN = 1;} else {$ dfadmin = 0;} foreach ($ attachs as $ r) {if (file_exists ($ attachpath. '/'. $ r r tTTACHURL '])) {$ A_URL = $ attachpath. '/'. $} Elseif ($ attach_url) {$ A_URL = $ attach_url. $ Attachpath. '/'. $ R r r ttachurl '];} else { Continue;} IF ($ r = '] ==' IMG '&& $ == 0) {$ dfurl ='
'.cvpic ($ A_URL, 1); $ r [ 'pic'] [$ r ["] = array ($ r [); // $ pic_a [$ AID] = Array ($ AID, $ DFURL, $ DFADMIN } Else {$ read ['Downattach'] [] = Array ($ RT ['AID'], $ RT ['Name'], $ RT ['Size'], $ RT ['Hits'], $ RT ['Needrvrc'], $ RT ['Type'], $ DFADMIN);}}}}} / ** * Convert the post content * /

$ Read [ 'alterinfo'] && $ read [ 'content'] = "

[$ read [alterinfo]] ";. Return $ read; }?> Section 130 is: if ($ db_windpic ['pic'] == 1) {I hope the master can help me with this problem. Thank you !!!


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