First, the main subdirectory in the Windows directory
◆ ALL USERS directory: This subdirectory is the start menu and desktop of all users of the computer and the start menu and desktop set by these users;
◆ Application Data Directory: This directory stores some data information when the computer user is installed;
◆ Command directory: This directory places a common command under Microsoft DOS, such as CHKDSK, FORMAT, FDISK, and other common commands;
◆ config directory: It is used to hold hardware profiles in Windows;
◆ CURSORS directory: Windows uses the cursor file indicating the various states of the system in this directory;
◆ Desktop directory: System icons and desktop shortcuts created by applications and documents are stored here, the icon file here is related to the icon on the desktop;
◆ Downloaded Program Files Directory: If you often download things online, this directory becomes the default directory of you downloading the software;
◆ Favorites directory: When you are online, the webpage added to the favorites is here;
◆ FONTS directory: Windows system font files and font files you have to increase in this directory later;
◆ Help Directory: All files involved in the help feature of the Windows system under this directory;
◆ History directory: In the default, it is mainly to store Internet Explorer's operating records in nearly 20 days.
◆ Media Directory: This directory deposits the system's sound file;
◆ Offline web pages directory: Offline browsing files are placed in this directory;
◆ sendto directory: When you use the destination address when you use the "Send to" command;
◆ START MENU Directory: The files in this directory correspond to the "Start" menu on the desktop;
◆ SYSTEM32 directory: It is important information such as a system folder with the Sytem directory, which stores important information such as Windows system files and hardware drivers;
◆ Tasks directory: All tasks added to the Windows system are stored here;
◆ TEMP directory: Mainly stored temporary files when performing decompression and installer or the like;
◆ Temporary Internet Files Directory: It is a temporary file generated when it is stored in the browsing page;
◆ Web Directory: Store some image files related to web.
Second, the main system files in the Windows directory
◆ Accstat.exe recycle bin executable program;
◆ Calc.exe system comes with the calculator;
◆ CDPLAYER.EXE system comes with the CD player;
◆ Cleanmgr.exe disks cleaning tool;
◆ Command Interpretation, implementation enters the MS-DOS state;
◆ Control.exe Control panel executable program;
◆ Cvtaplog.exe auxiliary procedure for disk fragmentation;
◆ DEFRAG.EXE disk defragmentation process;
◆ Emm386.exe extension memory management program;
◆ Explorer.exe This program launches "Explorer";
◆ FontView.exe font view program;
◆ freecell.exe empty as a dragon game, mshearts.exe online red heart war game, Sol.exe play card game, Winmine.exe mine game;
◆ Notepad.exe Windows system notepad;
◆ PBRUSH.EXE WINDOWS system drawing program; ◆ ping.exe is used to check if the network cable of this unit is connected to the host;
◆ Regedit.exe Registry Editor;
◆ Scandskw.exe is used to fix disk scanners on disk surfaces and data errors on disk;
◆ ScanRegw.exe This program checks the error of the registry, if it is correct, prompts the backup;
◆ SNDREC32.EXE Windows system comes with recorder, sound file format is * .wav; SNDVOL32.EXE volume adjustment;
◆ Winfile.exe File Manager, the program can find, view files, folders, display file information, and its corresponding operations;
◆ Write.exe Word board.