MSCOMM's perfect registration uses MSComm32.oCX development in a non-VB programming environment. After packaging, you need to register the control after packaging. Generally use the system's regsvr32.exe to complete registration. As follows: regsvr32.exe mscomm32.ocx, but sometimes Tip has no License case. That is, there is no problem with the control registration code. The easiest way is to install VB and select Install ActiveX when installing VB. After completion, you can solve this problem. But sometimes not allowed to use the above method I find an absolutely feasible method by exploring. As follows: 1. Put the MSComm32.ocx, MScomm32.oca, MSComm32.Dep, MScomm.srg four files to the system directory. NOTE: MSCOMM.SRG notepad available for editing as follows:. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / Licenses / 4250E830-6AC2-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905] @ = "kjljvjjjoquqmjjjvpqqkqmqykypoqjquoun" two lines of register 2. Run Rsgsvr32.exe mscomm32.ocx Mscomm32.ocx In the system. 3. Run the regedit.exe Open the system registry under HKEY_CLASESS_ROOT / LICENSES to establish a 4250E830-6AC2-11CF-8ADB-00AA00C00905 branch key. And change its default to kjljvjjoquqmjjvpqqkqmqykypoqjquoun to complete the registration to resolve the registration code.