UltraWebGrid is the most important control of NetAdvantage. The functionality of this control is also very powerful. To this end, some of the experiences are summarized as follows:
1. Keep the Grid's header part exist:
Expand DisplayLayout, set stationaryMargins = header, optional value also has Footer, HeaderandFooter to refer to some way to limit the width.
Therefore, it is best to set upcolsizingdefault = free in setting as header, so that the column width of the Grid is based on Header. If the recorded value is too long, you can drag the column width to view.
2. Column Mobile function:
Expand DisplayLayout, setting upcolumnMovingDefault = ONSERVER can be implemented.
3. Multiple options:
Expand DisplayLayout, set the properties of SELECTTYPEROWDEFAULT to: EXTENDED, you can use Ctrl to select a line, and make multiple lines of choice. Of course, you can also customize a checkbox column that can be implemented using Checkbox.