C # operation IIS (taken from Terry on 9CBS)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

ASP.NET operates on virtual directory in IIS ------ 2004-6-17 9:22:15

/ / If the virtual directory is named "Webtest", first reference in the project

//System.directoryservices.dll, then

Using System.directoryServices;

Protected system.directoryServices.directoryentry Dirroot DIRECTORY DIRROOT

1, add a new virtual directory

DirectoryEntry newvirdir = Dirroot.children.Add ("Webtest", "IisWebVirtualdir");

NewVirdir.Invoke ("AppCreate", TRUE;

Newvirdir.commitchanges ();

Dirroot.commitchanges ();

2, change the virtual directory properties

// Virtual directory properties are more common: AccessRead, AccessWrite, AccessExecute, AccessScript, Defaultdoc, Enabledefaultdoc, Path, etc.

DirectoryEntry Dirport = Dirroot.children.Find ("Webtest", "Iisvirtualdir");

Dirport .properties ["AccessRead"] [0] = True;

3. Delete the virtual directory

DirectoryEntry Dirport = Dirroot.children.Find ("Webtest", "Iisvirtualdir");

Dirport.Invoke ("Appdelete", true);

Dirroot.commitchanges ();


Object [] part = new object [2];

Part [0] = "IisWebVirtualdir";

Part [1] = "Webtest";

Dirroot.Invoke ("delete", part);

Dirroot.commitchanges (); an IIS Management class Using System;

Using system.data;

Using System.directoryServices;

Using system.collections;

Namespace Testurlre



/// IISMANAGER's summary description.


Public Class Iismanager


// Definition needs to be used

Private string _server, _website, _anonymoususeuserpass, _anonymoususername;

Private VirtualDirectories_virdirs;

Protected system.directoryServices.directoryEntry Rootfolder;

Private bool _batchflag;



// By default, Localhost is used, that is, access the local machine.

_server = "localhost";

_Website = "1";





_server = strserver;

_Website = "1";



// Define public properties


Public void get_anonymoususeuser ()


_AnonymousUserpass = "IUSR_DEVE-Server";

_Anonymoususername = "IUSR_DEVE-Server";

VirtualDirectory vdir;



Hashtable mylist = (havehtable) _virdirs;

IDictionaryenumerator myenumerator = myList.GeteNumerator ();

While (myenumerator.movenext ())


VDIR = (VirtualDirectory) myenumerator.value;

IF (vdir.anonymoususeusername! = "" && vdir.anonymoususeuserpass! = ")


_Anonymoususername = vdir.anonymoususeusername;

_AnonymousUserpass = vdir.anonymoususeuser;







_AnonymousUserpass = "IUSR_DEVE-Server";

_Anonymoususername = "IUSR_DEVE-Server";



Public String AnonymousUsername


Get {return_Anonymoususername;

Set {_anonymoususername = value;


Public String AnonymousUserpass


Get {return_Anonymoususerpass;}

Set {_anonymoususeuserpass = value;


// Server property defines the name of the access machine, which can be IP and calculation names

Public String Server


Get {return _server;}

Set {_server = value;}


// Website property definition, for a number, for convenience, use String

// Generally, the first host is 1, the second host is 2, and the secondary

Public String Website


Get {return _Website;

Set {_website = value;}


// Name of the virtual directory

Public VirtualDirectories Virdirs


Get {return _virdirs;

Set {_virdirs = value;}



// / Define public methods


//connect to the server

Public void connect ()


ConnectTOSERVER ();


/ / For convenient overload

Public Void Connect (String STRSERVER)


_server = strserver;

ConnectTOSERVER ();


/ / For convenient overload

Public Void Connect (String Strserver, String StrWebsite)


_server = strserver;

_Website = StrWebsite;

ConnectToserver ();

/ / Judgment Whether to save this virtual directory

Public Bool EXISTS (String Strvirdir)


Return_Virdirs.contains (STRVIRDIR);


// Add a virtual directory

Public Bool Create (VirtualDirectory NewDir)


String strpath = "IIS: //" _server "/ w3svc /" _Website "/ root /" newdir.name

IF (! _ virdirs.contains (newdir.name) || _batchflag




// Add to the root of Children collection

DirectoryEntry newvirdir = rootfolder.children.add (newdir.name, "iiswebvirtualdir);

NewVirdir.Invoke ("AppCreate", TRUE;

Newvirdir.commitchanges ();

Rootfolder.commitchanges ();

/ / Then update the data

UpdatedirInfo (NewVirdir, NewDir);

Return True;


Catch (Exception EE)


// throw new exception (Ee.toString ());

Return False;





Return True;

// Throw new exception ("this Virtual Directory is already exist.");



// Get a virtual directory

Public VirtualDirectory GetVirdir (String Strvirdir)


VirtualDirectory TMP = NULL;




(VirtualDirectory _virdirs [strvirdir]). Flag = 2;




// Throw new Exception ("This Virtual Directory IS Not Exists);


Return TMP;


/ / Update a virtual directory

Public Void Update (VirtualDirectory DIR)


// Determine if the virtual directory that needs to be changed



DirectoryEntry Ode = rootfolder.children.find (Dir.Name, "IisWebVirtualdir);

UpdatedirInfo (ODE, DIR);




// Throw new Exception ("This Virtual Directory IS Not Exists");



/ / Delete a virtual directory

Public void delete (String Strvirdir)




Object [] Paras = New Object [2];

Paras [0] = "IisWebVirtualDir"; // means operation is a virtual directory

Paras [1] = STRVIRDIR;

Rootfolder.invoke ("delete", paras); rootfolder.commitchanges ();




// Throw new Exception ("Can''t delete" StrvirDir ", Because IT ISN''t exists");


} The following is taken from Jackile: // Batch update

Public void updatebatch ()

{BatchUpdate;} // Reserved one :-) public void updatebatch (VirtualDirectories vds) {BatchUpdate (VDS);} ///

/// Private method /// public void close () {_Virdirs.clear (); _VIRDIRS = NULL; rootfolder.dispose ();

// Connecting Server Private Void ConnectTOServer () {string strpath = "IIS: //" _Server "/ W3SVC /" _Website "/ root"; try {

This.Rootfolder = New DirectoryEntry (STRPATH);

_Virdirs = getVirdirs (this.rootfolder.children);


Catch (Exception E) {// Throw new Exception ("Can''t Connect To The Server [" _Server "] ...", E);}} // Perform Batch Update Private Void BatchUpdate (VirtualDirectories VDS) {_BATCHFLAG = True; Foreach (Object Item in vds.values) {VirtualDirectory VD = (VirtualDirectory) Item; Switch (vd.flag) {Case 0: Break; Case 1: Create (VD); Break; Case 2: Update vd); break;}} _batchflag = false;} // update stuff private void UpdateDirInfo (DirectoryEntry de, VirtualDirectory vd) {de.Properties [ "AnonymousUserName"] [0] = vd.AnonymousUserName; de.Properties [ "A Nonymoususerpass "] [0] = vd.anonymoususeuseuserpass; de.properties [" accessread "] [0] = vd.accessread; de.properties [" AccessExecute "] [0] = vd.accessExecute; de.properties [" accesswrite " ] [0] = vd.accessWrite; de.properties ["authbasic"] [0] = vd.authbasic; de.properties ["AuthnTlm"] [0] = vd.authntlm; de.properties ["contentIndexed"] [ 0] = vd.contentIndexed; de.properties ["enabledefaultdoc"] [0] = vd.enableDefaultdoc; de.properties ["enabledirbrowsing"] [0] = vd.enabledirbrowsing;

De.properties ["Accessssl"] [0] = vd.accessssssl; de.properties ["accessscript"] [0] = vd.accessscript; de.properties ["defaultDoc"] [0] = vd.defaultdoc; de. Properties [ "Path"] [0] = vd.Path; de.CommitChanges ();} // set the virtual directory acquired private VirtualDirectories GetVirDirs (DirectoryEntries des) {VirtualDirectories tmpdirs = new VirtualDirectories (); foreach (DirectoryEntry de in des) {IF (de.schemaclassname == "IisWebVirtualDir") {VirtualDirectory VD = New VirtualDirectory (); vd.name = de.name; vd.accessread = (bool) de.properties ["accessread"] [0]; VD. AcceptExecute = (bool) de.properties ["accessexecute"] [0]; vd.accessWrite = (bool) de.properties ["accesswrite"] [0];

vd.anonymoususeusername = (string) de.properties ["anonymoususername"] [0];

vd.anonymoususeuserpass = (string) de.properties ["anonymoususername"] [0];

Vd.authbasic = (bool) de.properties ["authbasic"] [0];

vd.authnTLM = (bool) de.properties ["authnTlm"] [0];

Vd.contentIndexed = (bool) de.properties ["contentIndexed"] [0];

Vd.enableDefaultdoc = (BOOL) de.properties ["enabledefaultdoc"] [0];

Vd.enableDirBrowsing = (bool) de.properties ["enabledirbrowsing"] [0];

vd.accesssssl = (bool) de.properties ["accessssl"] [0];

vd.accessscript = (bool) de.properties ["Accessscript"] [0];

Vd.path = (string) de.properties ["path"] [0];

VD.FLAG = 0; vd.defaultdoc = (string) de.properties ["defaultdoc"] [0];





}} ///

/// VirtualDirectory class


Public Class VirtualDirectory


Private bool _read, _execute, _script, _ssl, _write, _authbasic, _authntlm, _indexed, _ndirbrow, _endefaultdoc;

Private string _ausername, _AUSERPASS, _NAME, _PATH;

Private int _flag;

Private string_defaultdoc;


/// Constructor


Public VirtualDirectory ()


SetValue ();


Public VirtualDirectory (String svirdiRName)


SetValue ();

_name = svirdirname;


// svirdirName: virtual path;

// StrPhypath: Physics Path

Public VirtualDirectory (String SvirdiRName, String Str Phphypath, String [] Anonymoususer)


SetValue ();

_name = svirdirname;

_path = strphypath;

_AUSERNAME = anonymoususer [0];

_AUSERPASS = Anonymoususer [1];


Private void setValue ()


_read = true; _execute = false; _ssl = false; _write = false; _write = false;

_authntlm = true; _indexed = true; _ndefaultdoc = true;

_flag = 1;

_defaultdoc = "default.htm, default.aspx, default.asp, index.htm";

_PATH = "C: //";

_AUSERNAME = "IUSR_DEVE-Server"; _ auserpass = "iUSR_DEVE-Server"; _ name = ""



// Define attributes, iisvirtualdir too much attribute

/// I only have some important, and other big guys need to add it.


Public int flag


Get {return _flag;}

Set {_flag = value;}


Public Bool AccessRead


Get {return _read;}

Set {_read = value;}


Public Bool AccessWrite


Get {return _write;}

Set {_write = value;}


Public Bool AccessExecute {

Get {return_execute;

Set {_execute = value;}


Public Bool Accessssl


Get {return _ssl;}

Set {_ssl = value;


Public Bool AccessScript


Get {return _script;

Set {_script = value;}


Public bool authbasic


Get {return_authbasic;}

Set {_authbasic = value;}


Public Bool AuthnTLM


Get {return _authnTlm;

Set {_authnTLM = value;


Public Bool ContentIndexed


Get {return_indexed;

Set {_indexed = value;}


Public bool enabledirbrowsing


Get {return _endirbrow;

Set {_ndirbrow = value;}


Public Bool Enabledefaultdoc


Get {return _endefaultdoc;

Set {_endefaultdoc = value;


Public String Name


Get {return _name;}

Set {_name = value;}


Public String Path


Get {return _path;}

Set {_path = value;}


Public String DefaultDoc


Get {return _defaultdoc;

Set {_defaultdoc = value;}


Public String AnonymousUsername


Get {return _ausername;

Set {_ausername = value;


Public String AnonymousUserpass


Get {return _auserpass;

Set {_auserpass = value;




// Collection VirtualDirectories


Public Class VirtualDirectories: system.collections.hashtable


Public VirtualDirectories ()



// Add new method

Public VirtualDirectory Find (String Strname)


Return (VirtualDirectory). [strname];




Call method: string sserver = "localhost";

String VirtualDir = "BUG2004"; // Virtual Directory

String pathdir = @ "d: / mywebdirtest / bug2000"; // physical catalog


Iismg.connect ();

IISMG.EXISTS (Virtualdir))


Console.write (VirtualDir "IS EXIST!");



//myini.iniwritevalue ("Webdir ", "Webdirexist", "false");

Iismg.get_anonymoususeuser ();

String [] anonymoususer = new string [2];

Anonymoususer [0] = IISMG.AnonymoususerName;

Anonymoususer [1] = IISMG.AnonymousUserpass;

VirtualDirectory newvirdir = New VirtualDirectory (VirtualDir, Pathdir, Anonymoususe);


Console.write (VirtualDir "creates success!");


Console.Write (VirtualDir "creates unsuccessful!");


Iismg.close ();



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