IPv6 address length
The 128-bit address length of IPv6 forms a huge address space. In the foreseeable period, it can provide a global unique address for all IMB devices that can be imagined. The 128-bit address space contains the number of accurate addresses of 340, 282, 366, 920, 938, 463, 463, 374, 607, 431, 768, 211, 456. These addresses provide a separate IP address for each sand on the Earth.
IPv6 can provide different types of address configuration for host interfaces
Global Address (GLOBALLY)
Global unicast address (Unicast)
Regional address (on-site)
Link Local Address (Link Local Address)
Regional local address (Site Local Address)
Broadcast address (Broadcast)
MultiCast Group Address
Anycast address (Anycast Address)
Mobile address (Mobility)
Home Address
Transfer address (Care-of Address)
Automatic configuration
Another basic feature of IPv6 is that it supports stateless and stateless. The stateless address automatic configuration is the key to obtaining the address. In this manner, a node that requires an address is required to use a neighbor discovery mechanism to obtain a local connection address. Once you get this address, it uses another plug-and-play mechanism, where there is no artificial intervention, get a global unique routing address. There is a state configuration mechanism, such as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), requires an additional server, so many additional operations and maintenance are required.
service quality
Service quality (QoS) contains several aspects. From an agreement, the advantage of IPv6 is reflected in providing different levels of services. This is mainly due to the new field "Business Level" and "Drain" in the IPv6 header. With them, during the transmission process, each node in the middle can identify and separate any IP address streams. Although the accurate application of this stream has not yet set relevant standards, it will be used in the new billing system based on the service level.
In other aspects, IPv6 also helps improve service quality. This is mainly manifested in supporting "always online" connection, preventing service interruptions and improving network performance. From another perspective, better network and service quality improve the customer's expectations and satisfaction, so that our relationships with our customers have a higher level.
Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) provides greater flexibility in new features and new services. Each mobile device has a fixed home address, which is independent of the location where the device is currently connected to the Internet. When the device is used outside the hometown, the current location information of the mobile node is provided by a CARE-OF Address. Each time the mobile device changes, it is necessary to tell its transfer address to the hometown address and the communication node therefor. Where to hometown
When the mobile node sends a packet outside the hometown, use a hometown address target option. The aim is to tell the recipient of the hometown of the mobile node through this option. Due to the options in this packet contain hometown addresses, the receiving communication node can use this packet to replace the packet in this hometown address. Therefore, the IPv6 package transmitted to the mobile node is transparently selected to the transfer address of the node. Optimization of routing between communication nodes and transformed addresses makes the network utilization. IP layer mobile features based on mobile IPv6 protocols are important. In particular, today, these advantages have been highlighted today. Although there is a similar mobile protocol in IPv4, there is an essential difference between the two: The mobile IPv4 protocol does not apply to a large number of mobile terminals.
Mobile IP needs to provide a global unique IP address for each device. IPv4 does not have sufficient address space to assign one such address for each mobile terminal running on the public Internet. From another perspective, mobile IPv6 can meet the needs of large-scale mobile users through simple expansion. In this way, it can solve mobility issues between networks and access technologies.
For the use of mobile IPv6 globally, a security layer is added based on IPv6 networks. For example, if an ISP network is stopped, or the network has blocked, then the mobile IPv6 terminal can connect with its hometown agent through other ISP networks, so that the optional router is allowed to use an optional router. Added a layer of reliability. It also improves the robustness of the network.
3GPP is a standardized organization of mobile networks, IPv6 has been adopted by the organization, and IPv6 (IMCN) will be used in the IP Multimedia core network. This core network will process multimedia packets in all 3G networks.
Built-in security features
IPv6 protocol has a built-in security mechanism and has been standardized. It supports seamless remote access to the enterprise network. For example, the company's virtual private network connection. This security mechanism is also possible even if the end user is "always online" access enterprise network. This type of service type of "Time Online" cannot be implemented in IPv4 technology. For those who engage in mobility, IPv6 is the guarantee of IP-level enterprise networks.
In terms of security, IPv6 is consistent with the IP Security (IPSec) mechanism and services. In addition to providing network layers, IPSec also provides two services. Certification header (AH) is used to ensure the consistency of data, while the packaged secure load header (ESP) is used to ensure the confidentiality and data of the data. In the IPv6 package, both AH and ESPs are extended headers, which can be used simultaneously or one of them alone.
As an important application of IPSec, IPv6 integrates the function of virtual private network (VPN).
Evolution from IPv4 to IPv6
The evolution from IPv4 to IPv6 is a gradually evolved process, not a process of thorough changes. Once IPv6 technology is introduced, you need to achieve global IPv6 interconnection, you still take a while to make all services to achieve global IPv6 interconnections. In the first evolutionary stage, you can access the IPv6 service through existing networks as long as the small-scale IPv6 network is connected to the IPv4 internet. But IPv4-based services are already mature, they will not disappear immediately. It is important to continue to maintain these services on the one hand, while also supporting interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6.
Features IPv6 IPv4
The address space is large enough to be 4 billion, and it is actually much less.
Mobile IP built-in security; can meet the needs of global mobile terminals to meet the needs of a limited mobile terminal
Safety uses standard safety methods, which can be applied to global enterprise network access, such as several ways to choose, but each of them cannot adapt to network scale due to limited address space
Some of the automatic configuration of the network has no comprehensive standard solutions for IPv6 standards.