SELECT T.SID, T.STATUS AS "Session Status", - Active Status PID U.PGA_USED_MEM AS "session memory corresponding to the current system resources, the U.SPID AS" AIX process ID ", - database service process ", - Oracle Service Process Upper Memory W.Physical_Reads AS" Physical I / O Read ", - The number of data blocks read by the data block w.consistent_gets as" Consistency ", w.block_changes as" change data block number " ,-Changed the number of data blocks T.Program AS "client execution program name", T. Machine AS "client machine name", T.Command as "Operation", T. Logon_time AS "login time" U.PID AS "Oracle Internal Process ID", T.userName AS "Oracle User Name", T.LockWait AS "Wait Lock", T.Server AS "Oracle Service Process Type", S.SQL_Text As "Currently SQL statement ", t.prev_sql_addr as" front strip SQL address ", - can search with V $ SQL to find the SQL statement LPad (to_CHAR (Round (u.pga_used_mem / u.pga_alloc_mem * 100)), 2, 0 ) || '%' AS "Session Memory", T.Serial #, T. T.TYPE AS "Session Type", T.AudsidFrom V $ SESSION T LEFT JOIN V $ SQL S on (T. SQL_HASH_VALUE = S.hash_Value - - Know the execution SQL statement Left Join V $ Process U On (T.Paddr = u.addr) - Pidleft Join v $ sess_io w on the corresponding database service process (T.SID = W.SID) ) - IO case Left join v $ session_event x on (x.sid = t.sid and x.event = 'DB File Sequ " Ential Read ')