Microsoft® Exchange Server Best Practices Analysis Tools Read the following registry key to determine if the maximum size of the Pass Status Notification (DSN) message has been set:
HKLM / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / SMTPSVC / Queuing / MaxDsnsize
Exchange Server Best Practice Analysis Tool also queries the Active Directory® Directory Services to determine the value of the SerialNumber property of the object class for all objects of MSExchexchange Server. If the string value contains "Version 5.5", the computer is running Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5. If the string value contains "Version 6.0", the computer is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. If the string value contains "Version 6.5", the computer is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
If the Exchange Server Best Practice Analysis tool found that there is no MaxDSnsize registry value on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003, a warning is displayed.
The MaxDsnsize registry value is an optional value in Exchange Server, which limits the size of the DSN. This option is used to configure Exchange to delete an attachment that cannot be delivered. If you add this registry value, it is recommended to use 10240000 bytes (10 MB).
The MaxDSnsize registry value is introduced in Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 2 (SP2), so the version of Exchange is required to work at least Exchange 2000 Server SP2. In addition, in Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1 and later, there is no MaxDSnsize registry value by default, and 10 MB is used. You can add a MaxDSnsize registry value to override this default behavior if needed.
If this option is enabled, you can save server and network resources. However, there is also a defect in achieving this stripping simple mail transport protocol (SMTP) attachment. If this option is enabled in order to peel off attachments from the NDR, the details needed when the notification is displayed in the preview pane, and the original sender of the message will not be able to use "again Send option. If the original sender of the message tries to use the "resend" option in NDR, the original sender of the message will receive the following error message: "Unable to send the message. No report does not include sufficient information about the original mail To resend the message, open the message in 'has sent the mail' folder, click the 'Action' menu, and then click 'Re-send the email'.
However, the original sender of the message cannot resend mail, even if it cannot be sent using the methods provided in the error message.
Solve this warning problem
Open the Registry Editor, such as regedit.exe or regedt32.exe.
Navigate to: HKLM / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / SMTPSVC
Right-click "SMTPSVC" and select "New" | "Item". Name the new item queuing and keep the class blank.
Right-click Queuing, then select "New" | "DWORD Value". Name the new value MaxDSnsize.
In the right pane, double-click the MaxDsnsize registry value, enter the desired size limit (bytes) in the "Numerical Data field". The NDR is generated due to greater than this value does not return attachments or complete mail properties. 6.
Turn off the Registry Editor and restart the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service to take effect.
For more information on MaxDsnsize Registry Settings, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article:
308303 "XCON: OPTION TO Strip Attachments for Messages That Generate An NDR" (h) (
323484 "XCON: MULTIPART / REPORT Internet Mail Format Description" in Exchange 2000 (