Math.Round method (DECIMAL, INT32) [C #] Returns the number of specified precision and closest to the specified value. [C #] Public Static Decimal Round (Decimal D, INT Decimals); parameter D is rounded to the number of DECIMAL. Decimals return values in the valid count (accuracy). Return value accuracy is equal to Decimals, the number closest to D. If D is in the middle of the two numbers, one is an even number, the other is an odd number, then returns an even number. If D is less accurate than Decimals, then returns D without making changes. Remarks the Decimals parameter specifies the valid decigit number of the return value whose ranges are between 0 and 28. If DECIMALS is zero, an integer is returned. The behavior of this method follows Section 4 of IEEE Standard 754. This rounding is sometimes referred to as a round of round or bank home. If Decimals is zero, this rounding is sometimes referred to as "towards all rounds". Example The following code demonstration is approaching. [Visual Basic] Math.Round (3.44, 1) 'Returns 3.4.math.Round (3.45, 1)' Returns 3.4.math.Round (3.46, 1) 'Returns 3.5. [C #] Math.Round (3.44, 1 ); // returns 3.4.math.Round (3.45, 1); // Returns 3.4.math.Round (3.46, 1); // Returns 3.5.