1. Make sure Apache and Tomact Install correctly My Apache, JDK and Tomact installation directory are: D: / Apache2 D: / Tomcat5 / JDK D: / Tomcat5 modified D: /tomcat5/bin/startup.bat Add set java_home =% catalina_home % / JDK is free to set up environment variables, reduce conflicts in future and other software 2. Download connector http://apache.freeeelamp.com/jakarta/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win32/mod_jk-1.2.8- Apache-2.0.52.so Copy to D: / Apache2 / Modules Remove the DLL file called Mod_jk.so Always did not find the download address, waste a lot of time for this, open the HTTPD under D: / Apache2 / Conf. Conf, find "DirectoryIndex", add index.jsp after index.html, I also added index.htm and add the following LoadModule JK_Module Modules / Mod_jk.so # Specify the loaded JK plugin
JkWorkersFile "conf / workers.properties" # Specify job files for JK plugins
Jklogfile "logs / mod_jk.log"
# Set the log file working by the module, will be built when TOCMAT starts
JKLoglevel Debug
# Specify the log level of the JK plugin, optional value has Debug, Info, Error, etc.
JKMount /*.jsp Ajp13jkmount / CMS / * AJP13JKMOUNT / Community / * ajp13jkmount / search / * ajp13
# Specify URL mapping information for JK plug-in processing
4. Add file workers.propertiesWorkers.tomcat_home = d: / tomcat5 # Specify Tomcat Server Root Catalog in D: / Apache2 / Conf
Workers.java_home = d: / tomcat5 / jdk # Specify the JDK root directory
PS = /
Worker.list = ajp13 # Specify a list of Tomcat Server
Worker.ajp13.port = 8009 # Specifies the JK port used by Tomcat servers
Worker.ajp13.host = localhost # Specify Tomcat Server IP Address
Worker.ajp13.type = ajp13 # Specify communication protocols between Tomcat servers and Apache