Dividend life insurance does not necessarily cost-effective customers: someone tells me that it is necessary to buy a life insurance must buy "dividend" - "Don't bring it without white", is it more cost-effective than buying traditional non-loser insurance? Expert: not necessarily. Assuming that a divided red life insurance product is exactly the same as another traditional non-dividend life insurance product, the insurance premium is exactly the same, but the red life insurance products have added a policy to the policyholders, then, of course, it can be said that the purchase of red life insurance products is more cost-effective. . But think about it, if things are so simple, the traditional non-divided red life insurance products have long been unattended. Insurance companies operate the red life insurance products and the traditional non-dividend life insurance products are for profit, and from long-term look at the approximately equal profitability. Since the profit of the red life insurance products should be assigned a certain proportion to the insured, then the insurance company can also enjoy a profit with non-red life insurance products. In order to meet this requirement, the price of dividend life insurance products is inevitable than traditional non-divided red life insurance products. The amount of division depends on the actual operating conditions and dividend policy of the insurance company. From the long-term, the premium for the purchase of red life insurance policy is basically compensated from the policy dividend. Purchase dividends or non-red policy must reflect the principle of "rights and obligations", and the premiums paid by the insured are right. However, from the actual implementation result, due to the decline of the decline in the actual business situation and dividend policy of the insurance company, the dividends may exceed the premiums paid by the insured, or may not be sufficient to bond the insurance More premiums pay more. So can't say that the purchase of red life insurance products must be more cost-effective than non-red life insurance products. Shang Wen (Taiping Life) 2004/12/27 Information Provide: xintv.com