The Tulus Award was earliest in 1966 and is the highest award granted by the US Computer Association in computer technology. It is named by the Nobel Prize in the Computer World. It is named after Mr. Turing, British Mathematics, Alan Turing Mr. Alan Turings The theory and practice of early calculations made a prominent contribution. The Trim Prize is primarily awarded individuals who have promised in the computer technology. These contributions must have a long-term impact on the computer industry. Previous Turing Award List: 1966 AJ Perlis --- PHD, MIT; Prof, Yale (WAS PROF AT CMU) won the awards due to the contribution of new generation programming technology and compilation architecture. 1967 Maurice V. Wilkes --- PHD, CAMBRIDGE PROF, CAMBRIDGE won the award because of a computer that implements complete memory, 1968 Richard W. Hamming --- PHD, UIUC; PROF, NAVAL Postgraduate School (WAST Bell) (manufactured) Automatically The contribution of the encoding system, detection and correction miscut is awarded the map spirit award. 1969 Marvin Minsky --- PHD, PRINCETON, PROF, MIT Due to the contribution to artificial intelligence was awarded. 1970 Jh Wilkinson --- BS, Cambridge; Staff, National Physical Laboratory, London won the study of the application of high-speed digital computers in the use of numerical analysis methods. 1971 John McCarthy --- PHD, PRINCETON; Prof, Stanford Due to the contribution to artificial intelligence The award. 1972 Edsger W. Dijkstra --- PHD, U AMSTERDAM; PROF, UT Austin won the prize in programming language. 1973 Charles W. Bachman --- Staff, Honeywell due to outstanding contributions in the database Award. 1974 Donald E. Knuth --- PHD, Caltech; Prof, Stanford Due to Design and Complete Tex (an innovative document with very high-type quality Production tools were awarded to the award. 1975 Allen Newell --- PHD, Stanford; Prof, CMU (Deceased) and Herbert A. Simon --- PHD, Chicago; Prof, CMU (Deceased) is in artificial intelligence, human identification The basic research of psychology and table treatment was awarded. 1976 Michael O. Rabin --- PHD, Princeton; Prof, Harvard and Dana S. Scott --- PHD, Princeton; Prof, CMU Because of their papers Decision issues, this very valuable concept, this very valuable concept. 1977 John Backus --- BS, Columbia; STAFF, IBM has a profound and significant impact on the available advanced programming system design Robert W. Floyd --- BS, Chicago; Prof, Stanford Because of its influence of software programming, Stanford has created a semantic, automatic program test, automatic program synthesis, and algorithm analysis in software programming. Multiple computer sub-disciplines were awarded to the award. 1979 Kenne E. Iverson is awarded the award because of the contribution of the programming language theory, the interactive system and the APL. 1980 C. Anthony R. Hoare --- Prof, Oxford (NOW AT Microsoft awards because of the contribution of the definition and design of the programming language. 1981 Edgar F. Codd --- PHD, Michigan
STAFF, IBM won the awards due to the theory and practical contribution of several 椐 椐 管理理理 systems. 1982 Steven A. Cook --- PHD, Harvard; Prof, U Toronto won the foundation of NP-Completeness theory. 1983 KEN Thompson --- MS, Berkeley; Staff, Bell-Labs and Dennis M. Ritchie --- PHD, HARVARD; Staff, Bell-Labs won the award of the class operating system theory, in particular UNIX operating system. 1984 Niklaus Wirth --- PHD, Berkeley; Prof, Eth Zurich won the award of Euler, Algol-W, Modula, and Pascal. 1985 Richard M. Karp --- PHD, Harvard; Prof, Berkeley The contribution of algorithm theory won. 1986 John E. Hopcroft --- PHD, Stanford; PROF, CORNELL AND ROBERT E. Tarjan --- PHD, Stanford; PROF, PRINCETON Due to the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures Decisive results and winning. 1987 John Cocke --- Staff, IBM awards for the contribution of object-oriented programming languages and related programming skills. 1988 Ivan E. Sutherland --- PHD, MIT; Staff, Sun The contribution of computer graphics is awarded. 1989 William V. Kahan --- PHD, U Toronto; Prof, Berkeley won the award of the factor of numerical analysis, he is an expert in floating point calculations. 1990 Fernando J. Corbato --- PHD, MIT; PROF, MIT Due to the development of large multi-function, time and resource sharing computing system, such as CTSS and Multics contributions. 1991 Robin Milner --- PROF, CAMBRIDGE (WAS AT U EDINBURGH) Due to the logic (LCF) of the calculated function , ML and Parallel Theory (CCS) awards. 1992 Butler Lampson --- PHD, Berkeley; Staff, Microsoft awarded the contribution to a personal distributed computer system (including operating system). 1993 JURIS Hartmanis - pHD, Caltech; PROF, CORNELL and RICHARD E. Stearns --- PHD, Princeton; Prof, Suny Albany won the award for the basis of computational complexity theory. 1994 raj redd; PROF , CMU and Edward Feigenbaum (PHD, CMU; Prof, Stanford) awarded for the pioneering research of large-scale human intelligence systems. 1995 Manuel Blum --- PHD, MIT; Prof, Berkeley has laid the basis of computational complexity theory and Awards in the contribution of cryptography and program verification. 1996 Amir pnueli --- PHD, Weizmann Institute; Prof, NYU is awarded for the introduction of Temport logic in the calculation and the contribution to the program and system inspection. 1997 Douglas Engelbart - - PHD, BERKELEY; STAFF, SRI is awarded for an important technique for interactive computing concepts and creates this concept. 1998 James Gray --- PHD, Berkeley;