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Value = "<% = WebName%>> p> form> div> <% = rs.close%> body> html> <% if request (" act ") =" ok " THEN Userid = Trim (Request.form ") 'Checkall = Trim (Request (" ISALL ")' response.write checkall 'response.end () showcover =" false "WebName = Request.form (" WebName ") WebName = WebName &" | There is currently no title | There is currently no title "SESSION (" Language) = Request.form ("LG") if Request.form ("LG") = "cn" THEN TLANGUAGE = " CN | FT | EN "Elseif Request.form (" lg ") =" ft "TLANGUAGE =" FT | CN | EN "Elseif Request.form (" LG ") =" En "Tlanguage =" EN | CN | FT "end if sql =" SELECT TID from userinfo where userid = '"& userid &"' "rs.open sql, conn, 1,1 if not rs.eof the conn.execute (" delete from userinfo where userid = '"& userid & us "'") Conn.execute ("delete from userlm where userid ='" & userid & "'") end if rs.close lmcount = request.form ("lmcount") TID = Request.form ("TID") lmnum = 0 SQL = "SELECT ID from Userlm Where US) Erid = '"& userid &"' and lmname = 'Home' "rs.open SQL, CONN, 1, 1 IF =") SET RS1 = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") SQL = "
select LMNameEG, LMNameFT from LanMu where LMName = 'Home' "rs1.open sql, conn, 1,1 lmnameeg = rs1 (" LMNameEG ") lmnameft = rs1 (" LMNameFT ") rs1.close sql =" select ymName, ymType, Content, Contenteg, ContentFT from TLANMU WHERE TID = "& TID &" RS1.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 1 IF NOT RS1.EOF THEN YMNAME2 = RS1 ("YMNAME") YMTYPE2 = RS1 ("YMTYPE ") lmContent = rs1 (" content ") lmContentEG = rs1 (" ContentEG ") lmContentFT = rs1 (" ContentFT ") sql =" insert into userLM (userid, TID, lmName, lmnameeg, lmnameft, dlmName, ymName, lmContent, LMContentEG , LMCONTENTFT, YMTYPE, LMPOS, BNAV) VALUES ('"& Userid &",' Home ',' "& Lmnameeeg &", '"& Lmnameft &",' Home ',' "& YMName2 &", '"& lmContent &" "','" & lmcontenteg & ", '" & lmcontentft & ",'" & ymtype2 & ", 0, 'false')" Conn.execute (SQL) Else Showmsg "System error!", "Err.htm? Kind = 1 "End if = Noth.Close Set RS1 = Nothing end if = = 0 to lmcount if request (" lm "& i) =" true "and request (" BNAV "& i) =" true "the name2 = myfilter Trim (Request.form ("Name" & i) )) Egname = trim ("Egname" & i)) ftname = trim (Request ("ftname") POS2 = Request ("POS" & i) BNAV = Request ("BNAV" DNAME2 = Request ("DNAME "& i) SQL ="
Select Ymname, YmType, Content, Contenteg, ContentFT from TLANMU WHERE TID = "& TID &" And TLMNAME = '"& DNAME2 &" RS.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 1 IF NOT RS.EOF THEN YMNAME = RS ("YMNAME" ) YMTYPE = RS ("YMTYPE") Content = RS ("Content") ContentEG = RS ("Conteng") 'ContentFT = RS ("Contentft") SQL = "INSERT INTO Userlm (UserID, TID, Lmname, Lmnameeg, Lmnameft , dlmName, ymName, lmContent, LMContentEG, LMContentFT, ymType, lmPos, bnav) values ( ' "& userid &"', "& tid &", ' "& name2 &"', ' "& egname &"', ' "& ftname &"', ' "& dName2 & "','" & YMNAME & ", '" & Content & ",'" & ContentFT & ", '" & YmType & "," & Pos2 & ",'" & Bnav & ")" CONN.EXECUTE (SQL) Else Showmsg "System Error!", "Err.htm? Kind = 2" end if lmnum = lmnum 1 rs.close elseif request ("lm" & i) = "true" Then name2 = myfilter (trim ("name "& I))) Egname = trim (Request (" Egname ") ftname = trim (Request (" ftname ") POS2 = Request (" POS "BNAV =" false "DNAME2 = Request (" DNAME " & i) SQL = "SELECT YMNAME, YMTYPE, Content, Contenteg, ContentFT from TLANMU WHE RE TID = "& TID &" And TLMName = '"& DNAME2 &"' "RS.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 1 IF NOT RS.EOF THEN YMNAME = RS (" YMNAME "
) YMTYPE = RS ("YMTYPE") Content = RS ("Content") ContentFT = RS ("ContentFT") SQL = "Insert INTO Userlm (UserID, TID, Lmname, Lmnameeg, Lmnameft, dlmName, ymName, lmContent, LMContentEG, LMContentFT, ymType, lmPos, bnav) values ( ' "& userid &"', "& tid &", ' "& name2 &"', ' "& egname &"', ' "& ftname &"', ' "& dName2 &" ',' "& YMNAME &", '"& ContentEg &",' "& Contentft &", '"& YmType &", "& Pos2 &",' "& BNAV &") "Conn.execute (SQL) ELSE Showmsg "System error!", "Err.htm? Kind = 2" end if lmnum = lmnum 1 rs.close end if next if lmnum = 0 Then Showmsg "Please select the section!", "javascript: history.back () "Else SQL =" Select Tbottom, Tbottomeg, Tbottomft from Template WHERE ID = "& Tid Rs.open SQL, CONN, 1, 1 THEAD = RS (" TADEG ") THEADEG = RS (" THEADEG ") Tbottom = RS ("Tbottom") TBOTTOMEG = RS ("TBOTTOMEG") TBOTTOMFT = RS ("TBOTTOMFT") rs.close SQL = "Insert Into UserInfo (UserID, Tid, THEAD, THEADEG, TbotFT, Tbottom, Tbottomeg, Tbottomft, TLANGUAGE, UWEB _Title, usercover VALUES ('"& Userid &",' "& Tid &", '"& THEADEG &",' "& TiAdft &", '"& TbitTom &" "" "