Regular expression, practice

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  36

These two days, start learning regular expressions and start practicing.

First, I didn't download the procedure for the regular expression tester, because I used a web tester, its code comes from:

Regular expression practice /Article_5600.html

Open the page above, copy the HTML code, and save it as an HTM file.

If you don't want to watch the page above, I will put me the page code that I get in the above steps below:

Regular expression Exerciseer </ title> <meta name = Anhui Chizhou Statistics Bureau Xu Zuling E-mail:> <script language = "javascript"> Function OnMove ) {WINDOW.STATUS = "(" Window.Event.ClientX ")" "::" Document.Location} </ script> <script language = "javascript1.2" > var RE = new regexp () // Establish regular expression object VAR nextPoint = 0 // Off Offset // Set Regular Expression Function SetPattern (Form) {var Modeif (form.chkmode.checked) Mode = "gi" // i: No case in case G: Global, seems to have no effect else mode = "g" Re.Compile (form.regexp.value, mode) NextPoint = 0Form.Reglist.Value = "} // Check if there is a match function Findit (Form) {setPattern (Form) var input = form.main.valueif (INPUT.SEARCH (RE)! = -1) {form.output [0] .CHECKED = true} else {form. Output [1] .checked = true}} // Check matching position function locateit (form) {setpattern (form) var input = form.main.valueform.offset.Value = (re)} // Check all Match Function Execit (Form) {var Modeif (form.chkmode.checked) mode = "gi" else mode = "g" var regexparray = form.regexp.Value.Split ("/ r / n") // Get regular Expression to array if (NextPoint == 0) Form.Reglist .value = "" var key = true.checked "key = false nextpoint = 0do {var offs = 9999999999var POS = -1Var input = form.main.value.substr (nextpoint) // Volume to each regular expression Match for (VAR i = 0; i <regexparray.length; i ) {re.Compile (regexparray [i], mode) var matcharray = RE.EXEC (INPUT) IF (matcharray) {if (Offs> matcharray. Index) {OFFS = Matcharray.indexpos = I // Save the nearest match of the starting position}}} f (pOS> =</p> <p>0) {RE.Compile (regexparray [POS], Mode) Var Matcharray = Re.exec (Input) for (var i = 1; i <matcharray.length; i ) matcharray [i] = " i ": " matcharray [i] form.reglist.value =" [" (POS 1) "] (NextPoint Matcharray.index) "=>" Matcharray [0] "/ n" Form .reglist.valueform.matchlist.value = "$ 0:" matcharray.join ("/ n") NextPoint = NextPoint matcharray.index matcharray [0] .length} else {if (! key) form.reglist.Value = "Nothing to find / n" form.reglist.value form.matchlist.value = "" NextPoint = 0key = false}} while (key)} // Set the current regular expression function setRegexp (n) {var s = Document.all.RegexPlist.Value.split ("/ r / n") Document.all.Regexp.Value = s [n * 2-1] //.replace ("/r" ,"")nextpoint = 0 } // Define Select Monitor VAR ISNAV = (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape") Function ShowSelection () {if (isnav) {var thetext = Document.getSelection ()} else {var}} else {var}} else {var ttext = .Text} if (Thet.Length> 0 && document.all.Selechkmode.Checked) Document.all.Regexp.Value = THET} if (isnav) {document.captureevents (event.mouseup)} Document.onm OUSEUP = ShowSelection </ script> </ head> <body style = "font-size = 9pt;" onmousemove = onmove ()> <form> <Table Width = 100% cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0> <TR> <TD > <font color = red> regular expression Exercise </ font> </ td> <td align = right> <a href=mailto: </ a > </ td> </ tr> </ table> <Table Width = 100% Broder =</p> <p>1 frame = Above rules = none style = "font-size: 9pt;"> <tr> <td width = 50% valign = TOP> Enter some text: <br> <textarea name = "main" cols = 58 rows = 5 Wrap = "Virtual" style = "font-size: 9pt;"> 09-11-2001 09/11/2001 12345 ftp: // 2001.9.11 </ textarea> <br> Matching Regular expression: ignore the case <input type = "checkbox" name = "chkmode" checked style = "font-size: 8pt; height: 18px"> <br> <textarea name = "regexp" cols = 51 rows = 5 Style = "font-size: 9pt;"> </ textarea> <input type = "" value = "clear" onclick = "this.form.Regexp.value = ''" style = "font-size: 8pt; Height: 18px "> <br> <input type =" Button "value =" Can you find? [RegexObject.test (String)] "style =" font-size: 8pt; width: 70%; Height: 18px "Onclick = "Findit (this.form)> <input type =" Radio "name =" Output "style =" font-size: 8pt; height: 18px "> YES <input type =" radio "name =" Output "style = "font-size: 8pt; height: 18px"> no <br> <input type = "Button" value = "Where? [String.Search]" Style = "fo NT-size: 8pt; width: 70%; Height: 18px "onclick =" Locateit (this.form)> <input type = "name =" OFFSET "size = 4 style =" font-size: 8pt; Height: 18px "> </ td> <TD Valign = TOP> Test Regular Expression List: Using the No. INPUT TYPE = Text Name =</p> <p>Num size = 2 value = 1 style = "font-size: 8pt; height: 18px" >> <input type = button value = Go onclick = setRegeXP (this.form.num.value) style = "font-size: 8pt Height: 18px "> Allow copy <input type =" checkbox "name =" selechkmode "style =" font-size: 8pt; height: 18px "> <textarea name =" regexplist "cols = 58 rows = 14 wrap = Off Style = "font-size: 9pt;"> 1. Check the date: (1 [0-2] | 0? [1-9]) [-. /] (0? [1-9] | [12] [ 0-9] | 3 [01]) [-. /] (/ D / D / D / D)) 2. Check the number: ([- ]? [0-9] /.? [0-9 ] ) 3. Check the URL: ((http | ftp): //)? ((((((((([/ D] /.) ) {3} [/ d] (/ [/W./] )?) ([AZ] / w * ((/. [w ) ) {2,}) ([/] [/ w. ~] *) *) 4. Check E-mail / w @ ((( / W [.]?) ))</TEXTAREA> </t> </TEXTAREA = Bottom> <input type = "Button" value = "? [RegexObject.exec (String) ] "style =" font-size: 8pt; width: 70%; Height: 18px "onclick =" EXECIT (this.form)> Single-step <input type = "checkbox" name = "scankmode" style = "font- Size: 8pt; Height: 18px "> <weight" color "cols = 58 rows = 8 style =" font-size: 9pt; "> </ textarea> </ td> <td valign = bottom> Matching ingredients: (visible when walking) <textarea name = "matchlist" cols = 58 rows = 8 style = "font-size: 9pt;"> </ textarea> </ td> </ tr> </ table > </ Form> <script> setRegexp (1) </ script> </ body> </ html> then open this web page, start learning and exercise testing. The code I tested is: Use Baidu to find keywords: The page source file obtained after the regular expression. I wrote the following test expressions based on my purpose. 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