Tuesday December, 14,2004 08:43
Post transfer: 1, will: http://community.9cbs.net/expert/topic/3642/3642363.xml? Temp = .3772699 The post is transferred to the non-technical version 2, will: http: //community.9cbs.net/expert/topic/3641/3641212.xml?temp =.5323755 posts transfer to non-technical version
VB foundation FAQ: 1, http://community.9cbs.net/expert/faq/faq_manage.asp? Id = 203824 & TopiciD = 3537820 Topic: Jianghu Quality: Table 2 on Access 2, http:// Community .9cbs.net / excert / faq / faq_manage.asp? Id = 202816 & TopiciD = 3507875 Topic: Seeking Win98 and 2000 Environment Compatible Method for setting up printer page size