WebWork2 and Struts

zhaozj2021-02-12  217




Action class

Inherit the abstract base class, this has a general problem that uses inheritance alternative interface

Implement a COM.APENSYMPHONY.XWORK.ACTION interface and a series of interfaces for other services; WW2 uses ActionSupport to implement these interfaces, can act as base classes

Thread model

Struts Actions must be Thread-Safe, because only one instance processes all requests, you must synchronize

WW2 Actions creates an instance for each request, does not need THREAD-SAFE

Servlet Dependency

Struts Actions relys, because of the execution, you need to get servletRequest and ServletResponse

WW2 Actions does not rely on any container, or you can access Request and Response through ActionContext.


Struts Actions is too dependent on the web container, so that it is always tested inside the container, which is slow, not a unit test.

WW2 Actions is easy to make unit tests, IOC makes testing easier: as long as the service is implemented in Actions, without establishing a registration service or static Singtons


Struts requires a FORMBEAN for each form, which requires many additional classes.

WW2 uses Pojo to act as FormBeans, as a regular JavaBeans property, modeldriven actions allows the use of rich object types (Rich Object Type) or domain objects

Expression Language (EL)

Struts integrates JSTL, so use JSTL EL to provide relatively weak collections and index properties support

WW2 uses a powerful OGNL expression language to access via Valuestack

Binding data to the view

Struts uses standard JSP mechanisms to bind objects to Page Context, makes views and FormBeans secretly coupled

WW2 uses ValuestAck to dynamically look for values, make the view and render form no coupling

Type conversion

Struts uses commons-beanutils to convert the type conversion, the converter is Per-Class, cannot configure each instance, error message is difficult to understand

WW2 uses OGNL to make type conversion, you can specify each domain of each class and you can customize error messages by localization mechanism

Modular pretreatment and post-processing

The Action class delegate processing of inheritance base Actions, limits the ability to implement multi-interface

WW2 uses Interceptors modular pre-processing and post-processing; interceptors and Actions are unpacked by setting up dynamic application; interceptors and actions are coupling

data verification

Struts Call validate () in the FormBean, usually verify using Commons- Validation

WW2 Using XWork's Validation Frame: Using the XML file to define verification content, activate the verification and ACTIOS without coupling via the Interceptors

Control the execution of Action

Failely controlling the execution order

All aspects of Action are moved to the Interceptors implementation, so each basic operation order of the Action can be controlled.


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