Eclipse.exe -vmargs -xverify: none -xx: useparallelgc -xx: permsize = 20m -xms64m -xmx256m
Set the work space location to in the current work directory
In this scenario, the working space location will be a directory called Workspace in the current working directory.
The easiest way to achieve this may use the following steps to create shortcuts:
Browse to Eclipse.exe in the Windows Explorer and use the right-click to create a shortcut for Eclipse.exe. Edit the properties of the shortcut to make the startup position: field identifies the parent directory of the workspace location (for example, C: / Users / Robert). Close the Properties dialog box and double-click the shortcut (if the directory is c: / users / Robert, the workspace location will be C: / users / Robert / Workspace).
Of course, you can also use the command prompt (by switching the directory to the workspace parent directory and then run Eclipse.exe) to get the same effect.
Use -Data to set a specific location for workspace
To use the -Data command lines, simply add -Data your_workspace_location to the target field or explicitly incorporated it on the command line.
Use -VM to set Java VM
It is recommended to explicitly specify which Java VM to use when running Eclipse. This can be achieved using the -vm command line (eg, -VM C: /JRE/bin/javaw.exe). If you do not use -VM, Eclipse will use a Java VM found on the O / S path. When other products are installed, they can change your path, causing another Java VM when the Eclipse is started next time.
Senior topic running in Eclipse
The Eclipse executable and platform itself provides many execution options that are interested in developing or debug Eclipse components. This is a list of common options, for a complete list, see the Eclipse runtime option page in Platform Plug-in Developer Guide. The general format running the Eclipse executable is:
Eclipse [Platform Options] [-VMargs [java vm arguments]]]
Eclipse startup parameters
Command Description Reason - ARCH Architecture defines the processor architecture that the Eclipse platform runs on. The Eclipse platform typically calculates the best settings using the common value of the Java OS.Arch property. This is the value used by the Eclipse platform if this item is specified here. The value specified here can be used as a bootloader.getosarch () for the plugin. The sample values are: "X86", "SPARC", "PA-RISC" and "PPC". 2.0-Application ApplicationID To run the application. The application is declared by plugins that extends to org.eclipse.core.runtime.Applications extension points. This argument is usually required. If this item is specified, the value overwrites the value provided. If this item is not specified, the "Eclipse Workbench" will be run. The 1.0-Configuration ConfigurationFileRLipse platform configuration file is represented as a URL. The configuration file determines the location of the Eclipse platform, the available plug-in set, and the main features. Note that the relative URL is not allowed. The configuration file is written to this location when installing or updating the Eclipse platform. 2.0-consOLELOG The error log mirror of the Eclipse platform is used to the console used to run the Eclipse. It is easy to use when combined with the -debug. 1.0-Data WorkspacePath To run the path to the workspace of the Eclipse platform. Workspace location is also the default location of the project. The relative path is explained relative to the directory from which the Eclipse is started. 1.0-debug [optionsfile] places the platform in debug mode and loads the debug option (if specified) from the files at a given position. This file indicates which adjustments can be used for plugins and whether they have enabled. If the file location is not given, the platform finds a file called ".Options" in the directory of the Eclipse. URL and file system paths can be used as file locations. 1.0-dev [classpathentries] places the platform in the development method. Add the optional class path entry (a comma-separated list) to the runtime path of each plugin. For example, when the working space contains the plug-in to be developed, specifying the -dev bin adds a class path entry for a directory of each plug-in project, allowing the latest generated class files. Remove redundant or non-existential path entries. 1.0-Keyring KeyringFilePath disk The location of the database (or "key ring" file). This self-variable must be used in conjunction with the -password option. The relative path is explained relative to the directory from which the Eclipse is started. 1.0-NL local defines the name of the language environment that the Eclipse platform is running. The Eclipse platform typically automatically calculates the best settings. This is the value used by the Eclipse platform if this item is specified here. The values specified here can be used as bootloader.getnl () for plugins. The sample values are: "en_us" and "fr_fr_euro". 2.0-Nosplash run the platform without display the start screen. 1.0-os operatingSystem defined Eclipse platform is running on its operating system. The Eclipse platform typically calculates the best settings using the common value of the Java OS.Name property. This is the value used by the Eclipse platform if this item is specified here. The value specified here can be used as a bootloader.getos () for plugins and used to resolve the appearance of $ OS $ variables in the plug-in list file. The sample values are: "Win32", "Linux", "HPUX", "Solaris", and "AIX". 1.0-Password Password authorized database password. Use the -keyring option. 1.0-Perspective PerspectiveID The perspective map is opened in the active table window when starting. If this parameter is not specified, the perspective view of the event is turned on.
1.0-PlugIncustomizationPropertiesFile contains the location of the attribute file for the plugin preference default. These default settings override the default settings specified in the primary features. The relative path is explained relative to the directory from which the Eclipse is started. 2.0-Product ProductID The logo of the product you want to run. This product provides product personality and determining the product custom information for Eclipse's launching instances. This replacement -feature, due to compatibility, still supports the latter. 3.0-Refresh starts the overall refresh option for workspaces. This will make any changes made in the file system since the last platform. 1.0-showLocation Options for displaying the location of the workspace in the window title bar. In the release 2.0, this option is only used with the -Data command line from variables. 2.0-VM VMPath To run the "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) of the Eclipse platform. If this item is not specified, JRE is in JRE (it is a brothers directory of Eclipse executable). The relative path is explained relative to the directory from which the Eclipse is started. 1.0-Vmargs Args When passing to Eclipse, this option is used to customize the operation of the Java VM for running Eclipse. If this item is specified, it must be at the end of the command line. A given argument depends on the VM to run. 1.0
All independent variables (but not -VMargs) behind the -VMargs entry (ie, the front of the class to be run) to the indicated Java VM. Note: If Eclipse is booted from the arguments (for example, -data) provided after the Java VM argument (-VMargs), Eclipse will not start and you will receive an error that "JVM is terminated. Exit the code is 1".
Run on different VMs
Run Eclipse on J9
When running Eclipse on the J9 version 1.5, the following VM option is recommended:
Eclipse.exe [eclipse arguments] -VM PATH_TO_J9W.EXE
-vmargs -ms: 32 -MM: 2048 -MO: 32768-MoI: 32768-MCA: 32768-MCA: 32 - MCO: 128 -MX: 2000000
When running Eclipse on J9 2.0, the default auto variable selected by J9W should be the appropriate option. However, to override the Eclipse executable to automatically set the parameters internally, you must specify -VMargs without any parameters, as shown below:
Eclipse.exe [eclipse arguments] -VM PATH_TO_J9W.EXE -VMARGS
For further information, refer to J9 VM documents and help.
Run Eclipse on IBM Developer Kit, Java (TM) Technology Edition VM
IBM Developer Kit, Java (TM) Technology Edition 1.3 Linux default VM settings are suitable for initial research work, but is not enough when making large development. For large development, VM arguments should be modified to make more stacks available. For example, the following settings will allow Java heaps to increase by 256MB:
-VMargs -xmx256m