These are very simple equescents, Emacs' Cperl-Mode has provided a lot of good features. But because I am lazy
So I wrote some little things, I can knock some keyboard.
1. Used to join the description
(Defun Perl-INSERT-Discription (DIS)
(Interactive "SYOUR Discription:")
(insert "# ================================================== ==================== / n ")
(INSERT "#")
(Insert DIS)
(Insert "/ N # ================================================ ======================= / n "))))))
2. Open a file automatically to make a complete error
(Defun Perl-INSERT-OpenFile (FileName FileHandel)
(Interactive "SFile Name:
Sfile Handel Name: ")
(INSERT "open")
(Insert FileHandel)
(Insert ", /" ")
(Insert filename)
(INSERT "/" ")
(Insert "OR DIE /" Can Not Open ")
(Insert filename)
(INSERT ": $! // n /"; "))
3. Join a debug-named statement, use $ Debug variables, so you don't have access to it when Release is
Look for the debug statement delete.
(Defun Perl-INSERT-DebugMessage (MSG)
(Interactive "Sthe Debug Message IS:")
(Insert "/" if $ debug; "))
4. Establish a new method, the main reason for writing this is to use German keyboard when working, type
{} Very laborious
If you write OO, you can also add MY $ Self = Shift; I often
(Defun Perl-new-subroutine (Subname)
(Interactive "Sthe Name of Subroutine IS:") (INSERT "SUB")
(Insert Subname)
(INSERT "/ n {/ n / n})
(Previous-Line 1)