Boost 1.32.0 installation under VS2003
0. The VS2003 installed by the author is in the "D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003" directory, the reader can be changed to the corresponding directory. Boost download and documentation see Official Website (Latest Version 1.32.0):
1. Modify all: D: / program files2 / boost_1_32_0 / tools / build / jam_src / build.bat "all:
: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
"" D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 ", that is, the VS2003 installation directory.
2. Execute: "D: / Program files2 / boost_1_32_0 / Tools / Build / Jam_SRC / Build.bat"
Generate a subfolder "bin.ntx86" with 4 executable files.
3. Copy these 4 executables to "D: / Program Files2 / Boost_1_32_0" directory
3. Modify the "D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003 / Common7 / Tools / vsvars32.bat" file, add: (not this step)
Include Add: D: / Program Files2 / Boost_1_32_0 / Boost
LIB Add: D: / Program Files2 / Boost_1_32_0 / Libs
PATH Add: D: / Program Files2 / Boost_1_32_0
4. Add "D: / Program Files2 / Boost_1_32_0" to the environment variable PATH, then add:
SET MSVC_ROOT = "D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 / VC7" SET VC7_ROOT = "D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 / VC7" SET VISUALC = "D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 / VC7 "SET JAM_TOOLSET = Visualc
5. Run "D: / Program Files2 / Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 / Common7 / Tools / vsvars32.bat under the console", then copy "bjam.exe" to "D: / Program Files2 / Boost_1_32_0" and run
"Bjam.exe install" (still this console window! Otherwise, it is invalid)
6. Compile the process in C: generate "Boost" folder, about 550 trill; the current folder is about 575 trillion; a total of 1G, please have a disk space, the whole process is about 25 minutes (my Dell4600: P4 2.8 512DDR)
7.vs2003 Add header file path and library, namely: header file path "D: / program files2 / boost_1_32_0 / boost" and library "D: / Program files2 / boost_1_32_0 / libs", then write an Any test I can be ~
7. Please make sure step by step, the sky has sewing original, please keep your full document, please update the document, please refer to my blog, if there is any problem blog message, I will help solve the personal ability, email: Waterpub @ Mail 8. Yu Shenzhen Nanshan Science and Technology Park 2005.01.25 20:35