Why is it from the progress bar? (Male B): Stupid, he will only be ...) Oops, start again, sweat ...
Well, the master next to you should avoid it first. Ok, let's get started. First of all, we must understand what we want to do. This is already very clear, it is the progress bar! Now I start to explain how the ugliest schedule in history is produced. Of course, in order to maintain the image of 9CBS, we will not study this progress bar is the ugliness in history.
Writing progress bar: such as XP, the equal sign "=" becomes larger than the number ">". I don't explain it, save the bricks. Feel
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Using the background color to make progress bar: It is a layer that is not border in a layer of border, set the content of the contents of the layer of the border, and then change the length of the borderless layer, in general, there is border The background color of the layer is consistent with the page background color, then the color of the layer without the border is the color of the progress bar. Feel
Sorry, endless, (play games ...)