Equalsignorecase ()
Public Boolean EqualsignoreCase (String AnotherString)
Compares this
String to another
String, Ignoring
(Ignore) case
(Case) considitys. Two strings are considered Equal ignoring case if the isy limited
Pretty, consistency) Characters in the Two Strings Are Equal ignoring case.
TWO Characters C1 and C2 Are Considered The Same, Ignoring Case IF at Least One of the Following IS TRUE:
The Two Characters Are The Same (as compared by the == operator). // Two characters equal (equivalent to ==) Applying the Method Character.touppercase (Char) to each character produces The Same Result. // C1 passes through the Character. After TouPpercase (char) process Applying The Method Character.tolowercase (Char) to each character produter, after processing, after character.tolowercase (char) processing
Anotherstring - the
String to Compare this
String against.
True If the argument is not
Null and the
Strings Are Equal, Ignoring Case;
False Otherwise.
See Also:
Equals (Object),
Character.tolowercase (char)
Character.touppercase (char)