Author: piscdong Time: 2004-4-8 Document Type: Original from: Blue ideal view statistics total: 4273 | year: 89 | Quarter: 89 | Month: 89 | Week: 7 | today: 3
I have been developing Blog in PHP DBFILE, I have learned a lot during the development process, so I try to write a small message. This message uses PHP DBFILE, does not need to use the database, can be used in Blog, such as, the Tag Board in this blog is this message. The entire message requires four files, namely: Board.php, index.php, config.php, admin.php. Board.php is used to store data and you can add a message record in it. Code copy box PHP
$ Board = array (
Array (1081410332, 'test', 'test message ",' ')
?> [Ctrl A All options and copy] Index.php is a message display and submission page. Code copy box PHP
Require_once ('Board.php');
Function HTMLENCODE ($ Content) {
$ Content = HTMLSpecialchars ($ Content);
$ Content = preg_replace ("// r / i", "
", $ content);
RETURN $ Content;
IF ($ http_server_vars ['Request_Method'] == 'POST') {
$ configPath_Parts1 = PathInfo ($ Script_FileName);
$ TIME = Time ();
$ Name = $ http_post_vars ['name'];
$ URL = (PREG_MATCH ("/ ^ [// w -] * @ [// w -] (//. [// w -] ) $ / i ", $ http_post_vars ['url']) || $ http_post_vars ['URL'] == ')? $ http_post_vars [' URL ']:' http: //'.htmlspecialchars (preg_replace (" / https ? /: / i ", '', $ http_post_vars ['URL']), ENT_QUOTES;
$ INFO = HTMLENCode ($ http_post_vars ['info']);
IF ($ Name! = '' && $ INFO! = '') {
$ Board [] = Array ($ TIME, $ NAME, $ INFO, $ URL);
For ($ I = 0; $ I $ bd = current ($ board); $ S [] = "/ tarray (" $ bd [0]. ", '" $ bd [1]. "', '". $ bd [2]. ""', '". $ bd [3 ]. "") NEXT ($ board); $ Content = " PHP / N / $ BOARD = Array (/ N" .join ($ S, ", / N"). "/ n); / n?>"; $ filename = $ configPath_parts1 ['DIRNAME']. '/'. 'Board.php'; IF (IS_WRILENAME) ||! file_exists ($ filename)) { IF (! $ handle = fopen ($ filename, 'w')) { Return False; } IF (! fwrite ($ handle, $ content) { Return False; } Fclose ($ handle); } else { Return False; } HEADER ('location :.'); } else { ?>