To Download, you should use it according to your system selection I I use Linux (x86, glibc-2.2, static, gcc) mysql-standard-4.1.9. -pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
Add user, group groupAdd mysqluseradd -g mysql mysql
Place the downloaded mysql to / usr / local directory at the terminal run the following command CD / usr / localtar -zxvf mysql-standard-4.1.9-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
Ln -s mysql-standard-4.1.9-pc-linux-gnu-i686 mysqlcd mysqlscripts / mysql_install_db --user = mysql If there is a problem, run scripts / mysql_install_db --user = mysql --forcechown -r root .chown -R mysql datachgrp -r mysql.
Start mysqlbin / mysqld_safe --user = mysql &