SSS-SVGA LIB V1.00 SSS-SVGA LIB is a C-function library based on 640x480x256 display mode, which includes a variety of functions in keyboard, mouse, xms, Chinese characters, PCX256 color images, etc., more than 30 graphics. Display, eliminating the effect function can be called directly to simplify graphics programming. In addition, there is also a total of more than 110 source code, 30 routines, four-holy beast game source code, and several necessities. SSS-SVGA LIB is written in Borland C / C / C / C / C / C / C code and embedded assembly code, which can be used in Microsoft C / C , Turbo C / C with a slight change. The hardware configuration is: support 640x480x256 display mode display card, 1MB display memory, 486DX CPU (not tried over 486dx CPU). The software requires Himem.sys (XMS). Introduction to each file in the directory: sample * .cpp is the routine, replacing the extension .c, can be compiled in C language. The remaining * .cpp file is the source program. * .H file is a header file. Svga.lib is an SVGA library file. Svga.lst is the library LST file. Readme.exe (Readme.txt) is a description. Slread.exe (slread.txt) is an instructions for SSS-GAME. Help.exe (help.txt) is helpful. GPalette.exe can get its palette information from the 256-color PCX file and generate a * .pal file. Type GPalette PcxFileName.pcx. Pal.exe can edit the palette file, the cursor key controls the cursor movement, Ctrl can use the alt to load, Enter to enter the color editor (after entering the color editor, can use the cursor keys to change the current color), ESC), ESC The key exits. Type Pal Palfilename.pal. Showpcx.exe is a program that displays a 256-color PCX file. P2Z.EXE can turn 256 color PCX files into a pure pixel information file (* .zpc). Type P2z PCXFileName ZPCFileName. Sl.exe is a small game, see SlRead.exe description. Shaolei.exe is the same. The rest of Sample * .exe is the executable of the routine. Thank you for using this software! Four Sainty Computer Studio 1998.9.10 SSS-SVGA LIB 2.00 In this release, it will increase support for various format images and EMS, and the advanced features of SVGA and new page caching will also be added. Of course, There is a new four-hidden beast game source code. SSS-Tools LIB 1.00 improves the C language library function function, allowing you to make your programming. All source code will still be announced. Four Sainting Beast Computer Studio Profile: The first studio of the four-Hartbook comics camp, was established in August 1997, mainly engaged in comics, game production. There are only two official members of the first time, all of which are students in Wuhan Metallurgical University. Address: 165 mailbox Zhao Hongcheng, Wuhan Metallurgical University, Hubei Province