If you want to operate a growing string, please don't use the String class anymore. Why is it to say this? Let's take a look at the working principle of two classes.
The String class is a traditional way of modifying a string that does not mean that you can add a string to another string. But under the .NET framework, this operation is not a way. Because the system first writes two strings into memory, then delete the original String object, then create a String object and read the data in the memory to the object. This is going to go, it takes a lot of time.
The StringBuilder class under the namespace using System.Text Namespace is not the case. It provides the Append method that can make a string to modify, simple and direct in the original object.
Of course, in general, you can't assume the difference in efficiency, but if you want to add a lot of add actions to a string, the time and String class spending with the StringBuilder class are not an order of magnitude. Here is an example, you will try it yourself:
Imports SystemImports System.Text
Namespace StringBuildersample
Class ClsstrBuilder
Shared Sub Main () DIM I AS INTEGER DIM StartTime As DateTime Dim Stoptime AS DateTime
'Use string class to connect strings Console.Writeline ("String Class") DIM STR AS STRING = String.empty StartTime = DATETIME.NOW Console.writeline ("Start Time:" & StartTime.toString ()) for i = 0 to 99999 str & = i.tostring () Next I stoptime = datetime.now console.writeline ("End Time:" & stoptime.toString ())))
'Use the StringBuilder class to connect the string console.writeline ("StringBuilder class") Dim Builder as new stringbuilder () StartTime = DATETIME.NOW Console.writeline ("Start Time:" & StartTime.toString ()) for i = 0 to 99999 Builder.Append (I.toTRING ()) Next I stoptime = datetime.now console.writeline ("End Time:" & stoptime.toString ()) End Sub
End Namespace